
Thursday 9 Mar 06

The day started out at 0-dark-30 for the mens' prayer breakfast. i again enjoyed the company and snuck (sneaked?) out before the service. this time i walked about 5 blocks along Port St. Lucie Blvd. up to Bayshore Dr, and looked around in a Walgreens before heading back to the restaurant. i had intended to be back by 830a but they got out early and called my cell phone wondering where i was.

The only other event on today's schedule is dinner with my sister's family and her in-laws, but we got to see her much earlier than that: her chevy suburban conked out and we had to go pick her up and take her home. i got an invitation to hang at her house where i read and snoozed and sat in the sun while she did some home office work. M&D picked us up to go to the oceanfront condo where her in-laws live (her daughter and husband decided they couldn't make it to dinner) and we got there in time for a drinkypoo. dinner was terrific at a somewhat fancy place right next door with a great view of the ocean, even tho again the breezes off the water were quite strong and chilly. i had a slice of key lime pie for dessert. as usual i have an alcoholic beverage and then get very congested; could i be allergic to alcohol? someone once suggested that aged alcoholic beverages might exacerbate a dust allergy, but i have even got congested after drinking a zima, which is manufactured, not aged or organic.

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