
From Twitter 04-12-2011

  • 08:05:50: my eye jam continues into it's 2nd day. i dont think i've ever had eye allergies last this long before, 35hrs
  • 08:07:31: benedryl tablets & anti-allergy eye drops help a little but dont completely stop it
  • 08:08:20: got 8hrs sleep and woke up with my eyes crusted shut
  • 08:17:58: @myheartkills we just didnt know you love bagpipe music so much!
  • 08:19:14: @SagDec15 yes, enjoying it so far. havent really done anything touristy, just sat around visiting family
  • 08:22:01: @JosieLong so in other words, you hate the royal wedding?
  • 08:23:08: *sob* RT @MzStarrBurst: I'm gonna go cry. Well I already started. Have fun without me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 08:26:11: @KellyOlexa and the little chocolate on the pillow, Princess?
  • 08:28:11: here's a printout of our combined gene pool. RT @stevewhitaker: It is only logical that we mate.
  • 08:31:16: @HairySucker is it chilly there? (i'm vacationing in florida w/record-breaking heat at the mo)
  • 08:48:29: @HairySucker great! i like to hear that! tho of course i wouldnt wish that weather on anybody :)
  • 11:45:52: @craftyred doesnt rhyme
  • 12:01:34: @davesib my neighbor wants me to tell u to make sure the screen door latches when u leave, otherwise it blows in the wind
  • 12:02:04: @davesib so how's my kitties?
  • 12:10:43: i'm just a scientist. i dont ignore evidence, I weigh it
  • 12:14:37: @indydina you're right, absolutely!
  • 13:39:42: @twittinesis when i sign in w/a twitter acct who's name has been changed, it shows the twitter ID as the old name...
  • 13:40:25: @twittinesis and in fact i am not getting the tweets with the new name sent to my blog
  • 15:41:59: @indydina somebody accused me of ignoring evidence that contradicts me so i was kind of responding to that
  • 15:43:39: M&D have been out today--Dad took Mom to another dr. appt, & Mom had a Red Hat Ladies' mtg--but i've just sat around the house all day
  • 15:44:56: i did get my vacation blog going, but this time it'll probably be boring as i dont have big plans to do anything
  • 15:52:05: #timechk 451p Tuesday. my vacation blog may be an hour off
  • 16:22:16: i use @AdMuncher to block pop-ups and ads, but when it blocks a pop-up i actually want, it notifies me in the title but i never notice
  • 18:58:22: i just wasted an hour trying to find out if my java phone would play streaming radio for free
  • 19:29:49: Arch Intern Med -- Excerpt: FATTY DEGENERATION OF THE HEART CAUSING MYOCARDIAL INSUFFICIENCY - GARVIN 66 #fromEvernote http://t.co/6WnLLB1
  • 19:30:31: just tried @evernote's Post on Twitter feature--pretty cool!
  • 19:38:54: "addicted to food" is an oxymoron. it's the only thing one can get addicted to that everyone has to do to survive
  • 21:25:46: over 1million #US kids play high school football #frontline
  • 21:28:40: how can we ban lawn darts and allow high school football? #frontline
  • 22:30:58: my allergies continue. my eyes are in bad shape again this evening. i'm dure they'll be crusted shut when i wake up 2mrro, 3 days in a row
  • 22:32:43: i have never had allergies last this long before
  • 23:31:20: The Voice is wrong, looks do matter.
  • 23:36:11: @PixieChixie36 that was not nice of him
  • 23:36:56: i have little desire to see anyone in concert
  • 23:39:14: Jimmy Fallon is pretty funny but his visit to the rodeo was not

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