
Friday 30 October 2009

  • 01:25 VariantVal: @DyNama thanks for adding me to your list, and I'm okay if you keep me there, but just so you know I'm not athiest :o)
  • 02:22 @VariantVal nah that'd be wrong. i'll make another list cuz your tweets are fun. #
  • 02:53 VariantVal: @DyNama no, please, I'm not bothered, just didn't want you to think I was something I'm not... I'm cool with it all
  • 02:28 @Taby74 great song! #
  • 09:44 ok, i'm up #
  • 09:49 i must admit i've followed a cpl dozen tweeters from those mindless #FF lists, chosen at random #
  • 09:58 happy birthday, youngster! RT @NICOLENICHOLS twitpic.com/nigu6 - Beautiful view I woke up to on my 26th birthday #
  • 10:08 now that's an important revelation @Jamberta @briandgregory haha I don't either. #
  • 10:13 ur death has been greatly exagerated, eh? RT @sum1else @VeronikaG @MissAnthropy15 @sum1else @Jamberta @EvanOdd I'm alive despite all attempt #
  • 10:19 i like that: go #FF urself! RT @LindaHNH I'll be back later to finish some #FF. If not, just #FF yourself and say I did it. #
  • 10:23 anybody know anythig about a guitar-like instrument called a Chap Stick? #
  • 10:24 pix, please! RT @jennifurret Rocky Horror tonight, weeeeee! If you ask really nicely, you may get photos #
  • 10:44 ♫ Touch and Go - The Cars lala.com/zz fV (made this tweet at 340am but it didnt send) #
  • 10:53 knock 'em dead! RT @courtney903: i have this thing called an interview today. for a promotion. yes. wish me luck? #
  • 10:58 twitter lists is a cool feature, but i had to add myself to my lists to see my own tweets! funny #
  • 11:24 agreed! RT @WongoWoman Gotta say, I really hate it when guys fist touch instead of shake hand or high five. I hate it even more when girls.. #
  • 11:52 i thot that too RT @ceotty: @DyNama - Oh, that explains why I couldn't see my own self when I made a list. That's kind of lame, really. #
  • 11:56 today's song stuck in my head: ♫ Love Hurts - Incubus lala.com/zLKY #
  • 12:01 u is cool all right! RT @VariantVal @DyNama I'm not bothered, just didn't want you to think I was something I'm not... I'm cool with it all #
  • 12:04 if it attracts ants, it's still good! RT @HeatherSolos My karo syrup (for pecan pie) expired almost two years ago... #
  • 12:15 "Homeopathic" on a bottle is code for "doesnt really work" @SurlyAmy @jimmilles: Homeopathy is Crap, vol. MMCVIV bit.ly/1tecUm #
  • 12:23 all pubbed out, huh? RT @Hanescymru: I am chilling out at my folks house.. no pub this afternoon.. need a break!!! #
  • 12:29 here, kitty! RT @Jamberta A bobcat ran across the highway in front of me on my way home. #
  • 12:39 my parents are going to say i'm spending my whole vacation tweeting, i could've stayed home to do that! #
  • 12:43 it's official! RT @Taby74 Check this shit out...oh yeah! RT @TweetieBABES: i hereby declare @Taby74 a TwitterBabe in good standing #
  • 13:02 going to town to see my sister at work in the jewelry store #
  • 14:35 Mom bought a ring from my sister, a pinky ring w/coral stone. i got out unscathed, now shopping in Office Max, Barnes & Nobles #
  • 15:26 My sister Kris post.ly/B0y3 #
  • 15:36 Just a few minutes in A/C fogs up my glasses post.ly/B11l #
  • 15:37 back from shopping. i bot a book, @mental_floss Hist of the World, & removable labels from Office Max--more of the same! #
i also bought another Post-It reusable shopping bag, it was now clearance priced. i already have 2 that i got free when i bought Post-Its, and believe it or not, i brought one with me.
  • 15:40 it is raining here, a slow drizzle, but still 85 deg #
  • 16:40 @NICOLENICHOLS having a good time. i'm afraid i find day after day of hot sunny weather to be a little boring, so 2days rain was welcome #
  • 16:47 @HereticChick thanx for the #FF! #
  • 16:59 @EmReturns sure, my pleasure. not quite sure how to use twitter lists yet #
  • 17:00 @whatdayathink thanx for the #FF and back at ya! #
  • 18:16 time fior a walk w/Mom. she's recovering from knee surgery. we missed walking yesterday. #
  • 20:18 at the senior mixer tonite, i had 2 pina colatas--he made them stronger this time. #
  • 20:19 got home in time to watch Ghost Whisperer and Medium #

Thursday 29 October 2009

  • 05:28 i'm up this early to go to prayer breakfast with my dad #
well, i naturally do more stuff with my mother, so when i get an invitation to go somewhere with my father, i usually leap at the chance, even if it is at 630a and is very religious. 
  • 07:37 last time i went to prayer breakfast w/Dad, i left when the bible reading started. later Mom said Dad was embarrassed by that #
  • 08:21 prayer breakfast over. staying for the bible lesson was part of the cost of breakfast #
  • 09:43 @Jamberta Mom asked "was that really so bad?" and i had to say "yes" #
  • 09:43 Jamberta @DyNama well, that's pretty nice that you would do that for your dad. :)
the lesson today was on the Beatitudes, you know, "Blessed are the meek...". i didn't say anything, but i hadn't had a smoke since 610a when we left, and wouldn't get more than a few puffs till we got home.
  • 09:49 the real difference betw #atheist s & christians? xians give power & substance to thoughts, atheists dont #
  • 10:48 looked at 3 single-wide trailers in this senior trailer park with Mother, who thinks moving to FL is an option #
  • 10:50 spooooooooooky @dynama Really? "Xians give power and substance to their thoughts"? ALL Christians? What a sweeping statement. False, also ... #atheist
  • 11:12 @spooooooooooky phooey. "salvation" and "grace" are just thoughts #
  • 12:24 @R_nB u mean like a pitcher of margaritas? #
  • 12:38 Britney goes down? good to know RT @LindaHNH Hmmm...my follower #s are going down faster than 'Britney' again. #
  • 13:01 i think my parents have discovered the secret to a long healthy life is to take lots of naps #
  • 13:50 i dont think i have twitter lists yet #
  • 14:19 @Kunsthure i read on techcrunch ow.ly/xngn that u can make lists of followees and turn evrybody else off, etc. #
  • 18:17 going to dinner at Dale's BBQ, then Mom & Dad & I are going to a play at Indian River State College #
Dinner was my treat, for their 58th wedding anniversary. They didn't make me pay for the ticket so i even got off cheaper than i should have.
  • 19:25 dinner, baby back ribs, was delicious, $10.25 each #
  • 19:59 "play" at IRSC is actually a jazz concert, w/ 2 ensembles #
  • 20:01 1st act was a young man playing a strange string instrument that was all neck, no body #
The program called it a Chap Stick, but googling that on my phone didn't get anything. He was picking or tapping strings with both hands. I sat next to a major sponsor of the concert, Betty Foster, who was asked to stand and receive a round of applause. i was actually sitting in her extra seat, because the ticket M&D had got me was not near them, but Betty said i could. The ensembles played a variety of Big Band numbers and others, i'd never heard before, and the male quartet and female octet sang several times, in various permutations. 2 women and 1 man sang the Jackson 5 number, "I'll Be There". i love the chord when they, or the Jackson 5, sing that line, a good chord can send chills up my back.
  • 21:07 an 8-voice girls ensemb sang Journey's "Open Arms" in 2-part harmony. that's a terrific song no matter who sings it! #
  • 21:08 a male quartet sang "Shangri La", i'd forgotten how great that song was #
  • 22:19 concert over. bravo! #
  • 22:50 u cant buy beer, u can only rent it RT @SunDevil75 I'm stopping after six brews. Mainly because I'm tired of pissing every 6 minutes. #

Wensday 28 October 2009

  • 00:21 @Jamberta @WongoWoman I have bfast @ McDonalds once a week. biscuits & gravy, yummy! #
  • 00:23 @Taby74 hi, Taby. what is Pandora? does it have a box? #
  • 00:26 @WongoWoman me 2. on my trip south last week, all we stopped at was gas stations, but i didnt get food @ any. i'm a fast food kind of guy #
  • 00:28 @Taby74 ah. sounds similar to slacker radio, www.slacker.com #
  • 00:30 @WongoWoman me neither. hot dogs on one of those r oller things #
  • 00:31 @Taby74 it is going good. the parents are rather laid back so we arent running all over doing stuff, which is actually the way i like it #
  • 00:33 @Taby74 got to see my niece today. she's unfortunately a recovering addict so i wasnt sure we'd got together #
  • 00:36 @WongoWoman exactly. or microwave samwiches. i can mwave samwiches @ home. i do like slurpees tho and flavored coffees they call cappaccinos #
  • 00:39 @Taby74 we all love her, of course, but dont know enuf about the drug culture to handle it very well #
  • 00:40 @WongoWoman nitey-nite #
  • 03:19 ♫ Touch Me - The Doors lala.com/zg8S #
  • 03:37 Thanx for the visit, Laura, but durn, we didnt get a picture! # [already had shut down the computer, so messaging posterous was the quickest way to post to facebook]
  • 08:36 jeepers, tweepers, is it morning already? #
  • 08:44 @LindaHNH twitpic.com/n93ui - yum! that's pretty slutty! #
  • 08:53 my parents are a typical example of the stranglehold the unscientific "healthy lifestyle" has on all of us #
They take multiple pills every morning, and their frig and pantry are full of no-fat no-sugar no-salt no-taste stuff. Imagine fat-free half-and-half creamer--what would be the point? Mom's doctor didn't make it an official prescription, but wrote out a recommendation that Mom start taking a nutritional supplement called Red Yeast Rice--when she mentioned it, i thought it was a side dish, not a pill!--that one gets in a health food store for lowering cholesterol. we stopped at a health food store, but at the mo they only had a named brand version that has other stuff in it, $47/month. Mom said she already takes fish oil so wouldn't need that in this pill. I try to point out that they reached their "advanced" age of 77 by not living this so-called "healthy lifestyle". I enjoy everyone's cooking for me, but the lousy-tasting fake butter and fake mayonnaise and artificial sweetener has got to go!
  • 09:02 my morning is ok. how ya doing? #
  • 09:05 @freckle_faced oops, forgot the @. just realized i forgot to get a pic of niece i got together with yesterday, durnit. so how ya doing, Amy? #
  • 09:16 @Jamberta yep, good car food is a neccesity. i once ate a burrito in the car, not noticing that chili & cheese was dripping all over me #
This happened a few years ago. I was actually marvelling at how perfect a burrito was as car food...but i was holding it upside-down, so with ever bite i squeezed more chili and cheese on my steering wheel and pants! to top it off, i was at the end of my laundry cycle, so i was wearing slacks that were dry-clean only! They went in the trash.
  • 09:47 @freckle_faced it's good, tho continuous hot sunny days bore me. i'm too used to Ohio weather i guess #
  • 10:26 heading out with the parents to do the weekly grocery shopping at wal-mart #
  • 12:53 @TJSlipperman i'm in the same boat but a generation older :( #
  • 12:54 @courtney903 i saw Ingrid Michaelson on PBS and enjoyed it #
  • 12:58 @Taby74 pretty in purple! ur such a girly-girl! i love girls w/purple eye shadow #
  • 13:03 calgon, take me away! RT @VariantVal *sigh* I really need to go away for a while #
  • 13:03 @Monicks that is good to know #
  • 13:21 thermometer in shade says 97° RT @freckle_faced: @DyNama I wouldnt mind the sun everyday, but the heat...oh no! #
  • 13:41 taking Mom to her rescheduled doctor's appointment #
  • 14:02 this time Mom got called in to the doc's right on time #
  • 14:43 i found out earlier today that we can see liftoffs at Kennedy Space Ctr from here, and there was one today, but we were busy and missed it #
  • 15:20 Mom and i took Dad home, then went back out to shop a bit. 1st stop, Staple's #
  • 16:00 forgot to check on network cable, so i'm back at Wal-Mart #
  • 17:28 back from shopping. got a cat5e network cable so i can plug my laptop into the parents' DSL #
I think a cat6e cable would be faster, but Wal-Mart was out, and i just needed to plug my laptop into their DSL box for these few weeks. in the past, i was able to uplug the cable going to Dad's puta in this bedroom, but this time, it is caught under furniture and i can't get it out. i was thinking of various connectors and adaptors till Dad pointed out that there was still an empty slot in his DSL box so i just needed a straight cable with "male" plugs at both ends. i presumed just running it down the hall and going into the bedroom through the door would be good enough, but it barely reached so we fished it through the wall.
  • 17:32 if that's Caro Wozniacki, i didnt either RT @TennisTiff @TennisLuvah I didn't know Caro haters even existed. #
Caroline Wozniacki is blonde, Danish, 19, and a terrific tennis player, the finalist in this year's US Open. What's to hate?
  • 17:35 I stood up for a friend today. i overheard someone say he wasnt fit to eat with pigs, and i said he was. #
  • 17:36 there goes all ur porn :( RT @Jamberta Whatever it was doing it is do ne! My computer is restarting! The volume is clean it said! #
  • 17:36 Jamberta RT @DyNama: there goes all ur porn :( \\ shhh I only do that on my husband's computer. ;)
  • 20:30 yes RT @CoryFroomkin: 99 more "yes" responses 2 go! If you want to see me in my Halloween costume, send a "yes" my way. We need 100 of them! #
  • 20:31 @mandiengram "Fun flies when you're doing time" #
  • 20:36 @NICOLENICHOLS i'm in st lucie county so we'd've just seen the contrail, i think. but i presumed Cape Canaveral was way down south of here #
  • 23:34 Mom and I went for a walk at 11p cuz we hadnt got around to it at a more civilized hour #
  • 23:42 i'm supposed to be flying this plane but i'm checking twitter first heh heh #


Tuesday 27 October 2009

  • 01:58 @Carazona5 Jillian Michaels is no better than any other trainer. they think they have secret knowledge. she needs to eat some cupcakes #
  • 02:01 @suselynn yes i found a book, a sherlock holmes novel entitled _Revenge of the Hound_ #
at Goodwill. It's written by Michael Hardwick, who has written other Sherlock Holmes novels that I've enjoyed. I'll save this for the ride back home.
  • 09:05 gooooooood morning! #
  • 09:08 @Monicks personally i like a gloomy day now and then. its sunny and already 87 here #
  • 09:11 @suselynn @Monicks The sun'll come up Tomorrow! Bet ur bottom dollar that Tomorrow... #
  • 09:12 @suselynn @briandgregory step away from the E-meter! #
  • 09:15 @spacetrucker you're not grumpy enough! #
  • 10:03 @davesib hi dave. i was just about to start up aol-im #
Dave's my former co-worker at McCarty, the CAD draftman in the WCH office. we used to chat over ICQ every day, more recently every day that we were both working, i.e. Tuesday and Thursday. Now we use AOL-IM (I refuse to call it AIM, because what does the "A" stand for? AOL? you can't abbreviate an abbreviation!) because that's already on my phone. He said he hasn't seen my cats, but knows they're eating and pooping, so we presume they're doing ok.
  • 10:27 no real plans for today. mom's scheduling visits to houses for sale here. maybe we'll get to do some shopping! niece Laura may drop by. #
  • 11:49 just got informed by my mother that she doesnt fix breakfast or lunch, i should forage for myself. now she tells me! #
  • 14:27 i got short-changed on shopping cuz my parents don't last as long as they used to. just radio shack and big lots today #
they rushed me out of Big Lots, saying we could come back some other time, but then sounded like they could still manage stopping at Staple's. I told them i'd rather finish off Big Lots, so they dropped me back off there, and they went to rest at Wendy's. i joined them there and tried a Frosty-cino, a Frosty with coffee, which was good but $2.55 seems like a lot.
  • 14:28 at big lots, i did find 1 open package of 4x3 super sticky ultra color post-its but couldnt find any more #
  • 15:06 sugar is NOT Not Good For You. sugar does not make u fat, but even if it did, & u dont exercise them off, that is not sugar's fault #
  • 15:08 "And remember, my tin-plated friend, that a heart is not judged by how much u love, but by how much u are loved by others."--Wizard of Oz #
  • 15:09 yay! RT @davesib serena williams will not end up the year in first place in women's tennis. #
  • 15:18 i love Oz, i've only read 5 of them RT @QualityHillJoy @DyNama I love the Wizard of Oz.. Someday I'm going to read all the Baum books. #
  • 15:25 i cant use auto-darkening lenses in my glasses. i wouldnt want anything keeping me from knowing how bright the world really is #
  • 15:39 my sister has a lot of nerve going out of town while i'm down here #
My sister and her husband went to University of Florida because Chuck was delivering some lecture or presentation or something.
  • 15:45 now that u mention it, i'm NOT sure RT @suselynn: @DyNama Are you SURE you're not at *my* relatives? #
  • 15:48 she's doomed anyway RT @HereticChick: *sigh* she's still sneezing #
  • 15:50 HootSuite is the miggidy miggidy miggidy mac of Twitter clients. hootsuite.com #
  • 15:51 SEC, maroon group--(5)Dementieva downs (7)Venus 3-6,7-6,6-2. Complete meltdown by Venus as 1st serve deserts her in the deciding set #tennis #
  • 15:53 @kittykatmeoww twitpic.com/n62wk - OMG you win the cleavage war! #
  • 16:59 trying out twitoaster #
  • 17:46 lazy day today. only a little bit of shopping, otherwise we just sat around visiting. tried a frosty-cino at wendy's, good but expensive #
  • 19:14 just had a short visit with my niece Laura, and her boyfriend Tim, and Dan #
wouldn't you know it? no one thought to take pictures, durnit! Laura was stopping by on her way back home to the Keys, Marathon to be specific, after a trip to Orlando. we probably got her in trouble, because we didn't keep her secret very well.
  • 20:36 just finished a long walk w/Mom to the clubhouse. i picked out a book from the library and we worked on the community jigsaw puzzle #


Monday 26 October 2009

  • 00:55 #shutup extenze! "plus there's all this science behind it"--ur kidding, right? there's NO science behind it #
  • 08:23 ok i'm up already! ready to go to my mother's bowling league #
  • 09:08 Mother at her bowling league post.ly/AKSp #
  • 09:24 good morning RT @MzStarrBurst Everybody say hi at once so I can take attendance please. Even lurkers. #
  • 09:50 one senior citizen bowling here got 8 strikes in a row! he broke his streak with a spare, then a 6-7 split #
  • 09:59 that was a 244 game. Mom bowled 120, 2 strikes+a spar e+a spare in the 10th frame extra balls #
  • 10:01 hmmm. the bowling scoring prgm changed. it no longer hilites the current bowler in red #
  • 11:38 Mom bowled 120, 74, and 86. her handicap is 107 #
After bowling we stopped at a Walgreens, even though since my last visit to PSL, Hillsboro got their own Walgreens. still, i found something new: plastic playing cards by Bicycle (US Playing Card Co). one of my obsessions is plastic playing cards, even though i rarely play cards. so i had to get 2 decks. this is what i mean when i portray the results of a shopping trip as "more of the same". last time i visited here, i mailed down a box of playing cards and post-its, this time i travelled unbelievably light, bringing only a few post-its and no playing cards.

  • 13:43 i wasn't even close RT @Hanescymru Iechyd Dda! #
  • 13:45 @_7654_ @mattincinci thanx for the #FollowAtheistSunday! #
  • 14:06 @NICOLENICHOLS @PassionMD @performeradams @Jamberta @whatdayathink belated thanx for #FollowFriday! #
  • 14:08 RT @freckle_faced RT @DyNama: this is actually the 1st stop at fast food so far/eggs and bacon? ¶it's an arby's, as opposed to quicky marts #
  • 14:43 Mom drove to bowling this morning! i hadnt seen her drive in years! #
  • 14:43 Dad & I are taking Mom to her doctor appointment #
  • 16:34 M&D are counting the sunday receipts @ their church, so i took the car to go to the Goodwill Store #
Her doctor never did see Mom. M&D thought it would be a quick consult at 3p, and then they could go to their church by 4p, but when the doctor hadn't called her in at 335p, M&D rescheduled and left. i was walking around outside, having got very sleepy. i went to Wal-Mart after shopping at Goodwill to get some antacid, and there found 2 packs of Post-Its 4x4 super sticky Colors from Nature with lines which i could have brought with me but didn't, so again, more of the same! i didn't really mention going to Wal-Mart because Mom & Dad officially go there on Wensdays.

  • 17:42 waiting for dinner at IHOP w/the parents. i got back late w/the car after going to Goodwill & Wal-Mart #
  • 18:12 french toast @ IHOP, yummy, plus underdone scrambled eggs and sausage links #
  • 18:44 @Taby74 @VeronikaG if u cant kiss the one u love, then kiss the one you're with #
  • 18:47 RT @MzStarrBurst RT @Real_Mike_Tyson: Can some1 tell me why Subway charges 4 a Veggie Delight when all dat shit comes free on the other subs #
  • 19:02 out walking with my mom #
  • 19:25 done with the walk. mom was worried my course would be too long #
My conversations with my mother are usually very trivial, and always too long in duration. i made a casual statement about not finding an intersection the night i walked home alone from the senior mixer, and Mom and I have been discussing the layout of the subdivision ever since!

Did i mention that i vaguely disagreed when one of the senior citizens at the mixer made an incorrect comment about nuitrition? The room got quiet as i championed the nutritional value of Hostess Cupcakes! Last year I emailed the author of one of the books I've read about public health misinformation, The Obesity Epidemic: Science Morality and Ideology http://lnk.in/toemg, Dr Michael Gard, and i said to him that i actually think some people think I'm a kook when i say these things, and he wrote back saying "i know many people think i'm a kook!" That seniors have fallen for it amazes me, because not one of them reached their advanced age by following the current mantra of things like "low-fat, low-calorie, salt-free" diets, nobody did that even 20 years ago. I brought that very book to reread with me on this trip.

  • 19:28 RT @WongoWoman RT @Rationalists: Jesus was never a carpenter. Richard and Karen were, and they rocked! ((lol... good one)) #
  • 20:08 found some Bicycle brand plastic playing cards at Walgreens today #
  • 20:50 watching a repeat of Ghost Whisperer. Mom's cat Benji did come in this eve, as long as i stayed out of his way #
  • 20:52 #shutup Jillian Michaels! u have no special knowledge of living healthier or longer #


Sunday 25 October 2009

[edit 10/26 158a]
  • 02:28 @Monicks yes, doing fine, kicking back with the folks! # 
  • 08:43 mom&dad went to church this morning but they know i wont go with them so i'm just to meet them afterward #atheist # 
  • 08:44 so i get to sleep in, then walk to the store they always go to after church # 
  • 09:45 i'm walking the mile or 2 to the grocery store to meet the folks. glorious day, only 80, partly cloudy # 
it probably wasn't even a mile. i did pick up a few groceries of the stuff i like--mostly non-lowfat non-low-calorie stuff, and then we headed home. later in the day it got to 90 degrees again, and it is predicted it'll be in the upper-80s all week.
  • 10:27 my dad told me to leave the tv alone, HDTV is supposed to look squished! # 
  • 10:30 @TennisTiff just picture urself in hospital w/H1N1 muttering "i shoulda got vaccinated" # 
  • 12:08 my mother considers me a moral person tho i'm #atheist, but everyone else "needs" xianity for morality's sake # 
Mom needs to walk to continue the rehabilitation of her new knee replacement, so we use any excuse to head off. today there was a huge flock of birds down the road making a lot of noise, so i said let's go look for them, and we eventually found perhaps thousands of black birds of some kind (she said crows but i know crows, we have them in Ohio, so then she said grackles) in the trees along the lake.
  • 14:36 Dad just telling me about his mother, who died in '46, and his brother, who died in '47 when Dad was 13. i love this stuff! # 
  • 15:00 @Taby74 i once got thrown out of a restaurant cuz a waitress had a sign on her left breast that said "Pat" & i just followed instructions! # 
  • 15:02 @_7654_ well, i got plenty of nothing! #
  • 15:16 @Hanescymru what's that cheer u say? Bore da #
  • 15:20 @Taby74 i've always loved that joke! # 
  • 15:23 *turns the other cheek* RT @Taby74 @DyNama You crack me up!! *kisses cheek* # 
  • 15:25 schedule for this afternoon: dinner @ sis' house w/our parents and her father-in-law, who's 86 #
  • 15:29 @Taby74 *blush* # 
  • 15:30 Humans are the only animal that blushes...or ever needs to--Mark Twain #
  • 16:11 talking to Dad about his new N-gauge train layout. he got a circuit finished and ran an engine around the track! # 
  • 16:51 heading over to sis' house for a cookout # 
for a long time, Kris cooked the sunday dinner for her family plus the 4 parents, but it was a lot of work, and they started tending toward going out to eat instead, which became the usual when her mother-in-law passed away in 2006. nowadays there's only her husband, father-in-law, and her two parents for dinner, but she decided to make it a cookout in my honor--besides, her husband does some of the cooking when it's a cookout. she served a nice red wine before dinner and we were sitting under a gazebo on their dock when it started raining. fish are jumping like mad all over the place.
  • 17:54 it is raining here in florida. Dad says they need it bad # 
  • 19:02 dinner @ family cookout was great! hamburgers, corn on cob, baked beans # 
  • 19:31 back home for the evening. did i mention my dad is an early-to-bed kind of guy? # 
  • 22:05 i have control of the remote! we watched Sherlock Holmes on PBS and now Cold Case #
  • 23:58 my mom's cat benji has been walking around 10 ft away from me but won't get closer
Benji is one of two stray cats who adopted Mom, but the other one disappeared when they returned from a hurricane evacuation a few years ago. Benji is a nice tailless kitty, but very skittish, and won't let me pet him. this evening, tho, i called him and he came out of his hiding place for my last 3 smokes, but always stayed out of reach. I did get to pet Kris' cat Pumpkin, only 1 stroke, this evening.


Saturday 24 October 2009

[edit 10/25 156a]
  • 09:28 up @ 730a after sleeping the sleep of the dead for 6 hours, i've started writing my vacation blog #
  • 10:14 just got my 1st shower since 2a Thu morn b4 getting on the bus. Ohio is washed off for a little while! #
  • 10:18 RT @Jamberta RT @Varuka: Dear Suzanne Somers, please shut your moronic pie hole. People are dying because of your unscientific, rambling nonsense #
  • 10:19 @Jamberta @Varuka you tell her! #
  • 10:31 Wildlife walking by post.ly/A3ib #
which is a flock of 5 white ibises just moseying across the driveway about 20 feet from me
then just a few minutes later, Mom comes out to ask me if i saw the sandhill crane, and i said where? and she said he's just standing there on the other side of her car. he didn't budge even when i got up to take a picture. just a few minutes after he walked across the driveway, another one followed in his wake. M&D say they always travel in pairs.
  • 11:12 during the trip south, my cell battery went dead fast & i wondered whether it was bad, but a few hrs on the charger, it seems to be ok #
  • 11:15 RT @Syfy I'm giving away a very rare Battlestar Galactica sling bag to a random person who RTs this note by noon ET MONDAY... #
  • 12:40 i forgot to tweet that my sister has already stopped by, last night around 7p, and i talked to her daughter Nat on the phone #
  • 12:48 i'm spending so much time on social media about my vacation, that i dont have time for vacationing! #
  • 13:02 mom&dad and i went to a mixer at the clubhouse for $1 pina colatas, but dad had to leave to get some sleep b4 his crimewatch shift #
Mom and Dad are members of this subdivision's Citizens On Patrol, as i've mentioned here before. The shift Dad has worked is friday late-night, now 12a-2a, he just drives around in a C.O.P. car and keeps an eye on things. to stay up that late, he has to get a nap during prime time.
  • 13:37 good afternoon, twitterati, from sunny florida, where it was 90degrees by 10am! #
  • 13:42 @Monicks even jesus couldnt please everyone! #
  • 13:46 wasnt he the king of mycenae in the trojan war? RT @HereticChick does anyone know anything about agrammatism? #
  • 13:47 @CoryFroomkin did u know most experts think handsans are not very useful in preventing flu? colds, yes, but not flu #
  • 13:51 @Taby74 they are expecting a cold snap to lower it to about 80! #
  • 13:53 @sciencegoddess my favorite element is silicon, cuz w/that they make computers & big boobs! #
  • 13:56 @_7654_ ouch! i just dont think it should snow before halloween #
  • 14:07 @sciencegoddess lol #
  • 14:11 @Taby74 aw, sorry, tweetie, how about i wrap up some of this sunshine and mail it to you? #
  • 14:13 #oneletteroffmovies Gone With the Mind #
  • 14:18 the bill RT @spacetrucker herpes. LOL RT @BSpice55: Why does love make people so uncomfortable? What are you afraid of? #
  • 15:04 my sister just invited to go with her to see her horses, and then this evening go w/her & her husband Chuck to see "Paranormal Activity" #
my first visit with Chuck since my last trip down here. after feeding the horses some carrots, Kris and i went to her house to hang out, and Chuck was home tending his garden. so we gabbed, petted her cats--actually only Schakke would let us pet her, Fred and Pumpkin wouldn't--and enjoyed a Dunkin Donuts iced coffee. Kris says Dunkin Donuts' donuts are okay but they have great coffee; while the coffee was good, i think the donuts are good too. then they got ready and took me to Panera Bread for dinner, and i must admit i didn't know Panera Bread had anything more than bread. it was good. we bought our movies tickets but we were 45 minutes early so:
  • 19:01 walking around the mall w/sis & her husband before the movie. at the mo we're in the gap #
  • 19:15 ready to be scared? #
went into the theater and got our seats. Kris and Chuck paid for dinner and the movie, i agreed to get the movie snacks, but i got off cheap because Chuck and I didn't get anything and Kris only wanted a pack of glazed almonds. unfortunately i was again suffering from a bout of what i call hyperwhizia when i have to take a leak several times in a short while. i went when we got to the theater, htne i went again just before the movie started tho i had to miss a movie trailer or two, then i had to go again right after the movie ended...and i've gone twice more in the 4 hours since i've been home! i'll get my prostate checked one of these days.
  • 21:26 just saw "Paranormal Activity". not too bad, pretty creepy #
plugged in my computer, but i can't get the internet connection to reach, so i'm using Dad's new Acer computer to write this.


Friday 23 October 2009

[edit 10/25 145a]
  • 03:12 we are getting a 10-min break in Tifton FL #
i probably drove my seatmate Tom crazy, but i had restless leg syndrome big time! i just couldn't sit still! that's probably why he got his own seat at this stop, but he remained friendly in his kind of burned-out way.
  • 03:23 got some coffee!!! #
  • 03:29 banana split cappachino--yum! #
  • 06:22 wake up in Ocala to get a cup of coffee and a smoke #
I settled down after getting some coffee and slept soundly till this unwelcome awakening. this stop was at a Pilot truck stop kind of place. the coffee section was bewildering! perhaps i accidently chose coffee with extra caffeine or something, but i really didn't feel good for an hour or two. i'm thinking it was the coffee jitters, for the first bit of suffering from the jitters i'm not feeling very good and wondering why. My former seatmate Tom came to me to see if i'd testify that i had seen he'd had a bus ticket, because he could no longer find it. i had definitely seen it, for what that's worth, which is nothing, but when he had moved to another seat, i thought i had seen a greyhound envelope on the floor. he thought he had already looked there, but it was his ticket, right where i had seen the envelope.

  • 08:24 in Orlando for more than an hour. i actually needed to get off the bus, i'm not feeling good since being blasted awake in Ocala #
  • 08:29 the failure of my samsung blackjack ii is a major disappointment of this trip. i've pretty much only been able to use while it's plugged in #
  • 08:31 yep way too early RT @davesib @DyNama wake up in Ocala to get a cup of coffee and a smoke. waking up pretty early aren't you? #
  • 08:57 i reported what appeared to be a hypodermic needle on the floor in the men's restroom, and a girl asked me if i party. #
  • 09:00 i replied "huh! i'll be staying with my parents" as if that means no partying #
  • 09:19 there's a black guy here who carries the saggy pants thing to an extreme. his belt is buckled below his butt #
  • 09:43 leaving orlando, next stop is kissimee, then ft. pierce, my destination. ft pierce will be a meal stop for everyone else, there's fast... #
  • 09:44 food in the station. this is actually the 1st stop at fast food so far #
  • 09:52 in Atlanta i got a new seat mate, Tom, but he too left me when a seat opened up #
  • 09:54 in Orlando, i got another seat mate. we both have a suitcase that wont fit in the overhead rack of this style bus. i'm straddling mine #
this guy said he was going to Ft. Lauderdale with a Jamaican accent. our suitcases no longer fit in the overhead racks so he stuffed his suitcase in front of his seat too, but i had the window seat which locked in my left leg and he pinned my right leg with his suitcase and leg! my right foot wasn't even touching the ground for a while! eventually i pushed and got a tiny bit more room, but my right leg was still held really tightly between my suitcase and his leg and he wouldn't give me any more room!
  • 09:58 just saw my first palm trees! #
  • 10:00 just saw a white heron in a tree #
it was probably a crane.
  • 10:23 leaving Kissimee #
  • 10:27 yes, down here for a vacation. in Kissimmee, heading south RT @NICOLENICHOLS @DyNama First palm trees! That's exciting! Are you in Florida? #
  • 12:03 i have reached my destination! happy travelling! #
even when we got in to Ft. Pierce, i said to my seatmate "this is my stop" and he raised a finger and said "not yet". i don't really know what he was thinking but eventually he let me out. I was welcomed by Mom & Dad and we had lunch at the Arby's there.
  • 16:21 settling in at my parents' house. already washed the clothes i travelled (slept) in #
  • 16:47 3wks, enuf time to really catch up. my sis lives nearby too RT @_7654_ @DyNama it looks like you are digging in for a long stay ... #
  • 20:36 friday night at the senior citizens clubhouse: pina coladas for $1! woot! #
  • 21:37 my parents got a new HD TV and watch non-HD shows stretched to fit cuz they think that's the way it's supposed to be #
  • 21:43 @davesib will do. thanx for the sandwiches, they got me thru #
  • 21:46 @NICOLENICHOLS no disney for me. we'll just hang out #
my sister Kris dropped by after work so i'm seeing her for the first time in a year. she works 2 days a week in a jewelry store. she was talking to her youngest daughter Nat on the phone when she pulled up so i even got to say hi to her. Kris called me a few days before i left town, which is actually her first phone call to me in years! we honestly have a warm relationship, we just don't talk much on the phone. i usually keep up with her and her family by news from our parents.

Thursday 22 October 2009

[edit 10/25 120a] these are my tweets as sent to twitter in real time. i'm correcting obvious typos, and i'll flesh them out as time allows.
  • 01:50 here's goes my computer! i'll tweet from my phone till i get to florida and get back online #
  • 04:09 i'm at the bus station, an hr before my bus leaves, but a bus just pulled in! greyhound never offered me a 4am bus #
  • 04:18 that bus is going to florida but greyhound never offered it as an option. that's weird #
to elucidate, i bought my bus ticket from http://www.greyhound.com/. i checked a dozen different date combinations over a couple weeks, and every time it offered me only 1 departure option: leaving 450a from Chillicothe, and there's a link that i could click to show me the route, which was northbound to Columbus. The website never offered me the option of choosing a southbound route out of Chillicothe, so i presumed it had been discontinued. image my surprise when, while waiting for the northbound bus, a southbound bus pulls in! i told the driver the website never mentioned a 4a southbound bus, and he just said, "that's greyhound!" !@#$%!
  • 05:09 boarded my bus in Chillicothe OH, trip is underway #
  • 06:27 rode the bus 1 hr north to Columbus OH so i could catch the southbound bus, which boards at 730a #
  • 07:15 hey dave! RT @davesib following norm travel to florida. #
  • 07:20 Bus station in Columbus OH http://post.ly/9hGJ #
  • 07:33 boarded bus, finally heading south. my email acct at my former company was just deleted # 
  • 07:38 i was too hasty, we're leaving Columbus station now. so far i havent had a seatmate # 
  • 08:54 arrived at Dayton bus station # 
  • 09:08 leaving Dayton, now i've got a seatmate, Diane # 
  • 09:33 we couldnt get out @ Dayton, so no smokes since 730a. Diane is going to Texas # 
Diane had a hard luck story too, but i was sleepy and not paying attention. She had been in Dayton visiting an aunt for 3 weeks, now headed back to Dallas in time to move. The aunt apparently had access to all sorts of industrial health supplies; i overheard her tell her daughter about getting a 4-month supply of some medication from her. She also said she had a whole suitcase full of Starbucks ground coffee, and when she got off the phone, she told me about it too, and later on got into her suitcase and pulled out 5 single pot packs to give me!
  • 10:12 in Cincinnati, getting a smoke, then i'll go charge this phone some more # 
  • 10:35 they have a tv here in the Cincy station and i'm watching Ellen for the 1st time # 
  • 10:41 2 black women who only speak French just tried to ask me questions # 
  • 10:47 Bus station in Cincinnati http://post.ly/9j1v
  • 11:07 @davesib the tv was too close to the charging station # 
  • 11:08 not french! RT @suselynn @DyNama Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't that been the start of one of your long time fantasies? # 
  • 11:11 we have boarded and are preparing to leave Cincinnati. 6 hrs after i started i'm still only 2 hrs from home! # 
  • 11:17 at 1st the driver said we would wait 10mins 4 connecting bus, so we started out to smoke, then he shoved us back in & said no we're leaving # 
the driver was saying we would wait an additional 10 minutes for a connecting bus, so if anyone wanted a smoke, we could get one while waiting, but before we got out the door, he said he'd just heard that the other bus was all the way back near Kings Island, so that would be too long to wait.
  • 11:20 leaving Ohio! finally on my way! see ya later Ohio! # 
  • 11:47 twitter friends, i may not be able to tweet my whole bus trip cuz the battery of my cell doesnt seem to be holding a charge # 
i admit i didn't charge up the battery of my cell phone wensday evening, but it had been fully charged that morning and i was totally surprised that it went dead soon after starting the trip. nearly every greyhound station we stopped at had a charging station, a bank of outlets for recharging phones and ipods, and i'd plug mine in and get about 40 minutes of charge, but it would go dead again soon after leaving the station. i really thought that just my luck, the battery was going bad, or my charger, not a genuine samsung charger but an after-market "travel charger", was a lemon. so several hours during the trip, my battery was dead, or the phone turned off to save a little charge. i don't really think i missed very many tweets of "important" stuff, but i might have made a few more observations or sent more pictures if i'd had a working cell phone.
  • 13:01 arrived at the Louisville bus station. got a smoke, now charging my phone some more #
  • 13:16 so far no bus station has had a vending machine with hot coffee. seems they all used to have them in the past # 
  • 13:26 Bus Station in Louisville http://post.ly/9kXt
  • 13:38 leaving Louisville, on the road again # 
  • 14:27 Elizabethtown KY, but no break for us smokers # 
  • 15:32 getting a smoke in Bowling Green KY # 
  • 17:01 Nashville TN bus station http://post.ly/9mc5
  • 17:31 leaving Nashville TN. left my water bottle behind, had to get them to open the door and let me go back in to get it # 
i was pleasantly surprised about the lack of security on this whole trip. no one ever looked in my luggage, and even this time, they let me get off to get the water bottle i'd left at the charging station.
  • 18:21 we are at a pickup spot but the driver didnt say where. Tennessee i think # 
  • 18:57 Manchester TN, quick smoke break # 
  • 23:03 Here at Atlanta bus station http://post.ly/9pKn
  • 23:07 we had quick smoke breaks in Chattenooga TN at 835p and Marietta GA at 1020p, i'm now in Atlanta GA # 
  • 23:57 about to leave Atlanta, on last leg of journey # 

Wildlife walking by, pt 2

Then just a few minutes later, a sandhill crane comes by to get a few minutes of shade. He's still there as i write this! i still haven't mastered which posterous email address posts to which blogs, so if it seems some pics are missing, go to my posterous blog to see the rest.


Wen 14 Oct 2009

[edit 10/24 12noon] So a week ago Wensday, something happened which added an entirely unexpected flavor to this vacation: I lost my job after 30 years with the company.

It's not like I shouldn't have seen it coming; business had been bad for months, I had heard rumors that the partners--I worked for 5 partners--had been paying some bills out of their own pockets, and I had had very few billable hours in the previous month. Still, it came as a shock, because I had been there 30-1/2 years. My immediate supervisor, Eric, is more than 10 years younger than me, but the Head of the Surveying Dept., Tom, is only 1 year older, and the top "Managing Partner", Mike, is only 2 years older, and i had known his sister in high school.

I wasn't the first CAD draftsman the company had had. They hired a fresh graduate of community college, Sheri, to start us in CAD. But i knew that was where the future of drafting was headed, and i have a natural empathy with computers, so the day we got CAD software was the day I started playing with it. Sheri was not particularly imaginative, and had never drawn engineering drawings. Later I overheard Mike once saying that it was easier to teach CAD to an engineering draftsperson, than engineering drawing to a CAD person.

When she left after 28 months, I knew enough CAD to be offered her job. In fact it has a slight relevance to this vacation blog: I was offered the job, and a 23% raise, on the eve of my first Greyhound bus trip to Florida, in March, 1990. I left Ohio a manual draftsperson of 11 years, returned as a brand new CAD draftsperson. For about 5 years, I WAS the CAD Dept. I drew, or edited Sheri's, predrawn assemblies, called "blocks", symbols to represent items in every topographical survey, like manholes and water valves, that we use to this day, though they have been smartened up with masking underneath and dynamic scaling to take advantage of changes in the CAD software.

I always had the biggest, baddest, damnest computer in the office, because CAD needed the most powerful computers available. Sheri had started on a 16mhz computer and sometimes her regenerations of her drawings would take an hour. By the time I took over, the fastest computer in the office was 25mhz, but still a regen could take an hour or even longer. I was the only full-time CAD draftsman, at one point there were 4 others dabbling in it, but they all had a computer i had set up and used, so that i could help all of them with computer problems because they were all using one of my old computers.

I could see business was pretty bad, but I thought I had tenure, just because of this history. Now perhaps i can see why it was me. A year ago a new CAD draftsman was laid off, this time an part-time draftman went too, that left 4 full-time draftsmen. Josh is a 10-year associate, hired by the company fresh from community college, but he is Phi Beta Kappa, a whiz kid with computers and  software. He had the time to figure out how to work the lastest version of CAD software, civil 3-d, because he was our engineering draftsman, and engineering jobs usually have enough hours budgeted to allow it. That got him the reputation of being a master Computer Guru that the company thought was worth paying more for. Chad's been with the company for 15 years and been full-time CAD for maybe 10, but he's also the surveyors' main go-to guy and the liason with the field crews. Dave is a 25-year veteran of the company, having started with a surveying company that our company bought out, has been in CAD for about 15 years and manual drafting before that, but he's also worked with the engineer of that company the entire time and functions as office manager for that office.

So that leaves little old me, 19 years in CAD but may have been thought of as the least specialized of the CAD people, which i would prefer to say the most versatile, but i had developed the preference of just drafting, not doing a lot of the push-button engineering stuff that the CAD software will now accomplish, i just wanted to draw. I brought to the survey plat a background of graphic design, 34 years ago i was a graphic designer with an ad agency that produced "junk mail", and i always assessed the attractiveness and readability of my drawings to the point, perhaps excessive, of thinking many were good-looking enough to be hung on the wall, almost as art. Also in my defense, I will add that i didn't need all the new-fangled bells and whistles in the CAD program so i didn't bother learning them, but i think i could have, given the time, because after all, i had learned and used ACOGO, DCA, Softdesk, and Land Desktop, civil 3-d's predecessors.


Getting ready for my next vacation...

Don't quite know why these pictures from the Cincinnati WTA tennis tournament ended up here. I'll have to see who i emailed them to from my phone.

Rereading my own deathless prose, i see back in 2007, Greyhound only required a 7-day advance notice to get the cheapest rate of $140 round-trip. This time the round-trip ticket cost $154 with 21-day advance notice, $230 with 14-day advance notice, and $318 with 7-day advance notice. Greyhound Road Rewards discount program gave me 10% off! so i gave them a 22-day advance notice and got my ticket for $138.

I suppose i ought to add that i found round-trip flights for $148, with fees and taxes $187, but i don't fly. The only flight i've ever taken, to Los Angeles in 1994, went just fine...once i took tranquilizers! The fact that all the airports had just gone totally non-smoking didn't help.

I also have slowly realized that Greyhound has changed how they serve this midwest route to Florida. in the past, the route thru Chillicothe goes south near the east coast, thru South Carolina and Jacksonville. now that route seems to be northbound only; so i will board in Chillicothe, go north to Columbus, then go south thru Cincinnati, Atlanta, and Orlando. that route always existed in the past, both northbound and southbound, but maybe it's only southbound now. so this year i'll go south by a different route, but come back home by the same route i used to travel both ways.

There's layovers in both Columbus and Cincinnati, so 6 hours after I board i'll only be 1-1/2 hours from home! my work associates have urged me to call Greyhound and see if i can't just board in Cincinnati at 10a rather than Chillicothe at 5a, which is a good idea.