
Friday 3 Mar 06

Today we just lazed around. I'm still recuperating from having to get up yesterday before breakfast! In the afternoon, i went to this subdivision's clubhouse to work with my mother on her jigsaw puzzle. otherwise i just managed email, read, and watched tv. in the evening high-school-and-college buddy Linda called from home to my cell phone because it was an emergency and she missed me! i had only that morning learned that someone was actually reading this drivel, which was quite amusing, Linda and another college buddy Ted, and my brother also mentioned that he has checked it out, so this blog continues in answer to a steadily diminishing number of requests! I may have to extend my vacation just to keep my fans happy! That's just the kind of guy I am! We also vaguely wondered whatever happened to 2 other high-school buddies, Barry and Carol, he said alphabetically, who seem to be having a much quieter vacation than even i am! I welcome comments on my deathless prose; i think all one has to do to leave some is click on the number of comments at the end of each entry.

I may start another blog after i get home so i have some place to rant about irritating tv commercials. some of them really irk me by not being logical, scientific, or coherant. (some actually are.) For example, the latest commercial for a new kind of yogert that combats women's bloating caused by stress is none of the three.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm reading this drivel, too! -- Tony (another college buddy)