
Wensday 8 Mar 06

Our main plan today is to take my niece Natalie shopping to buy her some birthday presents as her 17th is coming up. 17 is that non-event birthday halfway between driver's licence and voting!

First, we took Mom to her Weight Watchers meeting where she made goal!!! whodathunkit! while she's at her meeting, Dad and i get coffee, then go to Staples where i bought some more post-its (super sticky ultra orange 3x3 being sold by the pad rather than in a bigger package, which is cool because i have several times had to buy a whole package just because i had all of the colors in it except 1!). my sister made a suggestion for my birthday present to Natalie: Harry Potter 4 as Natalie had checked 2 stores on Tuesday and hadn't been able to find it. Nat had told me Monday that her plan was to buy the dvd very early tue morning and watch it that very day before school! my sister and i had wondered whether it would be put on sale at 1201a tue morning at a store staying open that late, but i don't know whether it was or whether Nat went out that late. by coincidence Dad needed a new battery for a camera he's thinking of selling on eBay so we went to Best Buy and i found a whole display of the dvds there! and it was discounted $5 there but not at walmart where i also found it. it could be my best present to Natalie yet! before going to walmart, i bought us lunch at cracker barrel, tho i had been to one just 2 weeks before in Columbus.

my present out of the way, i still went with Mom, Kris, and Nat to TJMax, where we wiled away a pleasant 1-1/2 hours mostly looking at purses! ultimately Kris got more than Nat there! i did sneak out for a smoke, saw an office depot a few doors down, and found they had 3x3 super sticky pink "pink ribbon" post-its i had never seen before! the girls never noticed i was gone!

after that, kris took us all to a deli for dinner called toojay's. i had matzo ball soup and a hot salami sandwich, quite tasty.

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