
From Twitter 05.02.2012

2012-05-02 07:58:56 (EDT)
@miamiiw: euuhhh beli lagi beli . RT @dynaMaryam: hp aku yg satu lg metong, kartunya jg ilang kan :( RT @ miamiiw : kangen kalian @wildannonx, @dynaMa

2012-05-02 13:58:07 (EDT)
@DyNama: @miamiiw hello?

2012-05-02 13:59:59 (EDT)
@DyNama: not knowing #aspirin is for headaches is like not knowing the titanic was a real ship

2012-05-02 14:06:34 (EDT)
@DyNama: durn, i keep forgetting to check which account i'm tweeting from :(

2012-05-02 14:22:51 (EDT)
@DyNama: @HarveyLevinTMZ: Junior Seau Dead -- Cops Investigating Shooting: http://t.co/GU6eSfZI #JuniorSeau #NFL

2012-05-02 15:10:09 (EDT)
@DyNama: #CNN just now mentioned #JuniorSeau's death for the first time. i didnt notice if it was in the ticker

2012-05-02 15:31:02 (EDT)
@DyNama: i doubt #Romney has a clue what #Gingrich is talking about

2012-05-02 15:38:18 (EDT)
@DyNama: "I'm going to be the nominee." ~ Newt Gingrich, 1Dec2011

2012-05-02 15:40:05 (EDT)
@DyNama: #Gingrich's candidacy was not brought down by negative ads but by his own negatives

2012-05-02 19:14:12 (EDT)
@DyNama: #CNN mentioned #JuniorSeau's death for the first time at 309p. i didnt notice if it was in the ticker earlier

2012-05-02 20:17:21 (EDT)
@DyNama: RT @Medusa_Rantz: Ron Paul Flunks History http://t.co/Fa9u81bw via @thedailybeast

2012-05-02 22:33:26 (EDT)
@DyNama: just once i'd like to see a jewelry commercial in which she asks him to marry her

2012-05-02 22:35:01 (EDT)
@DyNama: got a bath this afternoon but afterwards i was so overheated i didnt feel good, my eyesight was blurry, and my face was itchy and burning

2012-05-02 22:39:29 (EDT)
@DyNama: the little girl Olivia on the #speedway commercial for the childrens miracle network is a real beauty!

2012-05-03 02:27:10 (EDT)
@DyNama: i heard the price of gas is going down, but in my town it jumped 18c overnight

2012-05-03 02:29:30 (EDT)
@DyNama: personally i dont think concealed carry is anywhere's near the deterrent that non-concealed is, i.e. a holstered gun on your hip

2012-05-03 02:30:20 (EDT)
@DyNama: i'm sitting on a bench uptown. i just had to go for a walk.

2012-05-03 02:30:59 (EDT)
@DyNama: i've been having allergies in my eyes all day

2012-05-03 02:31:57 (EDT)
@SagDec15: @DyNama: i've been having allergies in my eyes all day // I feel like bugs r crawling on me

2012-05-03 02:32:00 (EDT)
@DyNama: i didnt need smokes cuz i bot some at 930p when i went to @ McDonalds for some quick fish sammies

2012-05-03 02:32:53 (EDT)
@DyNama: i mean i bot them on the same trip. i got home just a few mins late for #CSI

2012-05-03 02:36:44 (EDT)
@DyNama: if #America was more like our TV, no one would be married, there'd be serial killers everywhere, & all stories could be told in an hour

2012-05-03 02:52:28 (EDT)
@DyNama: @sagdec15 not good. my eyes have been leaking & blurry.

2012-05-03 02:54:33 (EDT)
@SagDec15: @DyNama wow. hope you got something to help. benedryl?

2012-05-03 02:55:19 (EDT)
@DyNama: i enjoy being out walking when i think i'm the only one, but i can get spooked pretty easily. i thot i heard a coff but never saw anyone

2012-05-03 02:58:07 (EDT)
@DyNama: @sagdec15 i've used opcon anti-allergy eyedrops & also some eye irrigating solution. you take anything?

2012-05-03 03:04:45 (EDT)
@DyNama: read an article that judged celebs on twitter who follow no one as egotistical, but 1 can easily spend all their time looking at mentions

2012-05-03 03:10:56 (EDT)
@SagDec15: @DyNama can't take nothing for bug-crawling sensations or any of the sx I get 24/7. I only take #LDN, B1, D3 & Magnesium

2012-05-03 03:12:36 (EDT)
@DyNama: that artwork, The Scream, actually looks like it was done with crayons to me

2012-05-03 03:18:22 (EDT)
@DyNama: @sagdec15 naltrexone? sorry you suffer.

2012-05-03 03:21:05 (EDT)
@SagDec15: @DyNama low dose, 3 MG for #MS. keeps me stable, my life-long food allergies are totally gone, no colds since 2003. just torturous MS

2012-05-03 03:24:22 (EDT)
@SagDec15: @DyNama my dad's on it for cancer, gave him 6 mos to live 3/07, declared remission in 9 months, he'll be 88 in aug

2012-05-03 03:43:24 (EDT)
@DyNama: @sagdec15 cool! my parents just turned 80.

2012-05-03 03:47:47 (EDT)
@DyNama: @sagdec15 a friend of mine just passed away with ALS. he was 55.

2012-05-03 04:04:06 (EDT)
@SagDec15: @DyNama LDN works well with ALS too. I know some in AUS on it

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