
Friday 30 October 2009

  • 01:25 VariantVal: @DyNama thanks for adding me to your list, and I'm okay if you keep me there, but just so you know I'm not athiest :o)
  • 02:22 @VariantVal nah that'd be wrong. i'll make another list cuz your tweets are fun. #
  • 02:53 VariantVal: @DyNama no, please, I'm not bothered, just didn't want you to think I was something I'm not... I'm cool with it all
  • 02:28 @Taby74 great song! #
  • 09:44 ok, i'm up #
  • 09:49 i must admit i've followed a cpl dozen tweeters from those mindless #FF lists, chosen at random #
  • 09:58 happy birthday, youngster! RT @NICOLENICHOLS twitpic.com/nigu6 - Beautiful view I woke up to on my 26th birthday #
  • 10:08 now that's an important revelation @Jamberta @briandgregory haha I don't either. #
  • 10:13 ur death has been greatly exagerated, eh? RT @sum1else @VeronikaG @MissAnthropy15 @sum1else @Jamberta @EvanOdd I'm alive despite all attempt #
  • 10:19 i like that: go #FF urself! RT @LindaHNH I'll be back later to finish some #FF. If not, just #FF yourself and say I did it. #
  • 10:23 anybody know anythig about a guitar-like instrument called a Chap Stick? #
  • 10:24 pix, please! RT @jennifurret Rocky Horror tonight, weeeeee! If you ask really nicely, you may get photos #
  • 10:44 ♫ Touch and Go - The Cars lala.com/zz fV (made this tweet at 340am but it didnt send) #
  • 10:53 knock 'em dead! RT @courtney903: i have this thing called an interview today. for a promotion. yes. wish me luck? #
  • 10:58 twitter lists is a cool feature, but i had to add myself to my lists to see my own tweets! funny #
  • 11:24 agreed! RT @WongoWoman Gotta say, I really hate it when guys fist touch instead of shake hand or high five. I hate it even more when girls.. #
  • 11:52 i thot that too RT @ceotty: @DyNama - Oh, that explains why I couldn't see my own self when I made a list. That's kind of lame, really. #
  • 11:56 today's song stuck in my head: ♫ Love Hurts - Incubus lala.com/zLKY #
  • 12:01 u is cool all right! RT @VariantVal @DyNama I'm not bothered, just didn't want you to think I was something I'm not... I'm cool with it all #
  • 12:04 if it attracts ants, it's still good! RT @HeatherSolos My karo syrup (for pecan pie) expired almost two years ago... #
  • 12:15 "Homeopathic" on a bottle is code for "doesnt really work" @SurlyAmy @jimmilles: Homeopathy is Crap, vol. MMCVIV bit.ly/1tecUm #
  • 12:23 all pubbed out, huh? RT @Hanescymru: I am chilling out at my folks house.. no pub this afternoon.. need a break!!! #
  • 12:29 here, kitty! RT @Jamberta A bobcat ran across the highway in front of me on my way home. #
  • 12:39 my parents are going to say i'm spending my whole vacation tweeting, i could've stayed home to do that! #
  • 12:43 it's official! RT @Taby74 Check this shit out...oh yeah! RT @TweetieBABES: i hereby declare @Taby74 a TwitterBabe in good standing #
  • 13:02 going to town to see my sister at work in the jewelry store #
  • 14:35 Mom bought a ring from my sister, a pinky ring w/coral stone. i got out unscathed, now shopping in Office Max, Barnes & Nobles #
  • 15:26 My sister Kris post.ly/B0y3 #
  • 15:36 Just a few minutes in A/C fogs up my glasses post.ly/B11l #
  • 15:37 back from shopping. i bot a book, @mental_floss Hist of the World, & removable labels from Office Max--more of the same! #
i also bought another Post-It reusable shopping bag, it was now clearance priced. i already have 2 that i got free when i bought Post-Its, and believe it or not, i brought one with me.
  • 15:40 it is raining here, a slow drizzle, but still 85 deg #
  • 16:40 @NICOLENICHOLS having a good time. i'm afraid i find day after day of hot sunny weather to be a little boring, so 2days rain was welcome #
  • 16:47 @HereticChick thanx for the #FF! #
  • 16:59 @EmReturns sure, my pleasure. not quite sure how to use twitter lists yet #
  • 17:00 @whatdayathink thanx for the #FF and back at ya! #
  • 18:16 time fior a walk w/Mom. she's recovering from knee surgery. we missed walking yesterday. #
  • 20:18 at the senior mixer tonite, i had 2 pina colatas--he made them stronger this time. #
  • 20:19 got home in time to watch Ghost Whisperer and Medium #

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