
Tuesday 28 Feb 06

Mother volunteers to work at the Clubhouse of this senior manufctured-home park every Tuesday so she dragged me along, and afterward we worked some more on her jigsaw puzzle. She assumed i would be joining her on the tennis court for her weekly tennis lesson, too, but i resisted--i am a tennis fan but i don't play the game, tennis or any other, and i wouldn't be bullied into it! i did walk over with her and i read a book while she gamely (no pun intended) attempted to hit the ball every so often, but she's not played any physical sport for decades either.

We walked home and got here just in time to get my computer and other packages from UPS, so this is the first blog entry written on my own computer. M&D's DSL internet is my first experience with it and it is plenty fast compared to my dial-up back home. Catching up with my email and updating programs--not done on this computer since last Thursday lunch--i clocked DSL at downloading 40megs in about 1/2 an hour! (at home i get about 6 megs in 1/2 an hour.) so i might have to really consider at&t yahoo dsl when i get home. i've downloaded perhaps 400 megs worth of the rude email i subscribe to that has piled up in the past 5 days!

My parents are financial secretaries of their Lutheran church, so they dragged me along so they could count the collection plate and credit all the envelope donations to the proper accounts. i forgot my book so i just wandered around, meanwhile they get confused and bicker about what money goes where. The preacher stopped by and my mother introduced me, told him i was coming with my father to prayer breakfast thursday morning, but that i am an atheist. later i told Mother that i wouldn't have told the preacher that up front, he's probably at home right now writing a sermon for me! she said she was making sure i wouldn't feel like i had to stay for the sermon to keep them happy, i could walk out if i wanted (which i always did do when i went with her to her prayer group when they lived in Muncie).

1 comment:

Dave said...

Just wanted to let you know when I fed the kitties last night I did see both of them. They have not warmed up to be though. Ran and hid as soon as they saw I wasn't you.
