
Saturday 24 October 2009

[edit 10/25 156a]
  • 09:28 up @ 730a after sleeping the sleep of the dead for 6 hours, i've started writing my vacation blog #
  • 10:14 just got my 1st shower since 2a Thu morn b4 getting on the bus. Ohio is washed off for a little while! #
  • 10:18 RT @Jamberta RT @Varuka: Dear Suzanne Somers, please shut your moronic pie hole. People are dying because of your unscientific, rambling nonsense #
  • 10:19 @Jamberta @Varuka you tell her! #
  • 10:31 Wildlife walking by post.ly/A3ib #
which is a flock of 5 white ibises just moseying across the driveway about 20 feet from me
then just a few minutes later, Mom comes out to ask me if i saw the sandhill crane, and i said where? and she said he's just standing there on the other side of her car. he didn't budge even when i got up to take a picture. just a few minutes after he walked across the driveway, another one followed in his wake. M&D say they always travel in pairs.
  • 11:12 during the trip south, my cell battery went dead fast & i wondered whether it was bad, but a few hrs on the charger, it seems to be ok #
  • 11:15 RT @Syfy I'm giving away a very rare Battlestar Galactica sling bag to a random person who RTs this note by noon ET MONDAY... #
  • 12:40 i forgot to tweet that my sister has already stopped by, last night around 7p, and i talked to her daughter Nat on the phone #
  • 12:48 i'm spending so much time on social media about my vacation, that i dont have time for vacationing! #
  • 13:02 mom&dad and i went to a mixer at the clubhouse for $1 pina colatas, but dad had to leave to get some sleep b4 his crimewatch shift #
Mom and Dad are members of this subdivision's Citizens On Patrol, as i've mentioned here before. The shift Dad has worked is friday late-night, now 12a-2a, he just drives around in a C.O.P. car and keeps an eye on things. to stay up that late, he has to get a nap during prime time.
  • 13:37 good afternoon, twitterati, from sunny florida, where it was 90degrees by 10am! #
  • 13:42 @Monicks even jesus couldnt please everyone! #
  • 13:46 wasnt he the king of mycenae in the trojan war? RT @HereticChick does anyone know anything about agrammatism? #
  • 13:47 @CoryFroomkin did u know most experts think handsans are not very useful in preventing flu? colds, yes, but not flu #
  • 13:51 @Taby74 they are expecting a cold snap to lower it to about 80! #
  • 13:53 @sciencegoddess my favorite element is silicon, cuz w/that they make computers & big boobs! #
  • 13:56 @_7654_ ouch! i just dont think it should snow before halloween #
  • 14:07 @sciencegoddess lol #
  • 14:11 @Taby74 aw, sorry, tweetie, how about i wrap up some of this sunshine and mail it to you? #
  • 14:13 #oneletteroffmovies Gone With the Mind #
  • 14:18 the bill RT @spacetrucker herpes. LOL RT @BSpice55: Why does love make people so uncomfortable? What are you afraid of? #
  • 15:04 my sister just invited to go with her to see her horses, and then this evening go w/her & her husband Chuck to see "Paranormal Activity" #
my first visit with Chuck since my last trip down here. after feeding the horses some carrots, Kris and i went to her house to hang out, and Chuck was home tending his garden. so we gabbed, petted her cats--actually only Schakke would let us pet her, Fred and Pumpkin wouldn't--and enjoyed a Dunkin Donuts iced coffee. Kris says Dunkin Donuts' donuts are okay but they have great coffee; while the coffee was good, i think the donuts are good too. then they got ready and took me to Panera Bread for dinner, and i must admit i didn't know Panera Bread had anything more than bread. it was good. we bought our movies tickets but we were 45 minutes early so:
  • 19:01 walking around the mall w/sis & her husband before the movie. at the mo we're in the gap #
  • 19:15 ready to be scared? #
went into the theater and got our seats. Kris and Chuck paid for dinner and the movie, i agreed to get the movie snacks, but i got off cheap because Chuck and I didn't get anything and Kris only wanted a pack of glazed almonds. unfortunately i was again suffering from a bout of what i call hyperwhizia when i have to take a leak several times in a short while. i went when we got to the theater, htne i went again just before the movie started tho i had to miss a movie trailer or two, then i had to go again right after the movie ended...and i've gone twice more in the 4 hours since i've been home! i'll get my prostate checked one of these days.
  • 21:26 just saw "Paranormal Activity". not too bad, pretty creepy #
plugged in my computer, but i can't get the internet connection to reach, so i'm using Dad's new Acer computer to write this.

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