
From Twitter 05.20.2012

2012-05-20 09:13:32 (EDT)
@DyNama: i like the lion in the bank in the #Chase ad, he's a big kitty cat!

2012-05-20 10:49:32 (EDT)
@DyNama: #Germany's entire police force fired only 85 bullets in all of 2011; #NYC police fired 84 at 1 suspect in Apr2012

2012-05-20 10:50:52 (EDT)
@DyNama: less than 1/2 of college grads since 2009 found a job within a year of finishing school

2012-05-20 11:13:01 (EDT)
@DyNama: in 23yrs w/a Democrat in the White House, 42million non-govt jobs were created; in 28yrs of Repub Pres, 24million were created ~Bloomberg

2012-05-20 12:39:04 (EDT)
@DyNama: good luck sending the Dancing Chicken in the #USPS ad to all the stores, she'll be dead tired in an hour

2012-05-20 12:40:26 (EDT)
@DyNama: in 23yrs w/a Democrat in the White House since JFK, 42million non-govt jobs were created; in 28yrs of Repub Pres, 24million were created

2012-05-20 12:54:37 (EDT)
@DyNama: the baby in the #CapitalOne ads with @jimmyfallon is cute but she cant break a guitar, she cant throw hard, & she cant spell

2012-05-20 13:02:32 (EDT)
@DyNama: whenever a terrorist plot is uncovered at an otherwise valid protest, the message of the protest gets drowned out

2012-05-20 13:08:58 (EDT)
@DyNama: how many horses won the #Derby and the #Preakness but didnt win the #Belmont and thus the #TripleCrown ?

2012-05-20 13:39:32 (EDT)
@DyNama: #Listerine says the average person smiles 50 times per day. sadly, i'm way below average

2012-05-20 13:41:02 (EDT)
@DyNama: it's not "awk-waaard" just cuz you say it is

2012-05-20 15:17:43 (EDT)
@DyNama: i'm packing for my trip. for those of you who intend to break into my house while i'm gone, please dont.

2012-05-20 15:19:38 (EDT)
@DyNama: i must tell you that i live next door to the chief of police, and his son, Ox, will be keeping an eye on the place

2012-05-20 15:28:05 (EDT)
@DyNama: #Bayer's old greyhair thinks cuz he's a marathon runner, he's in "perfect condition". he was wrong. #heartattack

2012-05-20 17:32:35 (EDT)
@DyNama: i honestly didnt know anyone protested #NATO. if NATO Summits have been protested before, i didnt notice #NoNATO

2012-05-20 17:42:52 (EDT)
@DyNama: i think other sports ought to steal the penalty shootout from # soccer. basketball should settle a tie w/free throws, football w/field goals

2012-05-20 17:47:12 (EDT)
@DyNama: cant be dead weight unless he's very well trained RT @ imkristenbell: Just carrying some dead weight out to the trash. http://t.co/2xSFU95H

2012-05-20 17:51:34 (EDT)
@DyNama: #welders can watch the solar #eclipse by wearing the № 14 filter

2012-05-20 17:58:08 (EDT)
@DyNama: over the past 34wks, #Leno has increased it's lead over # Letterman in total viewers to 15%

2012-05-20 17:59:59 (EDT)
@DyNama: @dausonlovi you dont like commercials?

2012-05-20 18:01:12 (EDT)
@dausonlovi: @DyNama oddly enough, no

2012-05-20 18:02:27 (EDT)
@DyNama: cameras are so smart nowadays, the only thing left to automate is detection of photo opportunities

2012-05-20 18:07:42 (EDT)
@jenniferisindy: Awesome! RT @ DyNama: #welders can watch the solar #eclipse by wearing the № 14 filter

2012-05-20 18:09:49 (EDT)
@DyNama: Check out: "Stabbed Woman Runs Over Suspect's Child; Both Perish - Cincinnati News Story - WLWT Cincinnati"( http://t.co/EQnQRhzq )

2012-05-20 18:13:55 (EDT)
@DyNama: the videos of the #Lockerbie bomber "near death" were actually taken 9months ago. he passed away 2day.

2012-05-20 18:17:37 (EDT)
@DyNama: a service for all my welder followers :) RT @jenniferisindy: Awesome! RT @ DyNama: #welders can watch the #eclipse by wearing the № 14 filter

2012-05-20 18:24:44 (EDT)
@DyNama: confession time: i hate going to the only laundromat in town so all the clothes i'm taking to my parents' house are dirty.

2012-05-20 18:29:33 (EDT)
@DyNama: celeb apprentice. is it all up to Donald #Trump or do ppl get to vote? i wont watch―never have―but i'm curious

2012-05-20 18:31:50 (EDT)
@DyNama: looking forward to the new #JesseStone movie 2nite! packing-wise i pretty much just have to cram it all in my suitcase

2012-05-20 18:33:02 (EDT)
@DyNama: @richardroeper are you kidding?! screaming obscenities helps *every* cause!

2012-05-20 18:37:14 (EDT)
@DyNama: #Democrats, be as resolute as the #GOP: refuse to cut spending!

2012-05-20 19:45:15 (EDT)
@DyNama: i dont know what #PinkFloyd / #RogerWaters 's #TheWall is about. i dont pay much attention to lyrics. sorry to be so shallow.

2012-05-20 19:47:18 (EDT)
@DyNama: it seems to me that the "celebs" i follow only reply to haters

2012-05-20 19:55:22 (EDT)
@DyNama: another food commercial that doesnt allow chewing: # SmartBalance butter (fake butter)

2012-05-20 20:53:29 (EDT)
@DyNama: do families that "ask for privacy at this difficult time" actually get any. i kinda doubt it.

2012-05-20 21:00:38 (EDT)
@DyNama: #USPS ad: "a refrigerator has never been hacked…" actually things stuck on the frig disappear all the time. maybe they were stolen.

2012-05-20 22:09:02 (EDT)
@davesib: @DyNama What is the address for the bus station. When I Google Cincinnati Greyhound it still comes up with the Gilbert Ave. address.

2012-05-21 00:34:27 (EDT)
@DyNama: @davesib that's where it is, no? (it's the dayton bus station that closed.)

2012-05-21 00:57:35 (EDT)
@DyNama: #shutup #toyota #corolla! he'd already eaten enuf of the sandwich to get sick! that is, if the odds werent miniscule.

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