
Thursday 29 October 2009

  • 05:28 i'm up this early to go to prayer breakfast with my dad #
well, i naturally do more stuff with my mother, so when i get an invitation to go somewhere with my father, i usually leap at the chance, even if it is at 630a and is very religious. 
  • 07:37 last time i went to prayer breakfast w/Dad, i left when the bible reading started. later Mom said Dad was embarrassed by that #
  • 08:21 prayer breakfast over. staying for the bible lesson was part of the cost of breakfast #
  • 09:43 @Jamberta Mom asked "was that really so bad?" and i had to say "yes" #
  • 09:43 Jamberta @DyNama well, that's pretty nice that you would do that for your dad. :)
the lesson today was on the Beatitudes, you know, "Blessed are the meek...". i didn't say anything, but i hadn't had a smoke since 610a when we left, and wouldn't get more than a few puffs till we got home.
  • 09:49 the real difference betw #atheist s & christians? xians give power & substance to thoughts, atheists dont #
  • 10:48 looked at 3 single-wide trailers in this senior trailer park with Mother, who thinks moving to FL is an option #
  • 10:50 spooooooooooky @dynama Really? "Xians give power and substance to their thoughts"? ALL Christians? What a sweeping statement. False, also ... #atheist
  • 11:12 @spooooooooooky phooey. "salvation" and "grace" are just thoughts #
  • 12:24 @R_nB u mean like a pitcher of margaritas? #
  • 12:38 Britney goes down? good to know RT @LindaHNH Hmmm...my follower #s are going down faster than 'Britney' again. #
  • 13:01 i think my parents have discovered the secret to a long healthy life is to take lots of naps #
  • 13:50 i dont think i have twitter lists yet #
  • 14:19 @Kunsthure i read on techcrunch ow.ly/xngn that u can make lists of followees and turn evrybody else off, etc. #
  • 18:17 going to dinner at Dale's BBQ, then Mom & Dad & I are going to a play at Indian River State College #
Dinner was my treat, for their 58th wedding anniversary. They didn't make me pay for the ticket so i even got off cheaper than i should have.
  • 19:25 dinner, baby back ribs, was delicious, $10.25 each #
  • 19:59 "play" at IRSC is actually a jazz concert, w/ 2 ensembles #
  • 20:01 1st act was a young man playing a strange string instrument that was all neck, no body #
The program called it a Chap Stick, but googling that on my phone didn't get anything. He was picking or tapping strings with both hands. I sat next to a major sponsor of the concert, Betty Foster, who was asked to stand and receive a round of applause. i was actually sitting in her extra seat, because the ticket M&D had got me was not near them, but Betty said i could. The ensembles played a variety of Big Band numbers and others, i'd never heard before, and the male quartet and female octet sang several times, in various permutations. 2 women and 1 man sang the Jackson 5 number, "I'll Be There". i love the chord when they, or the Jackson 5, sing that line, a good chord can send chills up my back.
  • 21:07 an 8-voice girls ensemb sang Journey's "Open Arms" in 2-part harmony. that's a terrific song no matter who sings it! #
  • 21:08 a male quartet sang "Shangri La", i'd forgotten how great that song was #
  • 22:19 concert over. bravo! #
  • 22:50 u cant buy beer, u can only rent it RT @SunDevil75 I'm stopping after six brews. Mainly because I'm tired of pissing every 6 minutes. #

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