
Florida vacation 2011

Time for another trip to visit the family in Florida. My parents go the Europe in May to celebrate their 60 years of marriage, and I'd like to see them before that. My brother and his wife went down for a week in March, so it's my turn. Besides, i can be unemployed in Florida just as well as being unemployed in Ohio! Since, in the words of a Styx song, I have nothing to do and all day to do it, i might as well have a long and leisurely stay, so I decided upon 3 weeks, which actually is no longer than i used to take when I was working. Travel will again be by Greyhound bus--what can I say, I don't really mind it.

Sunday 3 April 2011

  • 19:08:19: getting ready to go on vacation. i think i'm all packed, except for my computer
  • 19:56:28: dammit, i can't find that battery-operated charger for my phone. there's a place it's supposed to be but it's not there
  • 20:02:14: you still working, @loudtweeter? i havent got any tweets sent to my blog for a couple weeks
  • 20:56:44: computer off! next stop, Florida!
  • 23:09:44: i'm here at the cincy bus station, a full hour before i board
  • 23:10:33: my friend got me here at 1035p and just left
  • 23:41:37: departure time less than 1/2hr (@ Greyhound Bus Station) http://4sq.com/hfceB0
Monday 4 April 2011
  • 00:17:34: @Breathless1974 thanx, Taby!
  • 00:18:48: we are hitting the road! in 24hrs i'll be visiting the parents!
  • 03:11:25: had a meal stop in London KY
  • 03:18:54: bus is full. i'm a seatmate w/a big young man who takes a little more than his share of the space
  • 03:26:45: i got a breakfast sandwich & coffee but of course i had to let sandwich go cold cuz i needed a smoke too
  • 03:27:53: got a little sleep b4 the meal stop but the bus is too warm & i cant seem to get comfortable
  • 04:56:15: layover in Knoxville TN
  • 05:00:47: I'm at Greyhound Bus Station (100 E Magnolia Ave, NE, N Central St, Knoxville) http://4sq.com/gVJHDI
  • 05:09:01: some but not all of the seats on our bus have outlets for recharging phones and putas
  • 05:09:47: lots of ppl traveling tonite. perhaps i should have left on monday night
  • 05:10:37: knoxville station is full at 5 in the morning
  • 05:13:54: just showed 1 fellow traveller where the charging station is & encouraged a woman to take a seat that had a coat in it
  • 05:50:27: @yourgirlnxtdoor an excuse to eat fruit juice or candy sounds like fun, no?
  • 05:55:30: my seatmate had made a few flirty remarks to the pretty girl across the aisle. at Knoxville he move to another seat, & the girl joined him
this seatmate was the only one that really talked to me on the trip. he was a young black man who listened to his music and every so often who sing a line from the hiphop song out loud, a line that usually included the n-word. when he was flirting with the pretty girl, he even asked me my name, saying to her "you need to charge your phone, just tell--what's your name?--just tell DyNama and he'll switch places so you can use the outlet at our seat." later, i made a comment about not wanting to ruin his chances picking her up, but he laughed and said "I got enough woman troubles in my life, I don't need any more!" that was before they sat together, so later i said "she even moved to sit with you!" and he just grinned and shook his head.
This was Atlanta. i've heard it's one of the busiest Greyhound stations, but i've only had trouble here.
  • 10:26:02: huge station, tiny smoking area
  • 10:40:49: attractive young lady just walked by wearing sweats w/the pockets turned out
  • 10:58:28: they had us florida-bound ppl go to gate 8 and took the 1st 45. i was number 47.
  • 11:09:40: they came back for the 1 in front of me, so i am 1st in line for the next bus. 1st loser, yay me!
  • 11:12:59: a guy behind me overheard that our 11a bus wont be leaving till 125p :(
  • 11:23:20: what a dumb idea, @cnn, this "choose the news" thing
CNN spends more time telling us about 3 stories to vote to get on the air than it would take to actually air all 3 stories!
They seem not to understand the concept. People get killed in protests over something someone who has freedom of speech says. At the mo, it's about a Florida preacher burning copies of the Koran, previously it was about publishing cartoon depictions of their historic religious founder. They seem to think everyone owes some respect, some obeisance to their religious figures--even non-believers! if we had to pay obeisance to every single deity believed in by humankind, we'd get nothing done!
  • 12:39:27: about 10 of us got bumped off the 11a bus. the next bus on that route is the 715p. but if we're not 1st in line, we could get bumped again
  • 12:40:33: seating is 1st come 1st served, no priority even for ppl bumped
  • 12:43:28: at this mo tho, they wont even tell us what line to get in
  • 13:31:03: the other 3 bumped passengers & i are on a bus going to savannah, ga. it's a lateral move but allegedly will get us there sooner
  • 13:32:34: the other guy who was move active claims the boarding call included my final destination in Fla.
  • 13:32:54: more active
Yeah, one guy, i never got his name, who was wearing a Jerry Garcia Band t-shirt, was the one who kept bugging Greyhound people to tell us what to do. What bugged him the most was their not telling us anything and seeming mostly clueless. They kept saying they couldn't officially change our route to Savannah GA because the adjusted mileage was more than 120% of our original route, which apparently is a no-no as the fee is based at least somewhat on the length of the trip.
  • 13:36:03: atlanta to savannah to orlando would not usually be the best route, so that seems to indicate an accomodation on greyhound's part
Greyhound putting my destination in the list of cities the Savannah bus serves would be an accommodation, since I'm pretty sure people don't usually go through both Atlanta and Savannah to get to Florida.
  • 13:37:42: if we had waited until 715p, they said they would feed us. now we have to buy our own dinner
  • 13:38:29: we are rolling, only 2-1/2hrs after we expected to
  • 13:40:08: i think i overheard some pretty girls talking about my failwhale t-shirt that has my twitter name printed on it, but they didnt tweet me
  • 14:04:21: @davesib ouch [Dave said he was at work but had no work]
  • 14:05:56: @davesib i used to tease Chad & Mike McConn that when thing were slow we ought to just pick lots at random & survey them on spec
  • 15:13:57: we're here at Macon, GA
  • 15:19:44: i have a half dozen clip-on sunglasses but i forgot them all
  • 15:26:36: I'm at Greyhound Station, Macon, GA (63 Spring St, Macon) http://4sq.com/fq9zxg
  • 16:33:22: took on passengers in Dublin, GA, but didn't get a break
  • 16:43:08: i got a new seatmate in Dublin
  • 16:44:04: @davesib thanx Dave *fingers crossed* [Dave hoped the rest of the trip went without trouble]
  • 18:29:22: i'm here in savannah. i got off 1 bus & immediately got on the next 1! i wasnt in savannah 5 min!
  • 18:42:21: this driver is completely protected by a lucite shield that's been lined w/curtains
  • 18:44:03: IOW he sees no one, & no one sees him, while working. he works most of his day in a place that looks like a shower
  • 19:40:29: Brunswick, GA, stopping at a qwickee-mart
  • 19:54:36: a quick stop. i got a smoke, the 2 eastern europeans wolfed down a cpl of coneys
  • 20:00:57: all i've had to eat since that 230a brkfast sandwich is pretzels and chocolate
  • 21:39:55: have over an hour wait here in Jacksonville, so i had a pepperoni pizza. 2 guys bummed cigarettes.
i happened to notice microwave ovens in most of the Greyhound stations on the way down so i got a personal-sized pizza expecting to be able to microwave it if it wasn't hot enough...but Jacksonville bus station didn't have one. :(  most of these restaurants in the bus stations also have signs saying refills of soft drinks were 50¢ and i conspicuously got a refill, but the checker lady was preoccupied about a baby grabbing things and never put her hand out.
  • 22:31:05: i always forget about security on Florida buses. since i'm reboarding the same bus, tho, all my luggage, carry-ons were already on the bus
  • 22:33:54: i grabbed an empty seat only to promptly get another seatmate
  • 22:34:42: @SagDec15 even farther, to Ft Pierce
  • 22:36:41: pulling out of Jacksonville, heading to Orlando
  • 22:39:52: actually just leaving (@ Greyhound Station Jax) http://4sq.com/gaZN3X
  • 22:42:30: i think he said we get to Orlando at 115a, leave there at 215a. no rest stops betw Jax & Orlando (except 5min at Daytona)
  • 22:44:20: @SagDec15 yeah, half my family lives there. the mountain has to go to mohammed!
  • 23:37:03: @SagDec15 3 weeks! a leisurely getaway.
  • 23:40:32: i got a new seatmate even tho i think there were empty doubles, but just now, while barreling down the road, i got up to get my pillow...
  • 23:41:14: & my seatmate left to find another seat
Tuesday 5 April 2011
  • 00:16:55: got a few hits on a smoke at Daytona, and got a teen for a seatmate. i cant win!
  • 00:18:47: confirmed we get into Orlando at 115a, leave at 215a. that means i'll get into Ft Pierce around 430a
  • 00:20:28: i probably wont call my parents for a pickup until 5a. i'll be about 4.5hrs later than i was supposed to be
  • 00:22:17: i chose cincy for departure over chillicothe cuz the total trip was 24 vs. 31hrs. getting bumped made the trip 28hrs
  • 01:10:43: @SagDec15 cool. i think i follow several floridians, like @WongoWoman and @VariantVal too
  • 01:34:17: I'm at Greyhound Orlando http://4sq.com/f3mmMx
  • 01:50:00: there's a full security check at Orlando, baggage check & wand, even for ppl coming in from the smoking area!
  • 01:50:45: i got in line but the security guard walked away so i just sauntered on thru!
  • 01:51:47: some ppl think any amt of security reduces risk, i think any gaps make it a total waste of time & money
  • 01:58:24: @Tim_in_CT i'm in a @greyhoundbus station, strictly verboten!
  • 02:08:59: @Tim_in_CT yep, going to visit the folks. COLD BEER is definitely on the agenda soonor or later!
  • 02:16:42: @Tim_in_CT it's okay. cheap & not flying. this is about my 10th @greyhoundbus trip
  • 02:17:34: driver says he's going to cram this @greyhoundbus full
  • 02:19:25: last leg of my trip, should be at my final destination in about 2hrs
  • 02:20:49: @Tim_in_CT #Ohio to #Florida, i hear it's about 1200mi!
  • 02:22:10: i paraphrased what the @greyhoundbus driver said, he actually said "i need every seat"
  • 02:25:32: i asked a classy young lady if her "#Pink" luggage was about the singer. i thot she answered that it's a secret.
  • 02:33:15: i didnt get a seatmate!
  • 02:34:44: we're rolling! Ft Pierce or bust!
  • 02:39:16: driver said ETA Ft Pierce at 430a
  • 04:30:19: let the vacation begin! (@ Loves Travel Stop) http://4sq.com/g6sqb8
  • 04:33:20: like i said, i'll wait till 5a to call M&D
  • 05:07:12: called Dad to tell him i'm in. hated to call them at this hour
  • 05:08:14: driver of the next bus to stop here keeps trying to talk me into getting on his bus and keep going south!
  • 05:09:50: a guy w/problems got off my bus here and walked away. he had ticks, violent hand-gestures, & was talking to himself loudly
  • 05:12:22: this @greyhoundbus station is a 24-hr Arbys & truckstop. oddly enuf, many of the tables in Arbys has a phone jack
  • 05:13:00: maybe that's an internet connection?
  • 05:40:11: most of the gas stations betw Ohio & Georgia had gas for $3.59. this station tho is at $3.75
  • 06:47:47: @snowjava i didnt know it was above $4 out there!
  • 06:48:59: checked in at my parent's house. we had coffee & turnovers at that Arby's before leaving
  • 16:18:08: got to the parents' house & everybody went back to bed. i slept till 130p!
  • 16:19:26: since then, mom & i have been gabbing while raised my nicotine levels, then dad showed me his new iPad1
  • 16:20:34: somehow the portrait/landscape auto-rotate got turned off so he had to figure how to turn it back on
  • 16:21:53: i watched a video on his ipad about #CindyJackson who has had more #cosmeticsurgery than anyone
  • 16:22:40: havent bathed since 8p sunday. i need to wash the road grime off me
  • 16:24:01: i emptied my suitcase and backpack & took them outside in case they smell like cats
  • 16:24:55: i'm getting cigarettes delivered here, but they're not here yet
  • 16:25:24: @wickedlibrarian i think the same thing!
  • 17:22:24: "expert" @cnn telling the "5 rules for successfully working from home". u think she actually polled ppl who do it or is it just intuitive?
  • 17:24:00: that bugs me, "experts" telling us how to do stuff, from raising children to succeeding in business & i dont think they did any research
  • 17:25:09: the vast majority of "self-help" books are full of intuitive stuff that are not researched.
  • 17:25:48: does having dinner w/ur kids really help them stay out of trouble? does anyone really know?
  • 17:26:39: i'm computering outside on dad's patio, trying out his new wi-fi for the 1st time
  • 17:29:04: @Tim_in_CT maybe after dinner, neither of my parents are much drinkers, then COLD BEER!!
  • 18:39:38: @SagDec15 got in at 430a but didnt want to wake the folks that early. i waited until 5a.
  • 18:59:16: via @TheOnion - Embarrassed Republicans Admit Theyve Been Thinking Of Eisenhower Whole Time They've Been Praising Reagan http://t.co/Ehde0Ar
  • 21:36:12: watching NCIS with dad
  • 21:37:35: my sister said she might come over tonite to welcome me but then she remembered she had a meeting scheduled
  • 23:21:12: it was 92 degrees today here!
Wednesday 6 April 2011
  • 02:21:37: #shutup #mio! if i can have water the way i want it, i'll have kool-aid
  • 11:44:02: I'm at Walmart (St Lucie West Blvd, Port St Lucie) http://4sq.com/e01reQ
  • 12:31:37: we went to a #Wendys after shopping, & while we were there, 1000s of winged ants swarmed out of the woodwork under a window!
  • 12:32:29: all that the #Wendys manager could do was spray them with cleaning solution
  • 12:34:18: at walmart i found clip-on sunglasses that fit my glasses exactly but they were gray lenses. i dont like gray sunglasses
  • 12:35:09: gray sunglasses make the world look gloomy all the time. i like amber lenses better
  • 12:35:46: so i bot a pair of amber glasses that fit ok but not exactly
  • 12:37:31: @rage_bot it probably is, but since the winged ants had a black body, my dad says these must not be termites. termites are white, he says
  • 12:39:23: @PixieChixie36 i was gabbing w/my mom & we missed most of NCIS, but i watched NCIS:LA w/dad. it's good too
  • 12:40:36: RT @mental_floss: According to some estimates, Americans are sitting on $30 billion worth of unredeemed gift cards.
  • 12:46:07: RT @delrayser: Glenn Beck will end show on Fox, devote his time to looking for the real killers.
  • 17:12:47: @PixieChixie36 i'm watching season 3 of The Fugitive, the 60s tv show. but i savor it, only watching 1 or 2 a month
  • 17:14:42: my sister, my niece, & my grand-nephew came over today! i finally got to meet Jake! he's a real cutie!
  • 17:16:10: almost everybody says "great-uncle" but that is wrong. i'm Jake's grand-uncle.
  • 17:17:50: M&D bot some groceries i like & Mom got me a Port St Lucie t-shirt at Walmart.
  • 17:33:52: M&D & i are heading to a covered-dish supper at their Lutheran church. Mom made brownies to take
  • 18:57:32: they are having a service so i'm going for a walk
  • 19:31:46: back from a walk, took some pix to make Amelia homesick
  • 19:33:12: church is still going on. went in to wait but got greeted by a member, who asked if i knew where he should take his used eyeglasses
  • 19:34:08: @StolenBliss but meet-for-coffee friends are the best kind, no?
  • 19:35:49: @CuteEyeGirl1980 aw, their winning streak is broken? too bad
  • 22:27:46: @CuteEyeGirl1980 ur too quick to judge. i'm rooting for the #Reds, but i thot that was a final score
  • 22:29:29: @StolenBliss i just think the friends i meet for coffee are good, every day friends
  • 23:11:54: @CuteEyeGirl1980 i live in #reds country, SW Ohio, but i'm presently vacationing in Florida, so i was looking for the score of the game
  • 23:20:03: @CuteEyeGirl1980 they were amazing last year for pulling out a win, & now they're doing it again this year! #goreds
  • 23:22:07: one good thing about letting ppl on my greyhound bus use my cell phone is i've got lots of numbers of drug dealers
Thursday 7 April 2011
  • 00:16:53: RT @juliasegal: Thinking about sleeping my way to the top, because I'm really good at sleeping.
  • 00:22:39: awesome! RT @MzStarrBurst: <------- has 164,701 tweets
  • 09:03:47: yest Dad invited me to prayer breakfast, but today he decided not to go & didnt wake me at 530a. i woke up around 8
  • 09:04:53: i've already got my shower, now i'm standing outside in the sun, letting my hair dry, and tweeting
  • 09:19:27: @briandgregory i've seen net pioneers celebrate the birthday of the internet on the day the 1st IMP was connected, which i think was Sept 2
  • 10:02:31: taking Mom to a doctor's appointment
  • 11:29:42: back home from Mom's visit to the podiatrist, making sandwiches for lunch
  • 13:03:05: @indydina doing okay, enjoying the florida sunshine
  • 13:15:52: I'm at Salvation Army (3629 S 4th St, Ft Pierce) http://4sq.com/g3IfsA
  • 13:47:06: I'm at Goodwill (Fort Pierce) http://4sq.com/faCo3b
  • 14:00:25: i find it weird that both salvation army & goodwill here sort their clothes by color rather than size
  • 14:33:00: I'm at Staples 441 (2609 S Us Highway 1, Fort Pierce) http://4sq.com/eEXnUO
  • 23:29:04: i wore my mom out today, 1st by shopping for 4hrs, then taking her on a long walk
  • 23:30:25: we went to salvation army, #goodwill, staples, big lots, and publix
  • 23:31:49: then we walked the long way around, thru the golf course, to get to the subdivision's club house
  • 23:32:35: @billiegirltoo yeah, and she's 78! quite a trooper!
  • 23:34:15: my brother called this eve to m&d's house to talk to me, more ideas about helping me find a job. he thinks i should write a book
  • 23:36:57: i was told the neighbor's dog here is a service dog. i thot service dogs are trained to ignore distractions. so why did dog just bark at me?
  • 23:42:05: i dont get jokes about hookers actually being male
Friday 8 April 2011 
  • 08:38:07: another beautiful 90degree day in Florida!
  • 08:47:30: via @billtannica: Bar owner believes prayer destroyed his bar, congregation denies it http://goo.gl/Bc8Mw
  • 08:58:52: @Taby1974 Good thing you set the alarm clock in your head! #youreawesome
  • 09:01:02: @scientistlady is Canada a good place for paper & dissertation writing?
  • 09:28:27: yep, extra cute! RT @CoryFroomkin: Is it me, or is @RobinMeade looking extra cute today? #HLN
  • 09:36:03: @davesib tweet me about the weather there! storms today?
  • 09:45:01: if my mom is talking while falling asleep, she says gibberish
  • 15:27:45: havent done much today. Dad drove his greatgrandson to the doctor but mom & i have just puttered around the house
  • 15:28:43: got my shipment of cigarettes this morning, delivered by private carrier
  • 16:34:18: @royorbs3 not cheap to someone who remembers smokes at 50c/pack! bargain tho, i pay $30.43/carton incl s/h & it's my fave brand
  • 16:34:58: @davesib congratulations!
  • 16:35:18: @davesib now u need some clients?
  • 16:46:17: @royorbs3 sure it's legal...i think
  • 16:48:49: @royorbs3 i get my fave brand Native from an indian reservation, senecasmokeshop.com. its illegal now to mail so that's why private delivery
  • 17:41:17: M&D are ready for supper, i'm stalling cuz i'm not ready to eat yet. we're going to #GoldenCorral
  • 19:54:08: @davesib & does it pay? sounds pretty cool
  • 20:17:19: @davesib interesting. sounds like a nice supplement to your less-than-full-time job
  • 22:31:31: 105 people that I follow have not posted in 30 days (via http://manageflitter.com)
  • 22:54:57: I unfollowed 63 inactive tweeters today with ManageFlitter! (via http://manageflitter.com)
  • 23:06:39: I've been unfollowed by 21 people using ManageFlitter. (via http://manageflitter.com)
  • 23:10:38: aw, @Married_Witch91, you unfollowed me :(
  • 23:50:12: i'm going out w/Dad on his Citizen Patrol in a few minutes. it's usually uneventful
 Saturday 9 April 2011
  • 01:56:13: back home after going w/dad on citizen patrol. 2hrs driving 16miles! stopped once for coffee.
  • 01:58:30: dad has to get to bed. he has to get up at 615a so he & mom can go to a seminar at their church about increasing attendence
  • 02:22:59: betw Aug & Oct 1860, Liberia was overwhelmed w/nearly 3,000 would-be slaves freed by American warships
  • 02:37:20: Check this video out -- Stranger On The Shore - Acker Bilk http://t.co/Sc6G1nd via @youtube
  • 08:32:47: had a case of hyperwhizia during the night, went to bed at 3a but had to take a leak at 339a, 4a, 5a, and 8a
  • 10:10:29: a lone sandhill crane just walked by me & is now eating seeds my mother put out
  • 11:40:55: sitting out in the hot florida sun drinking coffee & eating donuts
  • 11:47:48: there is no evidence that god cares whether you believe in him or not
  • 14:34:44: @TOYA312 actually i did do a shift of citizen patrol last night!
  • 14:37:11: that 1-1/4hr walk in the heat this morn really took a lot out of me
  • 14:52:18: my lupus neighbor Angie called a little while ago. she sounds strong, ready for her surgery Monday
  • 17:34:20: i'd like to have twin daughters and name them Ethyl and Methyl
  • 17:44:02: amazing! RT @neudesigns: Ran 4.01 miles in 30 mins. Had to get my butt off the couch. http://dailymile.com/e/QtWv
  • 17:45:32: RT @expatina: Maybe GOP can propose a Secret Santa Act, where we each get the name of the rich person whose taxes we're paying.
  • 20:55:03: mom & i sat outside and gabbed for a while, then walked up to the club house and back
  • 21:03:25: @66Betty you just got yesterday's over again?
  • 22:47:46: i could've sworn Sophia Loren was in La Dolce Vita. it's Anita Ekberg instead
  • 23:14:25: #shutup #justformen! it's sad that the girls think their father needs to color his gray hair before starting dating
  • 23:20:45: i'll need them, above ave temps expected here! RT @Tim_in_CT: @DyNama COLD BEER !!!
  • 23:30:15: this area of #Florida is 16" short of precip since Oct!
  • 23:32:23: above average temps are expected here for a couple days #florida
 Sunday 10 April 2011
  • 08:31:31: @craftyred that's sad too, it's like ppl arent allowed to age any more
  • 08:56:01: @MzStarrBurst interesting article
  • 10:37:28: #bp 149/90 pulse 98 on one of those machines in a store
  • 10:38:23: at the grocery store w/Mom and neighbor lady Maurine
  • 10:53:21: I'm at Publix at Prima Vista Crossings (7576 S. US Highway 1, Port Saint Lucie) http://4sq.com/geJRsV
  • 11:29:17: home from the grocery. charmed another old lady! mom forgot her wallet, had to use the neighbor's debit card
  • 11':35:09: proponents of Prohibition enthusiastically approved of poisoning alcohol as punishment for getting a drink
  • 11:54:32: got informed minutes before it would happen that i was going to be dropped off at my sister's house, then just as quickly it was postponed
  • 11:55:52: my sis's 86yo dad-in-law left a pan on a burner all night so she has to deal w/that
  • 11:56:33: dont exactly know what she is doing about it
  • 12:05:05: the normal brain always has a trace amount of ethyl acohol as a result of normal metabolic processes, 2/1000th of 1%
  • 12:31:04: 1 way to get #Americans to save more would be to put celebrities pictures on currency
  • 12:32:27: i could see @BritneySpears on the $20, @KimKaradashian on the $10, @LadyGaga on the $50
  • 13:45:04: in July 1933, tho Prohibition had not yet been repealed, #Americans drank 1.3billion glasses of now-legal beer
  • 14:02:33: undertakers demanded the Y-incision be used in autopsies cuz it was less work to repair for open-casket funerals
  • 14:03:37: yep! cheers! RT @EmAgain: Is it wine o'clock yet? Isitisitisitisit?
  • 14:08:46: Bloomingdale's Department Store got a liquor license so they could sell imported scotch and rye the instant Prohibition was repealed
  • 15:11:00: @EmAgain it is just after 3p #timechk yeah, fun sitting around relaxing! i just finished the book i was reading
  • 15:13:21: Linda @LHopeD, ask Emily if she's ever heard of Charles Norris & Alexander Gettler. they were the main subjects of a book i just finished...
  • 15:15:31: Norris was NYC's 1st Chief Medical Examiner, Gettler was it's 1st toxicologist @LHopeD
  • 15:16:19: i know, @LHopeD, that Emily has other things on her mind at the moment
  • 15:18:19: @EmAgain sure sounds like #bliss! i havent finished a book in a long time! this one only took about a week!
  • 15:18:54: @EmAgain and yay! to new boyfriends!
  • 17:23:58: going to my sister's for dinner
  • 23:33:12: RT @londynrichards: ''The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike.''-Delos B. McKown
  • 23:33:41: RT @londynrichards: ''Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions.''-Frater Ravus
  • 23:41:40: @LaBelleLaide me too! i'm having an allergy attack in my eyes! nitey nite
  • 23:46:58: hmmm RT @dausonlovi: .@Taby1974 and I are going vegetarian
  • 23:54:21: on our way to my sister's a neighbor stopped us to say he'd seen a 7ft alligator on the street! just a few doors from m&d's house!
  • 23:55:12: the floridians arent particularly worried, but this ohioan is nervous about going out for a smoke!
  • 23:56:49: @dausonlovi @Taby1974 i just have never heard any good reasons for doing that
Monday 11 April 2011 
  • 00:01:09: my bro-in-law boasted about his son killing a coyote on their wildlife ranch today. environmentalists killing things upsets me
  • 00:02:36: i said as much to my sister & she said "so you're a buddist." she knows i've been an #atheist for almost 40yrs
  • 00:03:55: but she said #buddism is more a way of life than a religion. i dont know but i do agree w/respect for all life forms
  • 00:06:12: still, a huge bug was chomping on something in the kitchen just now so i sprayed it w/Raid
  • 00:14:44: @dausonlovi if u read my tweets u'll see i *dont believe* obesity is a health risk in &of itself. i dont think we know what causes migraines
  • 00:21:19: @dausonlovi :)
  • 00:32:18: @Married_Witch91 the dark is scary! there's stories of an alligator seen in this neighborhood & i'm a nervous wreck!
  • 00:38:22: @ldavenport76 @WTA @Ratazana @StephinNZ oh yeah, they were terrific against each other
  • 00:39:31: whew i'm having allergies in my eyes something awful, & i didnt bring any eyedrops on vacation
  • 00:41:50: @oceanchick99 that's one my parents wouldnt let me see when i was a kid
  • 00:46:38: he ruins it for the rest of us! RT @LilHappyHeathen: He even made sure I had clean sheets to come home to! <3 #awesomehubby
  • 00:51:34: @kimshannon as long as you give a 14-ufck notice
  • 01:43:37: @oceanchick99 she got an oscar for butterfield 8, no? but it's said it was really for another film?
  • 01:45:20: my eyes are really burning and tearing. dont know what caused it
  • 01:48:06: i petted my sister's cat, drank wine, smelled my bro-in-law's cigar, all of which sometimes gives me allergies (but not always)
  • 02:09:32: @dausonlovi @EmAgain @Taby1974 i'm not on twitter to pick fights. let's just say none of those convince me...and man is a carnivore
  • 02:10:28: @TexBetsy i think so, but i dont know to what!
  • 02:12:46: @EmAgain veggies are vile, i cant make 1 meal of them, let alone all of them. meatless meal = hunger for me. sure i'll lose weight!
  • 02:15:15: @EmAgain really? 4 decades of being the only atheist in the room has conditioned me to just say my piece & move on
  • 02:17:05: @EmAgain here it's mostly e. bola in salads. big recall of spinach a number of years ago
  • 02:20:22: @EmAgain feeling sorry for animals seems a bad reason. the predator-prey relationship is well-established, and veggies are living too
  • 02:24:40: @EmAgain i dont kill them myself, as far as i'm concerned meat comes from the grocery!
  • 02:25:27: @EmAgain if i had to kill to survive i would do it. i dont. so i wont
  • 02:26:02: @EmAgain i take respect for all living things too far. i dont even swat flies
  • 02:26:19: @EmAgain you taking a trip?
  • 02:27:28: @EmAgain i'm just a scientist. i dont think i ignore evidence
  • 02:27:49: @EmAgain thanx! enjoy yours too!
  • 02:31:05: @EmAgain i'm 12 miles from the ocean but havent been there yet! extremely hot weather so far, but i'm having a good time
  • 02:31:57: @EmAgain sounds like fun! enjoy!
  • 02:42:58: wow there's a ton of stuff in my eyes!
  • 02:59:42: it's bedtime but my eyes are really going to be crusted over in the morning since there's so much goop in them now
  • 08:40:51: man, last night was terrible! the allergy in my eyes is among the worst attack ever! my eyes are full of pus & raw from wiping them!
  • 08:43:00: woke up a few times during the night to find my eyes crusted shut
  • 08:44:37: i cant tell whether my eyes are getting better or the irritation is still going on
  • 08:46:15: lmao! RT @CruzanChoklate: Stop using skim milk RT @PrettyWikked: My milkshake only brought one boy to the yard. I've failed.
  • 08:47:34: @bossxbitch18 sustained!
  • 08:56:46: Like! RT @MzStarrBurst: Would yall feel real corny if you said "guys" & "fellas" or "women" & ladies" instead of "n****s" & "bitches"?
  • 09:25:02: @TexBetsy a comic strip the other day made a joke about a web site for sore eyes!
  • 09:26:45: my dad found some eye drops in the house but they are "get the red out" drops not anti-allergy drops. still, i'll try them
  • 09:30:47: @kahunageezer i love that word "bollox", we ought to use it here in the states!
  • 09:53:54: evening news audiences have declined 50% in the last 30 years
  • 11:57:58: @TOYA312 my dad's been a cop "lite"--state park ranger and manager, auxiliary sheriff deputy, &c, now citizen patrol, but me not so much
  • 11:58:53: RT @Hokuboku: U.S. Military Spending Has Almost Doubled Since 2001: http://is.gd/l405ag Yet, we certainly can't suggest cutting that to fix
  • 12:35:45: yest my sis' dad-in-law left a kettle on the burner overnight. he doesnt know it yet but he's moving to assisted living
  • 13:40:00: @yourgirlnxtdoor yeah the yellow is too much
  • 13:41:15: my eyes are still bothering me but not quite as bad as last night
  • 13:43:38: soon we'll leave to get an xray of dad's foot, they will do the accounting for their church while i shop, then we'll help at a free-meal ctr
  • 14:55:57: here getting dad a xray of his foot (@ Diagnostic Radiology Center) http://4sq.com/hlVyvb
  • 16:03:08: @davesib lol, she's given up
  • 17:08:33: turned out it was *not* m&d's week to count receipts, so we went to Walmart & had some ice cream
while we were at McDonald's within the Walmart, I got a return call from the company that handles my IRA. She did have an idea that I'm not allowed to contribute to my IRA while on unemployment, but didn't really know what to do about it. Possibly there will be a "penalty for early withdrawal" for the fund i put in it last year, which might make the 6% penalty the IRS wants to charge worth considering.
  • 19:17:19: back home after serving free dinner to anyone who walked in. dad's foot hurt so i took his place
  • 19:19:36: @davesib i'm ambivalent about hunting. i dont particularly like watching animals do it either
OK, now, I'm all caught up. If i get the service to dump my raw tweets into this blog, be aware it does not adjust for Daylight Saving. all the tweets posted so far have been manually and laboriously edited 1 by 1 *yawn*. i will do that and flesh out the tweets as i get to it.

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