
From Twitter 04-22-2011

  • 07:15:17: i've been awake for a half hour, but it's too early to get up, so i've just been daydreaming
  • 07:16:38: i went to bed last night at 1245a! i havent gone to bed that early in a long time!
  • 07:21:18: but i had shorted myself in sleep the night before, and all the late-night talk shows were repeats
  • 08:57:16: i said it was too early to get up but i didnt expect to fall back asleep for another hour
  • 09:00:39: old guy on a 3-wheel bike just went by. a voice said "get out of my ufcking way" but i dont think that was old guy, i think it was a horn
  • 09:02:53: there wasnt anybody in his ufcking way. i think he accidently pressed a button
  • 09:04:08: if so that's a pretty weird and rude horn
  • 09:05:21: only 4 more mornings in #florida *sob*
  • 09:11:59: RT @MadAngel07: If you're Christian - It's Good Friday; If you're not - Happy Earthday!; If you don't care - TGIF! #fb
  • 09:12:49: @WearingMascara good morning!
  • 09:15:35: @Taby1974 good luck with that, Tabs!
  • 09:34:22: only scientists are allowed to label something "junk science"
  • 09:36:49: don't become a retinolic
  • 09:41:09: why do they waste time on #americanidol having non-competitors (celebs) sing?
  • 09:42:21: "nearly died" is a useless concept cuz we cant possibly know how near
  • 10:04:15: at this mo i have no knowledge of any more plans to see my sister & her family while i'm here
  • 10:14:10: RT @AliVelshi: IN CASE ANY OF YOU STILL BELIEVE IT...birther claim debunked http://t.co/KzC8DO5 via @cnn #CNN #FB
  • 10:18:24: RT @mental_floss: According to a very important survey, 74% of American children think chocolate bunnies should be eaten ears first.
  • 10:21:15: i've seen several animals cross M&D's driveway but that was the 1st snake!
  • 10:33:09: i was wanting 1 of mom's inhalers. she didnt recall what she (co)paid for it. she asked if i'll pay $10 if that's the co-pay.
  • 10:34:51: i said probably not. then we get to the pharmacy...and the co-pay is $30! i paid it :(
  • 10:43:37: RT @wickedlibrarian: To me, "Fiber Plus" just means "You'll be bent over in gaseous pain by afternoon." No thank you, crunchy cereal...
  • 10:53:49: durn i was trying to remember the name of the serial killer from Washington, convicted in Florida. 2 days later it comes to me
  • 10:55:48: that was i'd say a 2-ft black snake. he was just mosying along until we both jumped at the sight of each other
  • 10:57:20: i bot 2 snuffers at the thrift store yest. the ladies there didnt know what they were. ceramic thimbles?
  • 11:40:06: m&d dropped me off at the bank on their way to church. i'm on my own, having a bit of a walkabout
  • 12:23:14: RT @Reilly4Sanity: To my religious friends, have a great Good Friday, and to my non-religious friends, have a good great friday
  • 12:25:58: "Steppin' Out" by Joe Jackson had been stuck in my head for days after i heard the song...
  • 12:26:53: now Joe Jackson's *other* hit song is stuck in my head, and i havent even heard that one recently!
  • 12:36:26: @Tim_in_CT COOOLD BEEER and #FF to you too!
  • 13:33:53: RT @brianbeutler: ZOMG, WE'RE HAVING A DEBT CRISIS!!! (actually we're not) http://bit.ly/hEyjeO complete with charts!
  • 14:58:42: Just sad. The rich get richer. "In Financial Crisis, No Prosecutions of Top Figures" - http://nyti.ms/e5Txn2
  • 18:20:34: hey @snaptu, where did the dictionary app go?
  • 19:54:07: at a thrift store found pkgs of velcro straps, (4) 8" straps for 25c. they were intended for color-coding pill bottles
  • 19:55:20: this store only had 4 colors, other colors were available once. i got a cpl dollars worth
  • 19:58:31: RT @ShanaSmiles4You: Ok birthers. Go 2 ur shoebox in ur closet & pull out ur birth cert. If it says certificate of live birth, deport urself
  • 20:01:16: lol RT @CaroleFrenche: I could never be an #atheist, they talk about #Jesus too much.
  • 21:00:17: @rage_bot i was that tired yesterday! not so tired today!

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