
Monday 26 October 2009

  • 00:55 #shutup extenze! "plus there's all this science behind it"--ur kidding, right? there's NO science behind it #
  • 08:23 ok i'm up already! ready to go to my mother's bowling league #
  • 09:08 Mother at her bowling league post.ly/AKSp #
  • 09:24 good morning RT @MzStarrBurst Everybody say hi at once so I can take attendance please. Even lurkers. #
  • 09:50 one senior citizen bowling here got 8 strikes in a row! he broke his streak with a spare, then a 6-7 split #
  • 09:59 that was a 244 game. Mom bowled 120, 2 strikes+a spar e+a spare in the 10th frame extra balls #
  • 10:01 hmmm. the bowling scoring prgm changed. it no longer hilites the current bowler in red #
  • 11:38 Mom bowled 120, 74, and 86. her handicap is 107 #
After bowling we stopped at a Walgreens, even though since my last visit to PSL, Hillsboro got their own Walgreens. still, i found something new: plastic playing cards by Bicycle (US Playing Card Co). one of my obsessions is plastic playing cards, even though i rarely play cards. so i had to get 2 decks. this is what i mean when i portray the results of a shopping trip as "more of the same". last time i visited here, i mailed down a box of playing cards and post-its, this time i travelled unbelievably light, bringing only a few post-its and no playing cards.

  • 13:43 i wasn't even close RT @Hanescymru Iechyd Dda! #
  • 13:45 @_7654_ @mattincinci thanx for the #FollowAtheistSunday! #
  • 14:06 @NICOLENICHOLS @PassionMD @performeradams @Jamberta @whatdayathink belated thanx for #FollowFriday! #
  • 14:08 RT @freckle_faced RT @DyNama: this is actually the 1st stop at fast food so far/eggs and bacon? ¶it's an arby's, as opposed to quicky marts #
  • 14:43 Mom drove to bowling this morning! i hadnt seen her drive in years! #
  • 14:43 Dad & I are taking Mom to her doctor appointment #
  • 16:34 M&D are counting the sunday receipts @ their church, so i took the car to go to the Goodwill Store #
Her doctor never did see Mom. M&D thought it would be a quick consult at 3p, and then they could go to their church by 4p, but when the doctor hadn't called her in at 335p, M&D rescheduled and left. i was walking around outside, having got very sleepy. i went to Wal-Mart after shopping at Goodwill to get some antacid, and there found 2 packs of Post-Its 4x4 super sticky Colors from Nature with lines which i could have brought with me but didn't, so again, more of the same! i didn't really mention going to Wal-Mart because Mom & Dad officially go there on Wensdays.

  • 17:42 waiting for dinner at IHOP w/the parents. i got back late w/the car after going to Goodwill & Wal-Mart #
  • 18:12 french toast @ IHOP, yummy, plus underdone scrambled eggs and sausage links #
  • 18:44 @Taby74 @VeronikaG if u cant kiss the one u love, then kiss the one you're with #
  • 18:47 RT @MzStarrBurst RT @Real_Mike_Tyson: Can some1 tell me why Subway charges 4 a Veggie Delight when all dat shit comes free on the other subs #
  • 19:02 out walking with my mom #
  • 19:25 done with the walk. mom was worried my course would be too long #
My conversations with my mother are usually very trivial, and always too long in duration. i made a casual statement about not finding an intersection the night i walked home alone from the senior mixer, and Mom and I have been discussing the layout of the subdivision ever since!

Did i mention that i vaguely disagreed when one of the senior citizens at the mixer made an incorrect comment about nuitrition? The room got quiet as i championed the nutritional value of Hostess Cupcakes! Last year I emailed the author of one of the books I've read about public health misinformation, The Obesity Epidemic: Science Morality and Ideology http://lnk.in/toemg, Dr Michael Gard, and i said to him that i actually think some people think I'm a kook when i say these things, and he wrote back saying "i know many people think i'm a kook!" That seniors have fallen for it amazes me, because not one of them reached their advanced age by following the current mantra of things like "low-fat, low-calorie, salt-free" diets, nobody did that even 20 years ago. I brought that very book to reread with me on this trip.

  • 19:28 RT @WongoWoman RT @Rationalists: Jesus was never a carpenter. Richard and Karen were, and they rocked! ((lol... good one)) #
  • 20:08 found some Bicycle brand plastic playing cards at Walgreens today #
  • 20:50 watching a repeat of Ghost Whisperer. Mom's cat Benji did come in this eve, as long as i stayed out of his way #
  • 20:52 #shutup Jillian Michaels! u have no special knowledge of living healthier or longer #

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