
Wensday 4 November 2009

  • 02:05 ? Touch - Seal lala.com/z3pj #
  • 02:25 working now, thanx! RT @jonasl @dynama Do you get any error message? (i'm the creator of @tweetbackup) #
  • 02:32 @_7654_ i didnt know that, unfortunately @lala.com is where i uploaded my music. digital rights is a real pain # [he complained that non-USA tweeters cannot play the songs from www.lala.com]
  • 08:51 i'm up. the only thing i know of on the schedule is the weekly grocery shopping at wal-mart #
  • 09:05 "abortion remorse" is so widely believed that few ppl realize no one knows if it's really true #
  • 09:08 @ Hanescymru hi rich! i'm in st lucie county and, except for pouring rain last night, it's been hot & humid for almost 2 weeks #
  • 09:20 @Hanescymru that'd be cool! i'm vacationing w/the folks in Port St Lucie #
  • 09:23 @Hanescymru another week, then i head back north on the greyhound #
  • 09:27 @Hanescymru that'd be cool. i don't know a single fellow tweeter in RL! #
RL=Real Life. Rich sent me his cell phone number by direct message (DM) but i didn't see it until Friday, and have not yet called him as of Friday. Like all of us, i've heard stories about people on the internet not being what they appear to be, but i've never actually experienced that disillusionment. i must admit to being nervous about meeting in person a total stranger that i've chatted with over the 'net, especially one-on-one, compounded by not having a car, so i might be at the mercy of being picked up by said stranger, or dropped off by Mom and Dad. Would i go and meet someone if i got a letter in the mail? Why should i think meeting people online is any safer?
  • 11:25 @twitter lists are cool. i like being on ppl's short lists #
  • 11:31 time to go grocery shopping at Wal-Mart #
I used one of my reusable wine shopping bags at Wal-Mart, because I knew i was going to buy a bottle of wine. Mom is practically tee-total (except for 1 piña colata on Fridays) but Dad will have a glass of wine occasionally. He used to have wine lying around because Kris' mother-in-law used to give them a bottle every now and then, but since she passed away, he's only had wine when he remembers to buy it, and i had finished off the open bottle in the frig. So i bought one of my favorites, Livingston Cellars Red Rosé. There are a million bottles of wine even in a grocery but once i found a reasonably-priced one I liked, I pretty much stopped looking. I don't know why I'm able to do that with wine but not with Post-Its!
  • 12:07 fed my sister's cats, now we're at a nursing home so Mom can visit a friend # [she wasn't in]
  • 12:21 we're @Dennys to have breakfast for lunch #
  • 13:29 1 diff betw Ohio & Florida: in Ohio, it's apple cider season, here it's hard to find #
  • 13:57 on the way home from Wal-Mart, we went under the Goodyear blimp, perhaps on the way to Sunday's Miami game #
  • 15:36 recovering my missing tweets from monday, i was working on a tweetake.csv file in excel when excel crashed. luckily crash doctor saved my work #
  • 15:40 it was more common back then RT @BibleAlsoSays Many writings don't mention Virgin Birth, Resurrection, or even a Divine Jesus!... #
  • 15:49 i usually wake up w/a song in my head, usually not 1 i've heard or even thot of recently. today's is "Barely Breathing" - Duncan Sheik #
  • 17:44 Mom and I went for a short walk. It's pleasantly cool this eve, 80 deg and breezy #
  • 19:14 Dad installed Win7 on his new puta yest, today found his printer didnt work. took an hr-long service call to fix it #
  • 19:38 THANK YOU, women, for not abolishing 2 incredibly sexist standards of beauty: high heels and shaving #
  • 20:09 @JunePlumm i thoroughly recommend "This Is It" #
  • 20:16 @40yroldatheist women quit wearing heels cuz they're uncomfortable and dangerous, but luckily most women themselves feel sexier w/heels on #
  • 20:22 #shutup Brooke Shields! u heard wrong. acidic food cannot dissolve tooth enamel #
  • 20:25 i'm watching a Ghost Whisperer marathon, and i am so smitten w/Jennifer Love Hewitt! she is both beautiful and glamorous! hubba, hubba! #
  • 20:31 @MzStarrBurst a cappella #
  • 20:32 @mandiengram 'way past time! #
  • 20:49 #shutup p.a.d. u can lower ur heart attack "risk" but there's no evidence any medication actually lowers the numbers of heart attacks #
  • 20:53 #shutup USFidelis! ur commercials are deceptive cuz they imply u repair cars for free, instead of being paid out of ur premiums #

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