
From Twitter 04-20-2011

  • 01:23:08: hmmm, the cable box just rebooted all by itself
  • 01:25:08: the cable box seems to be counting down in hex numbers
  • 01:26:35: @yourgirlnxtdoor some of my friends say i ruin jokes by analyzing them too much!
  • 01:28:04: then it counted up in hex numbers, then it literally said "boot", then shut off
  • 01:33:21: durn it, cable would go out just as #TDS was about to come on!
  • 01:35:28: wow, i actually got 2 of those Nigerian money emails today, tho these are about Ghana money. that's totally different, right?
  • 01:38:28: oh-oh, i just noticed comedy channel moved #TDS and #TCR 130a repeats back a half hour
  • 01:47:06: "In Financial Circles, it's Pretty Well Known That Trump is a Deadbeat" (The Atlantic) http://feedzil.la/g3gaBs--@WillRogersUSA
  • 01:49:37: @FOX19Sara tornado warning?
  • 02:03:44: leno, letterman, fallon, all repeats this week. even #TDS and #TCR are repeats. why is this week so special?
  • 02:32:37: my entire stay here in mid-#Florida has been marked by almost no rain and above-average temps, upper 80s to 90°
  • 02:34:50: i actually put on pajamas in the middle of the night last night! i got cold, whether cuz of my disease or cuz the ac was set too low idk
  • 02:35:58: except for that i havent worn any of the pajamas or long pants i brought with me
  • 02:37:06: i put on pajamas in the middle of the night last night but then sweated for the rest of the night
  • 03:06:29: i just tripped over mom's stupid glass-top table in the dark while carrying my laptop
  • 03:07:39: didnt hurt the computer but i cut my hand somehow
  • 03:09:25: all i hurt was my dignity
  • 03:12:17: @copperbird7 the last time i did it a few days ago, i hurt my knee, but this time it didnt catch it in the same spot--see i'm klutzy too!
  • 08:44:42: @yourgirlnxtdoor thanx. like i say, all i hurt was my pride, & cut my finger. even as i was falling down, i was more worried about the puta!
  • 08:47:48: so my sis has a masters in botany but she works in a jewelry store. she got certified as a gemologist. she's more than a salesperson.
  • 08:49:13: i have never bot anything from a jewelry store...but i find it hard to care that the sales clerk might actually know anything
  • 08:51:20: i cant think of any knowledgeable question i might ask the salesclerk if i was shopping for, say, a ring
  • 08:52:28: in fact, the only criteria i have for buying a ring is whether i like it or not
  • 08:53:54: my last week here my sister works mon tue thu and fri. next week she just works tue and fri.
  • 08:56:33: @dazzleeyes that's what i'm wondering, why her store needed a gemologist to sell jewelry!
  • 08:59:48: @dazzleeyes she does own her own loupe, that little magnifying glass thingy
  • 09:30:04: @Taby1974 that's my motto!
  • 09:46:44: so i've actually been getting 1-day cases of pink eye for years. i'll get pus in my eye, put in anti-allergy drops, go to bed & wake up fine
  • 09:47:54: could it always have been a bacterial infection? can they come & go on their own? am i curing it now for all time?
  • 09:49:14: i always thot the gunk in my eyes was allergy + eye strain. i even got amber reading glasses, which helped sometimes
  • 09:50:50: i did just about everything for my eyes except ask anyone who might really know :/
  • 09:51:38: no eye crusties at all this morn, 1st time in a while
  • 09:54:39: going on about "knowledgable salespeople". i find even in electronics stores, the salespeople dont usually know what i want to know
  • 09:56:24: 1 elec chain in my home area brags about knowledgeable salesppl, but i have never bot anything from them
  • 09:57:51: @LilHappyHeathen got it while visiting the parents, they made me go to the doc, now i have antibiotic eye drops
  • 09:58:50: @LilHappyHeathen doc diagnosed it as bacterial conjunctivitis, laffed when i wondered if it was allergies
  • 10:00:30: @LilHappyHeathen those eyedrops, gentimycin, really did clear it up. but i've been getting it for years, now wondering if the bacteria...
  • 10:01:27: @LilHappyHeathen have been in my eyes for years, & whether i'm finally getting rid of them once & for all...i hope!
  • 10:04:21: @LilHappyHeathen once i used allery drops an hour later used some more of a diff brand, they reacted & i had a huge glob of stuff in my eye!
  • 11:01:48: this is the wrong walmart (@ Walmart) http://4sq.com/heGXXR
  • 11:05:17: @LilHappyHeathen ouch, that's too bad. do the wipes help him avoid episodes, or does he still get them?
  • 11:10:24: beautiful florida ladies are out today! wow!
  • 12:48:56: @DCdebbie congrats to ur sister too!
  • 12:50:26: @noudles04 cool, i didnt know there were gyro restaurants! i have to wait for the Highland Co Fair for a gyro!
  • 12:53:34: RT @CaressLepore: <=== has a paralyzing fear of butterflies and midgets. // ouch!
  • 12:55:26: aint that the truth! RT @CaressLepore: @Leci_83 Twitter has turned into The View with a million people talking at once
  • 13:01:04: @MeganVStefan i hope #Ohio gets all the crappy weather out of the way while i'm vacationing in #Florida!
  • 13:04:52: @dougiemac i just did #Arbys
  • 13:05:33: @PickledLlama Hooray!!!
  • 13:09:18: RT @GreenGoddessVV: Today marks the 12th Anniv of Columbine. Yet few know the real story and the basement tapes have never been released
  • 13:10:03: @GreenGoddessVV there's stuff most of us don't know?
  • 13:11:57: @jillhanner sounds yummy! even *with* gluten!
  • 13:21:48: good article RT @cowlovely: Columbine - why they did it! So interesting http://www.slate.com/id/2099203/
  • 13:23:59: @GreenGoddessVV i had no idea, i thot it was all out there. wasnt there a "definitive" book a few years ago? by Cullen. i havent read it
  • 13:25:50: @Reilly4Sanity you're good to go! #HitIt!
  • 13:26:30: @jillhanner still sounds yummy!
  • 13:31:43: @Rock_Oholic why u crying?
  • 13:33:03: @cowlovely that word psychopath gets bandied around a lot so it's refreshing to hear it used professionally
  • 13:34:36: not a fan of either RT @Favstar: I'm sure you'll all be very interested to hear that @LadyGaga now has more followers than @JustinBieber
  • 13:36:47: @RealMissKYusa H A P P Y _ B I R T H D A Y !
  • 13:38:18: @HairyJew4Life @antitheistangie guffaw! i get it!
  • 13:39:51: @cowlovely we will see! she's definitely cold & calculating
  • 13:41:39: @GreenGoddessVV no, MSM got stuck on Trenchcoat Maffia
  • 13:42:59: @cowlovely luckily he was incompetent
  • 13:44:38: @GreenGoddessVV if more guns made us safer, we should be the safest country on earth!
  • 13:45:38: had lunch at #Arbys, a couple there was signing
  • 13:46:03: @CaroWozniacki good win!
  • 13:48:01: "You can't fight here! This is the War Room!" --from Dr Strangelove
  • 13:49:30: @GreenGoddessVV oh-oh, i have Capitalism: A Love Story on my watch list
  • 13:51:01: @dougiemac never been there. what kind of food do they have? sounds like Cajan.
  • 13:52:27: lol RT @HindSight5050: I bet dinosaurs would be pretty psyched to know what they're worth nowadays.
  • 13:53:38: oh me too! RT @HindSight5050: I hope there is a special area of hell reserved for people who write really awful radio commercials.
  • 13:54:52: @GreenGoddessVV i've seen it twice! love it!
  • 13:56:29: @GreenGoddessVV when Chas Ferguson accepted the Oscar, he reminded us that even now no one's gone to jail for trashing the world economy
  • 13:57:40: @brittfromcle2 u mean like a remote desert island?
  • 14:00:02: no Oxford comma *sob*RT @OfficialSkynet: Skynet has taken over. I have thrown out grammar, proper spelling and punctuation. #EarthIsScrewed!
  • 14:01:22: really! RT @kimshannon: Pro secret: Nobody actually LIKES tequila... we just accept it as a part of life, like HPV and chlamydia.
  • 14:01:48: @GreenGoddessVV ouch :(
  • 14:17:17: just broke open a new #Vicks inhaler & used it, it is Strong! strong camphor! whoa!
  • 14:19:13: @Rock_Oholic so are you back on twitter? recovering from your illness? get well soon, tweetie!
  • 14:22:20: my wallpaper at the mo is a pic of #UK pinup #KatiePrice just out shopping, doing ordinary stuff, but showing magnificent #cleavage! *drool*
  • 15:11:04: @Rock_Oholic nobody, just a new follower
  • 19:08:30: sitting in the gazebo w/my sis, her husb, daughter, son, daught-in-law, and grandson
  • 20:38:19: @yourgirlnxtdoor had a great time! just hanging out is my idea of a good visit :)
  • 20:39:50: @yourgirlnxtdoor the son & daught-in-law werent married yet last time i saw them, & the grandson is from the single daughter
  • 20:43:51: @lwdgrfx i hate drugs and i hate the "war on drugs" too
  • 20:45:08: @Spankss cuties!
  • 20:47:36: ha! RT @fcukologist: @LeeLeePotatoes Roaches were put on this earth solely to keep me out of other people's houses. I'm certain.
  • 20:50:37: @LibertyBelle4 @p2fan i'll follow!
  • 20:52:53: @LeeLeePotatoes lmao! have a thing for wasps, eh?
  • 20:53:45: @Twisiren it's his birthday :(
  • 20:55:27: @sassycass13 he's a bum!
  • 20:56:38: @Twisiren agreed. it's time to stop mentioning him
  • 20:58:11: @p2fan btw what is #p2?
  • 20:59:09: omg! RT @_DUKES: But why does Stoudemire tweet in the 3rd person? That's probably his enormous penis tweeting for him.
  • 21:21:45: @sassycass13 go get him!
  • 22:15:09: @Katie_Ferdinand aw, you unfollowed me :(
  • 23:35:28: @yourgirlnxtdoor yes, and generally enjoy each other's company. our middle brother is slightly more difficult, he's very religious
  • 23:37:07: @yourgirlnxtdoor & his wife is hard to get along with too
  • 23:51:39: sis took me home around 8p cuz she wanted to watch #AmericanIdol!

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