- 00:31:20: The Voice is wrong, looks do matter.
- 00:36:11: @PixieChixie36 that was not nice of him
- 00:36:56: i have little desire to see anyone in concert
- 00:39:14: Jimmy Fallon is pretty funny but his visit to the rodeo was not
- 09:30:50: my eyes were *really* crusted shut this morn! i had to yell for my mom to get me a wet washcloth
- 09:40:33: RT @peterdaou: Closing tax loophole for just 25 billionaires would be enough to rehire 126,000 laid-off teachers http://bit.ly/ezPDQF
- 10:46:17: I'm at Walmart (St Lucie West Blvd, Port St Lucie) http://4sq.com/hg1opZ
- 10:54:25: #bp 141/88 pulse 99
- 12:39:41: @dausonlovi no, just the bp machine in walmart
- 12:40:39: @slackadjuster according to the chart, that reading would be "borderline"
- 12:41:35: @PixieChixie36 lol, pissed in his cornflakes
- 12:44:04: @Linda_NH mmm, 5-inch heels!
- 12:56:42: RT @letsgetgizzy: 1. Cut a hole in the tweet. 2. Put your junk in that tweet. 3. Make her open the tweet.
- 13:00:53: @Linda_NH 5'8" is taller than me! but i wouldnt mind :)
- 13:03:09: @slackadjuster i was prescribed something for bp but never took it. i luv salty foods!
- 13:06:53: so what should i do about my conjuctivitis? go to a GP or an ophthalmologist? or wait for it to go away?
- 13:08:28: #America doesnt owe more than it earns. this is a debt problem, not a debt crisis
- 13:09:50: #Japan's debt is 2-1/4 x it's GDP...pre-earthquake
- 13:28:42: anyone know if i take my #american #iPad 1 to eastern #europe whether it will get online?
- 13:39:59: @QuackityQ it's my dad actually. i think he's wi-fi only
- 14:01:27: @QuackityQ thanx, QQ! my dad speaks of 3G like it's everywhere, free
- 14:20:11: during year 2010 i had no earned income, only unemploymt benefits, yet i still made a $35 monthly contribution to my IRA
- 14:21:26: i go to file my taxes w/ @taxact & it tells me i cant make contributions to an IRA w/o income
- 14:22:39: i call my IRA & they say it is perfectly ok to contribute to my IRA w/o income #taxact
- 14:24:23: the @taxact software said i would owe #IRS a 6% penalty if i left the contributions in the IRA
- 14:26:22: #taxact also said another option is to withdraw all my contributions+interest & declare the interest as income
- 14:27:25: but my IRA says i'm not allowed to withdraw $$$ as i'm not old enuf
- 14:27:52: @cowlovely i had no idea!
- 14:37:05: @cowlovely maybe a tiny bit. unemploymt withheld for fed taxes but not state and school district so i have to write them a check
- 15:03:53: I just finished filing my taxes with TaxACT, you can try it for free: http://is.gd/Al4J9Y
- 15:11:03: @davesib oh-oh. have you seen them? they're both still walking around?
- 15:12:33: @cowlovely i used to wait till the last minute! 5 days early is amazing for me!
- 15:13:15: @cowlovely did you finally find a job?
- 15:14:58: dad was nice & comfortable reading a book, then i had to turn on the tv :( but Cold Case Files is on!
- 15:24:37: @davesib the other day #taxact said i had a problem, today it didnt mention it
- 15:25:11: @davesib i hope they're ok, i miss my kitties
- 15:26:24: @cowlovely i must admit to not looking very hard, but i dont really know what i want to do
- 17:08:36: went with Mom to Curves, while she worked out a little, i went to the Book Exchange
- 17:09:51: i didnt buy any becuz i'd forgotten my wallet but Mom found 2 books available to be taken at her gym
- 17:25:13: @SimpleeKayla it's about time!
- 19:08:05: @royorbs3 how'd that cup of coffee go?
- 23:28:45: my vacation has been terrific so far with the small exception that i've had conjunctivitis for 3 days :( #fb
- 23:30:10: for some reason my pink eye gets bad late at night. i'm typing this tweet thru hazy vision
- 23:31:03: @dazzleeyes it's pretty bad. glad you got over it
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