
Sunday 1 November 2009

i think i missed another day! i went to edit this Sunday post to point out the reusable shopping bags i bought and couldn't find the whole day! So loudtwitter missed 2 days! what a headache! i edited backupify's backup this time, it had the correct time on the tweets, but it was an .xml file with each tweet double so i had to cut one, and it was in descending order so i had to cut and paste each one into reverse order. I also edited:

  • 1:31 AM Taby74: Holy cow! *checks watch* everyone's here?
  • 1:39 AM @Taby74 it's the night shift
  • 1:40 AM Taby74: @DyNama I like the night shift! Its my favorite!
  • 1:47 AM @VariantVal @Taby74 i love when women talk about bras
  • 1:48 AM VariantVal: Dude, if you ever get man boobs, you gotta try these bras!! RT @DyNama   @VariantVal @Taby74 i love when women talk about bras
  • 1:53 AM RT @Taby74: Yes dear...boob talk...RT @Nrtikulit: @taby74 @variantval Boob Talk?!? *Suddenly perking up* ¶the boobs?
  • 1:05 AM @mmcflyy http://twitpic.com/nt1ko - omg, treat or treat!
  • 1:11 AM @NSpontaneos http://twitpic.com/ntpz6 - arrrrgh, matey!
  • 7:25 AM i'm up an hour early
  • 7:27 AM u can add to existing lists on each person's profile page
  • 7:32 AM @theadividual u prob figured it out by now, but on ur followers page, u can add ppl to existing lists, or on their profile page
  • 8:15 AM ♫ Touch Me In The Morning - Diana Ross  http://lala.com/zCuq
  • 8:30 AM how many yrs? RT @wickedlibrarian: Today is also my wedding anniversary. I'm so happy to be married to my best friend. #soppylovestuff
  • 8:32 AM today's stuck-in-my-head tune: ♫ Amber - 311  http://lala.com/zdA
  • 8:34 AM i cant share my @lala tunes using firefox, i have to open ie8
  • 8:35 AM cute RT @Jamberta: RT @AtheistinWA: I just changed my religion on facebook to: (space left blank intentionally)\\ LOL!
  • 8:46 AM While govt has been denouncing salt as a health hazard for decades, no amount of scientific effort has been able to >
  • 8:46 AM < dispense with the suspicions that it is not.
  • 8:50 AM salt is prob not a health hazard, and shouldnt even be an issue http://lnk.in/6xz7
  • 9:37 AM walking to the grocery store to met up w/the parents after church
  • 9:54 AM at the grocery, the folks just got there
At Publix, i bought some halloween candy and 2 reusable shopping bags marked Publix which had a reflective pumpkin face on it, both half-price on the day after halloween.
  • 10:47 AM man it is so hot here! thermometer in the shade says about 98 degrees!
  • 10:49 AM @AllyZarin happy birthday, Ally!
  • 10:55 AM sorry dont support World #Vegan Day. i don't believe vegan diet is nutritious enuf, and i believe becoming carnivorous was key of evolution
  • 11:07 AM @Synthaetica here i thot u were just going to the bathroom!
  • 11:10 AM @Synthaetica it's hard to change a longterm nickname, aint it?
  • 11:12 AM @davidhburton mine was a non-event!
  • 11:12 AM Synthaetica: @DyNama also hard to change a two-decade-old trademark, lol (which is what it actually is).
  • 11:14 AM what constitutes a legal marriage? even if a fake preacher presides over ceremony, if the newlyweds believe it, it is real, no?
  • 11:18 AM @Synthaetica an actual registered trademark? my nick is decades old too but not trademarked
  • 11:20 AM my mother wants me to take her to see _MJ This Is It_. is it any good? i have no prob w/pop music
  • 11:20 AM Synthaetica: @DyNama Synthaetica was a programming methodology for interconnected systems, once upon a time. ;-)
  • 11:23 AM @davidhburton i have fond memories of costumes & beggar's nites past! but i spent last nite in seniors' trailer park, few trickrtreaters
  • 11:26 AM Aspentroll: @DyNama Yeh, I'd die if they took away my bacon, pork chops, beef steak , big honkin' garlic sausage & the list goes on......
  • 11:32 AM @Synthaetica happy birthday, Synth!
  • 11:33 AM @Aspentroll yep, those things make life worth living! or were u being sarcastic?
  • 11:34 AM @olerafa i miss Monica! she never got a going-away party :(
  • 11:36 AM Aspentroll: @DyNama No, I was dead serious, my friend, those things I mentioned r what I really like. But I include veggies w/melted butter on them.
  • 11:39 AM the singer Pink is pretty hot, but she'd be even hotter w/long hair! #my2cents
  • 11:43 AM i'm in south florida wearing a flowery print shirt. does that mark me as a tourist?
  • 11:45 AM congrats, GG, on being OUT! RT @_7654_ @godlessgirl New blog! I'm Out! http://tr.im/DOfZ
  • 11:58 AM yum! RT @Aspentroll: No, I was dead serious, my friend, those things r what I really like. But I include veggies w/melted butter on them.
  • 11:59 AM @Aspentroll we are true omnivores!
  • 12:53 PM ah comfort food RT @AdrianneCurry hung over..daylight savings! instead of waking @10am i woke at 9! time for greasy breakfast
  • 1:11 PM Pair of sandhill cranes in Mom's backyard http://post.ly/BDW7
  • 1:16 PM Tamed bougainvillea http://post.ly/BDXb  
  • 1:43 PM we'll be leaving soon to go see _Michael Jackson's This Is It_
  • 1:45 PM that's an art RT @suselynn Minding my own business.
  • 1:48 PM ppl who retweet and credit the orig with "(via...)", what twitter api does that, or do u edit it that way manually?
  • 1:50 PM mmm, smeared mascara :p RT @MMcflyy Mascara smudged from last night...won't come off! Don't judge me.
  • 1:54 PM these days it seems a choice betw naivity & paranoia RT @Nickdrumr2 @Hanescymru I'm naive I know.
  • 1:57 PM we're having a good time, aren't we! RT @suselynn @DyNama I've been enjoying our lovely vacation at your folks'.
  • 2:09 PM suselynn: @DyNama I don't mind your mother's taste in decor, but I didn't appreciate us having to fend for our own breakfast!
  • 2:30 PM who was the guy that made a hit song called "this is it", with the doobie bros singing backup?
  • 2:32 PM me 2 RT @Nickdrumr2 @DyNama @hanescymru i'd rather b naive
  • 4:20 PM damn i miss Michael Jackson more than ever! those London concerts would have been awesome!
  • 5:18 PM what's the difference betw hispanic and latino?
  • 5:32 PM @briandgregory i loved the orig Battlestar Galactica! i still say "felgercarb", their word for crap
  • 5:34 PM @Taby74 so will doing laundry save the day or make the day suck more?
  • 5:44 PM grabbing a quick din-din at McD, Mom & Dad had to leave for a church meeting just as soon as we got home from movie
  • 5:57 PM Maren Jensen played Apollo's sis Athena was so hot! what ever happened to her?
  • 6:04 PM my parents went to a mtg from the restaurant, leaving me to walk home alone. it's just me, on the town all by myself
  • 6:05 PM my mutant power is inspiring ppl to ask me for directions, and it even works when i'm in a strange town!
  • 6:08 PM @briandgregory Maren Jensen played Apollo's sis Athena on battlestar galactica was so hot! what ever happened to her?
  • 6:11 PM briandgregory: @DyNama She was on the Love Boat, right?
  • 6:36 PM @Taby74 some ppl find comfort in mundane tasks. i'm not one of them
  • 6:37 PM @briandgregory i think so, also an episode of the Hardy Boys
  • 6:42 PM @Taby74 dont look at me, i didnt do it! (staying w/parents brings out the denial in me)
  • 6:44 PM hang 'em! RT @Taby74 Still rockin' the mat...awesome...tomorrow...jury duty...
  • 6:47 PM b4 Bond, he played The Saint & Beau Maverick RT @Taby74 @suselynn Do you think you can get him to say "The name is Bond, James Bond"? [she had said her doctor's name is Roger Moore]
  • 6:49 PM i been sweating like a stuck pig all day. wait, pigs dont sweat. how does that analogy go again?
  • 6:59 PM i never think benedryl cures anything, just puts u to sleep RT @suselynn Benedryl is kicking in. Whoa. Drowsy.
  • 7:00 PM that's a good one RT @MovingToMontana @DyNama Sweating like a fat lass in a pie shop? [i was looking for the "like a stuck pig" analogy, and this analogy is in conflict with a quote i've tweeted several times: "There is remarkably little evidence that (people) become fat because they overeat. (Frank, 1993)" but i gave a courtesy laugh]
  • 7:04 PM b4 Bond, he played Simon Templar "The Saint" & Beau Maverick RT @Taby74 @suselynn ~~my Useless Info of the Day
  • 7:06 PM @suselynn oh yes Twitter lists is all the rage! mine lists starboard.
  • 7:58 PM i was being skeptical about a tv commercial, and my dad muttered that that was sick :(

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