
Sunday 1 November 2009

i think i missed another day! i went to edit this Sunday post to point out the reusable shopping bags i bought and couldn't find the whole day! So loudtwitter missed 2 days! what a headache! i edited backupify's backup this time, it had the correct time on the tweets, but it was an .xml file with each tweet double so i had to cut one, and it was in descending order so i had to cut and paste each one into reverse order. I also edited:

  • 1:31 AM Taby74: Holy cow! *checks watch* everyone's here?
  • 1:39 AM @Taby74 it's the night shift
  • 1:40 AM Taby74: @DyNama I like the night shift! Its my favorite!
  • 1:47 AM @VariantVal @Taby74 i love when women talk about bras
  • 1:48 AM VariantVal: Dude, if you ever get man boobs, you gotta try these bras!! RT @DyNama   @VariantVal @Taby74 i love when women talk about bras
  • 1:53 AM RT @Taby74: Yes dear...boob talk...RT @Nrtikulit: @taby74 @variantval Boob Talk?!? *Suddenly perking up* ¶the boobs?
  • 1:05 AM @mmcflyy http://twitpic.com/nt1ko - omg, treat or treat!
  • 1:11 AM @NSpontaneos http://twitpic.com/ntpz6 - arrrrgh, matey!
  • 7:25 AM i'm up an hour early
  • 7:27 AM u can add to existing lists on each person's profile page
  • 7:32 AM @theadividual u prob figured it out by now, but on ur followers page, u can add ppl to existing lists, or on their profile page
  • 8:15 AM ♫ Touch Me In The Morning - Diana Ross  http://lala.com/zCuq
  • 8:30 AM how many yrs? RT @wickedlibrarian: Today is also my wedding anniversary. I'm so happy to be married to my best friend. #soppylovestuff
  • 8:32 AM today's stuck-in-my-head tune: ♫ Amber - 311  http://lala.com/zdA
  • 8:34 AM i cant share my @lala tunes using firefox, i have to open ie8
  • 8:35 AM cute RT @Jamberta: RT @AtheistinWA: I just changed my religion on facebook to: (space left blank intentionally)\\ LOL!
  • 8:46 AM While govt has been denouncing salt as a health hazard for decades, no amount of scientific effort has been able to >
  • 8:46 AM < dispense with the suspicions that it is not.
  • 8:50 AM salt is prob not a health hazard, and shouldnt even be an issue http://lnk.in/6xz7
  • 9:37 AM walking to the grocery store to met up w/the parents after church
  • 9:54 AM at the grocery, the folks just got there
At Publix, i bought some halloween candy and 2 reusable shopping bags marked Publix which had a reflective pumpkin face on it, both half-price on the day after halloween.
  • 10:47 AM man it is so hot here! thermometer in the shade says about 98 degrees!
  • 10:49 AM @AllyZarin happy birthday, Ally!
  • 10:55 AM sorry dont support World #Vegan Day. i don't believe vegan diet is nutritious enuf, and i believe becoming carnivorous was key of evolution
  • 11:07 AM @Synthaetica here i thot u were just going to the bathroom!
  • 11:10 AM @Synthaetica it's hard to change a longterm nickname, aint it?
  • 11:12 AM @davidhburton mine was a non-event!
  • 11:12 AM Synthaetica: @DyNama also hard to change a two-decade-old trademark, lol (which is what it actually is).
  • 11:14 AM what constitutes a legal marriage? even if a fake preacher presides over ceremony, if the newlyweds believe it, it is real, no?
  • 11:18 AM @Synthaetica an actual registered trademark? my nick is decades old too but not trademarked
  • 11:20 AM my mother wants me to take her to see _MJ This Is It_. is it any good? i have no prob w/pop music
  • 11:20 AM Synthaetica: @DyNama Synthaetica was a programming methodology for interconnected systems, once upon a time. ;-)
  • 11:23 AM @davidhburton i have fond memories of costumes & beggar's nites past! but i spent last nite in seniors' trailer park, few trickrtreaters
  • 11:26 AM Aspentroll: @DyNama Yeh, I'd die if they took away my bacon, pork chops, beef steak , big honkin' garlic sausage & the list goes on......
  • 11:32 AM @Synthaetica happy birthday, Synth!
  • 11:33 AM @Aspentroll yep, those things make life worth living! or were u being sarcastic?
  • 11:34 AM @olerafa i miss Monica! she never got a going-away party :(
  • 11:36 AM Aspentroll: @DyNama No, I was dead serious, my friend, those things I mentioned r what I really like. But I include veggies w/melted butter on them.
  • 11:39 AM the singer Pink is pretty hot, but she'd be even hotter w/long hair! #my2cents
  • 11:43 AM i'm in south florida wearing a flowery print shirt. does that mark me as a tourist?
  • 11:45 AM congrats, GG, on being OUT! RT @_7654_ @godlessgirl New blog! I'm Out! http://tr.im/DOfZ
  • 11:58 AM yum! RT @Aspentroll: No, I was dead serious, my friend, those things r what I really like. But I include veggies w/melted butter on them.
  • 11:59 AM @Aspentroll we are true omnivores!
  • 12:53 PM ah comfort food RT @AdrianneCurry hung over..daylight savings! instead of waking @10am i woke at 9! time for greasy breakfast
  • 1:11 PM Pair of sandhill cranes in Mom's backyard http://post.ly/BDW7
  • 1:16 PM Tamed bougainvillea http://post.ly/BDXb  
  • 1:43 PM we'll be leaving soon to go see _Michael Jackson's This Is It_
  • 1:45 PM that's an art RT @suselynn Minding my own business.
  • 1:48 PM ppl who retweet and credit the orig with "(via...)", what twitter api does that, or do u edit it that way manually?
  • 1:50 PM mmm, smeared mascara :p RT @MMcflyy Mascara smudged from last night...won't come off! Don't judge me.
  • 1:54 PM these days it seems a choice betw naivity & paranoia RT @Nickdrumr2 @Hanescymru I'm naive I know.
  • 1:57 PM we're having a good time, aren't we! RT @suselynn @DyNama I've been enjoying our lovely vacation at your folks'.
  • 2:09 PM suselynn: @DyNama I don't mind your mother's taste in decor, but I didn't appreciate us having to fend for our own breakfast!
  • 2:30 PM who was the guy that made a hit song called "this is it", with the doobie bros singing backup?
  • 2:32 PM me 2 RT @Nickdrumr2 @DyNama @hanescymru i'd rather b naive
  • 4:20 PM damn i miss Michael Jackson more than ever! those London concerts would have been awesome!
  • 5:18 PM what's the difference betw hispanic and latino?
  • 5:32 PM @briandgregory i loved the orig Battlestar Galactica! i still say "felgercarb", their word for crap
  • 5:34 PM @Taby74 so will doing laundry save the day or make the day suck more?
  • 5:44 PM grabbing a quick din-din at McD, Mom & Dad had to leave for a church meeting just as soon as we got home from movie
  • 5:57 PM Maren Jensen played Apollo's sis Athena was so hot! what ever happened to her?
  • 6:04 PM my parents went to a mtg from the restaurant, leaving me to walk home alone. it's just me, on the town all by myself
  • 6:05 PM my mutant power is inspiring ppl to ask me for directions, and it even works when i'm in a strange town!
  • 6:08 PM @briandgregory Maren Jensen played Apollo's sis Athena on battlestar galactica was so hot! what ever happened to her?
  • 6:11 PM briandgregory: @DyNama She was on the Love Boat, right?
  • 6:36 PM @Taby74 some ppl find comfort in mundane tasks. i'm not one of them
  • 6:37 PM @briandgregory i think so, also an episode of the Hardy Boys
  • 6:42 PM @Taby74 dont look at me, i didnt do it! (staying w/parents brings out the denial in me)
  • 6:44 PM hang 'em! RT @Taby74 Still rockin' the mat...awesome...tomorrow...jury duty...
  • 6:47 PM b4 Bond, he played The Saint & Beau Maverick RT @Taby74 @suselynn Do you think you can get him to say "The name is Bond, James Bond"? [she had said her doctor's name is Roger Moore]
  • 6:49 PM i been sweating like a stuck pig all day. wait, pigs dont sweat. how does that analogy go again?
  • 6:59 PM i never think benedryl cures anything, just puts u to sleep RT @suselynn Benedryl is kicking in. Whoa. Drowsy.
  • 7:00 PM that's a good one RT @MovingToMontana @DyNama Sweating like a fat lass in a pie shop? [i was looking for the "like a stuck pig" analogy, and this analogy is in conflict with a quote i've tweeted several times: "There is remarkably little evidence that (people) become fat because they overeat. (Frank, 1993)" but i gave a courtesy laugh]
  • 7:04 PM b4 Bond, he played Simon Templar "The Saint" & Beau Maverick RT @Taby74 @suselynn ~~my Useless Info of the Day
  • 7:06 PM @suselynn oh yes Twitter lists is all the rage! mine lists starboard.
  • 7:58 PM i was being skeptical about a tv commercial, and my dad muttered that that was sick :(

Saturday 14 November 2009

  • 01:11 in Charleston WV. this time i was out cold, the driver had to wake me cuz they needed everyone off for maintenance #
  • 01:26 endangered species: hot coffee vending machines. used to be in many bus stations #
  • 01:27 there is a hot coffee vending machine here in the Charleston WV bus station, but it is Out Of Order! #
  • 01:28 so i got a smoke and had to settle for more warm pop that i broght with me #
  • 02:30 Huntington WV, no break #
  • 03:05 no smoke here in Ashland KY either? #
  • 03:06 i doubt we'll get another smoke brk till i get to my destination #
  • 04:38 hey, Ohio, i'm back! remember me? #
I had this composed in twitter, ready to post when we crossed the Ohio River, but fell asleep before that happened!
  • 04:48 GOT OFF THE BUS! Hello Chillicothe! i'm 10 mins early and my ride isnt here yet! #
Even tho we were early, the driver dropped me off while telling my fellow travelers they could get off for a smoke but not to go into the station, which is only a run-down middle-eastern-run quickee mart, because they didn't have time. one woman must not have heard that because just as soon as the bus pulled out, she came out of the station and chased after the bus! it was moving and she was banging on the side! the station employee came out to see if the bus stopped for her. we didn't see her come back to the station, so we presumed it let her back on board.
  • 05:05 my ride showed up, heading home #
  • 05:47 back in my hometown #
  • 06:54 vacation over :-( i am being welcomed back home by my 2 cats #
it took them about a half hour to show up. now i have the pleasant task of contemplating my future. my knee is skinned up but not hurting any more.

Friday 13 November 2009

  • 01:16 bus just now leaving Ft Pierce. see ya later, Florida! # [tho it was scheduled to leave at 1240a]
  • 03:03 Orlando, about a half hour layover #
  • 03:39 went out to smoke here at Orlando station, to get back in i had to go thru complete security: empty pockets, wand run over front & back #
  • 03:45 pulling out of Orlando. i finally got my bags checked. 1 was free, 2nd was $10 #
i was staying on that bus but saw the baggage handlers remove my bags from underneath! i tried to go out to protest, got stopped by a guard, who flagged down the baggage handler, who said they were removed because they hadn't been checked (marked with their destination). luckily i had time at this stop to check them, don't know what would have happened if i hadn't. then i went out for a smoke, got stopped by the same guard, who said "now what?" i said i was looking for the smoking area and he directed me out another door. if i hadn't gone out in Orlando, i would not have had to go through security.
  • 04:12 my suitcase is a big thing w/wheels but i lost the leash a long time ago. today i got a piece of rope to replace it, works much better #
don't know why i never thought of this sooner! the suitcase has wheels but is nearly impossible to steer holding the handle, it won't roll straight. i lost the leash several vacations ago. i asked my father if he had any rope and he found an old piece, i tied it to where the leash was supposed to clip on, and voila! the suitcase rolls straight when pulled.
  • 04:13 bus pretty full from Ft Pierce, even fuller out of Orlando. seatmate also got on in Ft Pierce #fb #
  • 04:16 chilly all day in PSL, but i am warm now just w/2 shirts on, no jacket, even sweating #
  • 04:19 2nd bag southbnd held only my pillow+books+snacks so it was carry-on, northbnd it is full of my xmas presents from Mom #
  • 04:20 also my sister gave me a dozen shirts her son wont wear. i used spacebags to pack my suitcase #
  • 06:12 here in Jacksonville FL. in constrast to Orlando, there seems to be zero security in this station #
  • 06:13 i was supposed to change buses here but just got informed that my bus will continue to my route, so i get to keep my seat #
i just moved over to the window seat, got to keep it without a seatmate for the rest of the trip.
  • 06:22 i was wrong, i do have to go thru security to get back on the bus #
here in Jacksonville, the security agent had us all line up at the door, then went down the line, examining everyone. she confiscated a little pair of moustache scissors from a man in front of me. when she searched my belt bag, she asked if "i had anything silly in there, like a parrot", then went on and on about someone smuggling a parrot on board a bus. she did not inspire confidence, yet she had a gun. my carry-on bag was still on the bus, so it did not get searched, never was. Orlando and Jax were the only 2 stations with security on the entire trip.
  • 06:47 reboarders of the bus were not allowed to go first, even tho my stuff was still on it #
  • 06:54 just remembered 1 thing i left behind: my deluxe water bottle on M&D's kitchen counter #
  • 06:57 leaving Jax #
  • 08:11 Brunswick GA #
  • 09:34 was that Hinesville GA? #
  • 10:27 getting a smoke in Savannah GA #
  • 10:41 reclaimed my seat in Savannah. havent had a seatmate since Jax, since the bus isnt full #
  • 10:43 @davesib i think we are running a little late #
  • 10:51 leaving Savannah, still havent had to put on my jacket #
  • 12:37 1140a at Beaufort SC, my AT&T phone showed no service #
  • 12:38 now getting a Big Mac and a smokes at Walterboro SC #
  • 12:39 phone battery down to 2 bars :-( #
i used that iGo charger to recharge my phone battery twice on the trip. i had energizer ultimate lithium batteries, $2 each, used up 1 pair and working on another pair for the trip. my phone was almost dead again by the time i got home.
  • 13:03 damn! i meant to get some cherry pies at McD but forgot #
  • 13:49 arriving in Orangeburg SC #
  • 14:32 just sent mom&dad an email from the bus since they dont twitter or facebook on the trip so far #
  • 14:48 car here in Columbia SC has bumper sticker: "Grace happens". i wonder if they also print 1 that says "Damnation happens" #Atheist #
  • 14:53 finally at the Columbia bus station #
  • 15:09 only got a quick smoke break, now leaving Columbia #
  • 15:17 so many of the stops on this route start with "C": columbia, charlotte, charleston, chillicothe, and columbus #
  • 16:45 at Charlotte NC for an hour+a half layover #
  • 16:47 a guy named Clyde bummed a smoke and tried to sell me some "relaxation" pills #
  • 18:05 reboarding at the Charlotte NC bus station, had nice convo w/lady truck driver and young hispanic man #
  • 18:18 leaving Charlotte #
  • 18:23 i usually leave my bluetooth "visible" but just now got asked if i want to connect to 2 diff phones # [i presume by 2 fellow travelers' phones within range. i turned off my bluetooth.]
  • 19:41 arriving in Winston Salem NC #
  • 20:18 leaving Winston Salem #
  • 21:37 a meal stop in Whythville VA. i shouldnt tweet while walking, i just tripped over a curb, fell down, scratched my knee and my phone # [my glasses flew off one way and my phone flew another when i fell down writing this very message. luckily nothing was broken.]
  • 21:51 man, i fell hard, tripping over the curb around a ramp. my knee is going to be stiff #
  • 21:53 plus this McD ran out of apple pies, had no cherry pies, so they gave me an oreo mcflurry for free...and i found a dollar bill #
the funny thing was that that conversation with the lady truck driver and the young hispanic man happened to be about honesty, telling stories about finding money and returning it, and here i found a dollar bill on the ground with no one around and no real clue who might have dropped it.
  • 21:55 my mom called me on the phone just before we got to this stop #
  • 21:56 7 more hours of travel, then another hour by car to home #
  • 21:57 i have a Radar O'Reilly armpit samwich--i buy the food but have to spend the brk smoking not eating #
referring to an episode of M*A*S*H in which they have no power to cook meals, so the Radar character offers others sandwiches he had kept from freezing by putting it under his arm, which is where i kept my McChicken sandwich while having a smoke.
  • 22:14 back on the road #
  • 22:28 we just went thru the Big Walker Mountain Tunnel, quite a long tunnel #
  • 23:03 quick stop, no break, somewhere in West Virginia # [Bluefield WV]

Thursday 12 November 2009

  • 00:12 any public health official who endorses banning soda is confusing what s/he *believes* rather what s/he can prove #
  • 01:02 my last night in florida :( #
  • 01:12 "It's not the men in your life that counts but the life in your men." - Mae West #
  • 02:31 ♫ Touch - Clay Aiken lala.com/zL6y #
  • 03:25 i'd better get to bed. My father did not invite me to prayer breakfast for my last morning in Florida, which is ok by me #
  • 08:08 time to get up and start packing for the trip home #
  • 08:25 cool! my Hungarian grndprnts came thru Ellis Island RT @Hanescymru @elle_brie taking everyone to see Liberty & Ellis Island & Central Park #
  • 08:27 @freborn this is it, 1 more day #
  • 08:43 it's 70deg this morn in South Florida. the natives think this is chilly #
  • 09:06 my mom just noticed her cactus plant sending off a baby plant outside of the garden so she dug it up and moved it #
  • 11:25 it doesnt take long to acclimate to this tropical weather. it's 72deg here and my feet are cold #
  • 12:40 I love how sand bubbles up here, like s. Florida is 1 big ashtray post.ly/CSbF #
  • 14:18 @freborn oh u mean my background? yes line 8 is my grandmother, 20 yrs before her 4th daughter, my mother, was born #
  • 14:24 @freborn i've thot about making a low-profile twitter ID. there's a lot to be said for a short following list #
  • 14:29 @JeriJ tv character once said "u know, having friends? it's like therapy for poor people" #
  • 15:23 @WongoWoman it's a shame & tragedy the damage e thnic & religious myths can do. #
  • 15:29 i thot packing up after 3wks of vacation would be a hard job, but i've pretty much kept everything together #
  • 17:37 @VariantVal even ur old followers think ur right purdy! #
  • 19:39 4 hours left of my stay in Florida :-( #
  • 19:42 @BibleAlsoSays i read an article marvelling that the Christian Science Church has gone on for decades even tho they hardly have any members! #
  • 19:51 @BibleAlsoSays i'll have to recall where i saw it. i remember it cuz i was raised christian sciencist #
  • 19:58 it was a book by Madalyn Murray O'Hair, Freedom Under Siege, i think. #
  • 19:59 @BibleAlsoSays columbus ohio atheists picketed an xian science church once and my sign said "i survived a christian science childhood!" #
  • 21:07 almost time to pack my computer, i'll give it another hour and watch CSI, part 3 of the triple crossover #
  • 22:29 my computer is going offline, next time it goes online, it'll be in Ohio! goodbye, Florida! #
  • 22:30 (i'll still tweet on my phone if the battery holds out) #
  • 23:38 the Ft Pierce bus station is an Arbys and we're way early, so we're having coffee and rolls while waiting #

Wensday 11 November 2009

  • 01:19 "Take care, TCB" #
  • 02:07 ♫ Touch - Berlin lala.com/zQoB #
  • 08:18 morning, twitterverse #
  • 08:20 my South Florida vacation and visit w/ the family is winding down: 2mrro night i leave for home #
  • 08:27 @elle_brie i heard drinking "a coke" in the morning instead of coffee is quite common in the South #
  • 08:30 do unto others... RT @MzStarrBurst i'm not shit, but i know how to treat people. That is all. #
  • 08:44 how come maint men r never hot? RT @LindaHNH @VariantVal The maintenence man...already saw his ass crack yesterday. Wasn't impressed. Lol #
  • 11:49 out w/the folks at Tradition, a planned community, getting lunch at Olive Garden #
  • 13:15 idk seemed too early for a "heavy" lunch at Olive Garden, i more felt like having pancakes. now our weekly shopping @ Wal-Mart #
  • 14:03 now going to Target and Office Max #
  • 14:26 Mom insisted Dad take us shopping but he hates shopping so he's sitting in the car fuming #
  • 15:43 incredibly, Dad got lost driving home from Tradition FL! by the time i recalled Google maps+GPS on my phone, he'd figured out where we were #
  • 19:07 watching CSI:Miami on tape w/Dad, part 1 of the triple crossover of CSIs #
  • 20:01 Dad goes to bed before part 2 of the CSI trilogy, on tonite at 10p, so i'll have to wait and watch that on tape 2mrro #
  • 22:10 @Devinple hair of the dog, definitely #
  • 22:11 follow me plz! RT @Jillzarin Anybody who wants me to follow them back rerequest me! I had to clean out all the spammers! #
  • 22:16 RT @AshleyLBailey This Friday is TWLOHA (To Write Love On Her Arms) Day. If you arent familiar, send me retweet. It's pretty important 2 me #
  • 22:21 @MzStarrBurst i knew u were going to say that cuz i'm very prescient #
  • 22:24 @elizapi violence is never the answer...unless the question is "what does v-i-o-l-e-n-c-e spell?" #

Tuesday 10 November 2009

  • 01:42 i've been falling asleep while watching tv for the last 4-1/2hrs, but i didnt just go to bed cuz it's too early #
  • 08:32 raining here. they need rain so bad. bro-in-law says south florida is in 4th year of a drought cycle #
  • 08:55 this trip has reminded me of how much my cell phone is like a computer. it has crashed, frozen, and needed rebooting :( #
  • 09:13 i need a new battery for my samsung blackjack II but no one has it in stock #
  • 09:51 mothers! i've been here almost 3 weeks and she doesnt know how long it takes me to get dressed! #
  • 10:04 dropping Mom off at a beauty college to get her hair done. the students were looking at me as if i need a haircut #
  • 10:37 had cup of coffee fixed up at Mobil qwickiemart before i realized i forgot my billfold. clerk let me take it #
  • 10:43 normally my hair blowing into my mouth doesnt bother me, but if it happens just as i'm about to take a drag from my cig, it about chokes me! #
  • 10:45 RT @BibleAlsoSays @105Ross In book Freakonomics they found crime dropped dramatically 18 years after Roe vs Wade. Gee! Figure that one out! #
  • 10:47 Mr Bush didnt know Roe v Wade was about abortion, he thot it was arguing the best way to cross a river! #
  • 11:22 Mom & I stopped by the clubhouse to look at the video library and glance at the jigsaw puzzle #
  • 11:46 sprechen sie deutsche? RT @VariantVal Dear New Followers, Thank you :o) Please remember I do not speak Chinese. Love, Val #
  • 12:26 @davesib dropped her off at the beauty college and got outta there quick! #
  • 14:41 RT @claudiajordan It's like a relay race and Obama got the baton in last place & they mad he hasn't gotten the gold medal yet. Give a bro... #
  • 14:46 @claudiajordan totally agree. Bush43's opposition didnt dog him like Obama's is doing #
  • 15:37 can't find a new battery for my AT&T phone, i've called 3 malls in the area. samsung blackjack II is only 1-1/2 yrs old #
  • 15:38 @Taby74 what're the odds it would even fit? #
  • 16:31 ♫ Touch - The Jackson 5 lala.com/zRlD #
  • 16:47 fantastic! good for Cincy & Ohio! RT @mattincinci 'Godless' billboard greets I-71 drivers bit.ly/1K0zu7 #atheist #atheism #
  • 16:50 @cherokee_autumn if i supported capital punishment, DC Sniper is one who should get it #
  • 16:59 RT @mattincinci @cherokee_autumn killing a man for murder is not a great way to teach others not to murder #
  • 23:12 i frown just cuz i need the exercise RT @mskeekee30 LMAO @TheeUnderclass :( <it takes alot more muscle to do a frowny den a smiley! #
  • 23:36 @freckle_faced it goes all the way back to the Honeymooners in the 1950s, even the Flintstones #


Monday 9 November 2009

  • 07:36 this student apartmt complex is pretty quiet for a weekday morning #
  • 07:56 the affection humans and dogs have for each other is pretty amazing, possibly the world's only interspecies love #
  • 08:13 i just dont think about taking pictures, so i missed getting pics of my nephew's girlfriend and only got 1 of my niece's boyfriend #
  • 08:19 my niece took such a heavy class schedule that she'll get her bachelor's degree in only 3 years #
These 4 college students are not the partying kind. they study hard, rarely take time off, and enjoy just quiet nights at home. Niece and nephew live in the same complex, across the court from one-another. Ashley is getting a doctorate in physical therapy without getting a master's degree. i'm not sure how this works, it sounds like she can be called "Doctor" in the health-care profession, but it'll be a doctor of letters rather than a medical doctor. sounds like it could lead to confusion: a statement like "My PT is by Dr. Ashley" would lend one naturally to think that she is a doctor-type doctor. But she is nice and sweet and very fit-looking, and very serious about her profession. Charley wouldn't take time off from a huge pile of data entry to watch the movie, but he does take off to get some hunting time in, he's a very passionate hunter. He's interested in buying some hunting land in Ohio. He was born in Ohio, but moved to Florida very early in life.
  • 08:21 my sister and her younger daughter share a passion for throwing pottery #
  • 08:51 @jillhanner you're a beauty and should eat something! eating is good for u! #
  • 10:40 had a nice breakfast w/sis, niece, and nephew. i always get the french toast #
  • 11:03 back to the Mall here in Gainesville, the niece talked herself into something she talked herself out of yesterday #
  • 11:05 apparently the fashion accessory of the season is a big booty, but i'm a front-view kind of guy myself #
  • 12:00 @Hanescymru it doesnt look like we'll have a chance to get together, Rich. i'm still in Gainesville and parents have things sched this eve #
  • 13:11 @Hanescymru that'd be great, but u sound like the world traveler! maybe u'll get to cincinnati some day #
  • 13:27 Goodbye, Gainesville, heading back to Port St Lucie #
  • 15:40 stopped at a service plaza for a break on the way home #
  • 17:11 back in Port St Lucie safe and sound. had a very nice visit w/my niece and nephew, and my sister #
  • 17:30 freckle_faced @DyNama I love getting your tweets about where you are going next when you visit places....its what twitter was meant for!
  • 17:32 @freckle_faced cool, i didnt know if anybody was paying attention #
  • 19:29 didnt get back from Gainesville in time to help my parents take their turn volunteering at a soup kitchen, so i had pizza w/sis & bro-in-law #

Sunday 8 November 2009

[edit 11/15 425a]
  • 01:31 ♫ Touch - Jonny Lang lala.com/zWeD #
  • 01:50 bedtime. i get up early to visit family in Gainsville tomorrow #
  • 07:32 i'm awake, getting ready to go to UF, M&D just left for church #
  • 08:19 ♫ Touch Me In The Morning - Diana Ross lala.com/zCuq #
  • 09:07 heading to Gainsville! #
It's just me and Kris, going up to visit her son and daughter. I had already seen Charley but Nat wouldn't come home while i was here so she decided we would go up there, and spend the night. we started the trip by going through the drive-thru at a Dunkin' Donuts, there are a million of them here, for coffee. they goofed up my order.
  • 12:39 we've arrived in Gainsville, pulling into niece's parking lot #
  • 14:45 shopping the Oaks Mall in Gainesville w/my niece and nephew #
We also had with us Charley's fiance Ashley and Natalie's boyfriend Chance. Charley and Ashley expect to get married next summer on Catalina Island, where they originally met in the second grade. allegedly the day Ashley met Charley, she went home from school and told her parents she met the boy she was going to marry! I presume they'll invite me to the wedding but that will almost certainly entail flying to California, so i'm not so sure about that. Chance has a similar story since he says he's worshipped Natalie from afar since they met in the 8th grade!
  • 15:17 i guess we're eating at the macaroni grill. never been there before #
i thought it was okay, the others weren't all that impressed. again a rather long wait suppressed my appetite. they came out to ask if my spaghetti could be served over a different kind of pasta, i said anglehair pasta would be fine, but i only ate half a serving and took the rest home. we amused ourselves by playing hangman on the paper tablecloth with crayons they provided while awaiting our food.
  • 16:44 nice dinner w/the 2 college couples, on the way back to their apartments #
  • 21:25 just watched the movie Spy Games w/the family #
Chance had given the movie a highly positive review. It was good, but not "the best spy movie i've ever seen". One peccadillo i had with the movie is that Robert Redford's narration was written not like he would talk but like he would write, there is a difference.
  • 00:06 i'm the only one still up. my sis and all the college kids are morning ppl #
Kris had offered me the bed in the spare bedroom--Nat's apartment has 3--then she said i wouldn't be able to stay up all night watching tv, but i said "Forget it then!" So she took it and i slept on the couch in front of the tv. The truth is i was sleepy and kept dozing off, but i didn't want to go to bed so early.

Saturday 7 November 2009

  • 00:12 i'm wearing cashmere! RT @Jamberta @Taby74 AND I am wearing a Led Zeppelin shirt right now! LOL #
  • 00:13 @Jamberta "Plant, where's your brother Page?" #
  • 00:15 Jamberta: @DyNama LOL they are known as Bob and Jamie here. But Plant and Page would have been good, too!
  • 00:15 oh-oh, phone battery going dead :( #
  • 00:19 cuz i gotta wear something and no, not really RT @Jamberta @DyNama Are you really wearing cashmere and why? #
  • 00:20 @Taby74 i always thot it cool that led zep would write a song about a sweater #
I'm not sure Taby and Jamberta got it, but i was referring to a Led Zep song called Kashmir. Taby tweeted that she was playing Led Zep, and Jamberta replied that she was such a big fan that she named her 2 sons after Robert Plant and Jimmy Page.
  • 01:51 ♫ Touch - Ray Charles with John Legend lala.com/zcJx #
  • 02:11 @Taby74 don't get a bustle in your hedgerow #
  • 02:17 if u did, dont be alarmed now, it's just a spring-clean for the may queen RT @Taby74: @DyNama How could I? #
just using lyrics from "Stairway To Heaven".
  • 02:19 @Taby74 i have no idea what Stairway to Heaven's lyrics mean but it's a great song #
  • 02:25 our constant preoccupation with people's weight and shape implies that one's appearance is the most important thing about him or her #
  • 02:31 Librehombre: @DyNama It is all about selecting sexual partners, don't you know.  Fat people no good at running, Makes your children lion food.
  • 02:41 @Librehombre yeah but lions don't have to eat very many of them! #
  • 03:49 time for bed. nite all #
  • 08:22 "There is remarkably little evidence that (people) become fat because they overeat. (Frank, 1993)" #
  • 08:47 RT @blognigger @MzStarrBurst shit, i fell for it and clicked your pic. my daughter was behind me and now her self-image is fucked for life #
  • 09:01 @susanorlean cool. i'm 2nd gen Hungarian but never been there # [she's going to Budapest, Hungary]
  • 09:05 woke up at 715 cuz of the light streaming in the window, but that's only 3-1/2hrs sleep! stayed in bed awake until 830a #
  • 09:08 i think i need a new battery for my samsung blackjack II, i dont get a day out of a full charge any more #
  • 09:09 course away from home i use it more #
  • 09:44 what's new scoobydoo? RT @freckle_faced: Saturday morning cartoons are gay. #
  • 09:46 @Taby74 so do you work nights now? had u worked nights before? is it hard to get used to? #
  • 09:52 Junkfood Science: "Do you know people who say that they feel less energetic or alert when they eat processed foods or who feel ...1/2 #
  • 09:52 ...nervous, shaky and irritable when they drink something with an artificial sweetener in it?" j.mp/sZkve ...2/2 #
  • 10:29 @freckle_faced yep those of us who are both hot and decent are pretty rare # [she had complained that all the hot men she had dated in the past were dysfunctional, and that she needs to learn how to pick "decent" men]
  • 10:33 i lost mom's potholder, looking for 1 w/a chicken on it, when i found it it was cow instead--close enuf #
  • 10:37 today is my mother's 78th birthday #
  • 10:50 Mom & Dad have both observed that i "smoke a lot." more than they do, which is zero--now--but not a lot, less than a pack a day #
  • 11:27 @freckle_faced why did the chicken cross the playground? to get to the other slide! #
  • 11:55 just called @Hanescymru on the phone, we're trying to arrange a get-together! #
  • 12:00 side-splitting RT @Synthaetica: @DyNama @Hanescymru TMI, gentlemen. T.M.I. !!! (o golly, i'm funny) #
  • 13:14 u dont like "Animal Cops"? RT @killtheex 200 fuckin channels and nada on TV. Guess I have to clean. :-( #
  • 13:23 aint we got fun! RT @killtheex: @DyNama. Didn't see that. But I'm still unpacking and cleaning. :-( #
  • 13:32 going out to run some errands w/the folks #
we went to Radio Shack, they did not have a battery for a Samsung Blackjack II cell phone, but a very shapely salesgirl talked me into a gadget, the iGo, that charges a cell phone from 2 AA batteries. i had had a similar gadget for a previous phone, in fact, i distinctly recall using it to charge that phone on a previous bus trip. the fatal flaw in my reasoning is that any means of charging the battery won't be very worthwhile if the battery is bad. then we went to a store that sells souvenirs where we took pix in front of a huge shell. Dad used the camera in his phone, but he has hardly ever used it before, and doesn't really know how to get pictures off it. he doesn't use his phone for email or surfing the net. Eventually i discovered both phones have bluetooth, but i had never tried that before. it was easy! i just beamed Dad's pictures from his phone to mine, and beamed a few the other way for good measure.
  • 15:24 The folks in Port St Lucie post.ly/Bzkx #
  • 15:54 @Synthaetica too bad, not that i've ever met anyone from the net so far. it's tuff arranging any get-together #
  • 15:56 @Hanescymru i'll find out tonite my sched for mon. maybe we could meet halfway, like in jupiter #
  • 17:37 taking Mom out to dinner for her birthday #
  • 19:25 dinner @ Norris' Ribs was good, but it took 65 minutes to get served, and then everything was only warm, not hot :( #
i wasn't all that hungry to start with, but waiting so long kind of took the edge off my appetite. i got the baby back ribs plus chicken but only ate the ribs, which were pretty good, and took the chicken home. none of our party, Mom, Dad, Kris, Chuck, Chuck's father Ed, and me, complained very much to the restaurant about the poor service, and we all gave them a normal tip. then we adjourned to Kris' house for birthday cake. Mom was actually wearing one of the blouses that Kris got her for her birthday at Marshall Fields', but there was still a couple presents for her, and i got her a card, entitled "Brithday Wishes From The Cat" which i thought was pretty cute. i even signed it with her cat Benji's name, as well as mine.
  • 20:19 back home after enjoying some birthday cake at my sister's house #

Friday 6 November 2009

  • 02:24 ♫ Reach Out and Touch - Tommy Tutone lala.com/zqEc #
  • 08:51 trying coffee with caramel apple flavored creamer--sounds holidayish #
  • 09:04 more like 300, still that's a lot! RT @MzStarrBurst That's like a million tweets per day. I'm so ambitious. #
  • 09:06 too bad RT @MzStarrBurst RT @TittySalad: photoshop only makes you pretty on the internet. it doesn't carry over to real life. #
  • 09:21 beauty tip: stunning Padma Lakshmi finds dirty hair easier to style, so she doesnt wash it for a couple days before award shows #
  • 10:17 walking the long way to the clubhouse to meet up w/Mom # [last Sunday i had tried to walk to the clubhouse by going up the north street and turning down one of the cross streets but had forgotten the name. i didn't get lost, but i did have to cut across the golf course to get where i was going. today, i stayed on the north street till i got to the correct cross street.]
  • 10:19 weighed myself yest: 173. havent gained a lb despite the fact that i.do.not.diet #
  • 10:40 yest i made a serious faux pas: i sat down in mom's recliner and lit a cigarette! m&d's house is non-smoking! dont know what i was thinking! #
  • 10:42 "There wont be love, there certainly wont be sex *ugh*, but by god there will be dancing!" #randommoviequotes #
  • 10:44 do u get extra twitter points for any pun starting with the letters "tw"? #
  • 10:45 remember: rape and pillage first, then burn #
  • 10:46 i think my next twitter nickname will be Pope Hilarius II #
  • 10:49 @kzookris give 'em hell! #
  • 10:53 RT @sciencegoddess RT @mocost Why does spicy food give runny nose? Maybe because capsaicin activates TRP channels expressed by goblet cells #
  • 10:55 especially spicy brown RT @freckle_faced I love mustard. #
  • 11:00 i swear there aint no heaven but i pray there aint no hell RT @Hanescymru RT @harryadams I am still an atheist, thank God #
  • 11:05 ur in a good mood! TGIF? RT @freckle_faced I love this soul-killing florescent lighting. #
  • 11:07 RT @lwdgrfx RT @mattyglesias Lucky for us Christians never shoot anyone. Otherwise US might have the developed world's highest murder rate. #
  • 13:08 full moon? RT @SunDevil75 WTF is going on??? RT @BreakingNews UPDATE -- Gunman opens fire inside Orlando high-rise building... #
  • 13:15 look at porn & marvel at how easily other ppl make a living RT @godlessgirl Hey tweeps: How do you relax after a tough day? #
  • 13:56 someone told me it goes "do unto others before they do unto you" @cherokee_autumn @monicks #
  • 13:58 ha! RT @Devinple: @DyNama yes, but I'd imagine there's a lot of friction between co-workers :o #
  • 14:04 going out for a little site-seeing. mom wants me to see the PSL City Center for some reason #
  • 16:00 @SurlyAmy as they say, beauty is only skin-deep, but ugliness goes all the way thru #
  • 16:07 back from look at the PSL Civic Center. 2 bball courts, art museum, conference rms twitpic.com/oir8a # [actually pretty impressive. i wonder why the parking garage is sprinklered?]
  • 16:26 any south florida tweeters interested in a tweet-up? #
  • 16:29 that should be around Dec 9 RT @MzStarrBurst Nevermind. I'ma just have my big moment when I reach 50K. #  [she missed celebrating 40,000 tweets! that's a lot! i'm going to hit 4,000 before i leave Florida]
  • 16:47 celebs like to work fundraisers so they can be seen as being generous to charities, but with my money #
  • 17:20 @Otherstarr going from 40K to 50K tweets =10,000 tweets divided by 300 per day =33 days from today #
  • 17:59 my Lions Club just called to confirm my reservation for the next meeting, but i wont be there cuz i'm still on vacation in Florida #
  • 00:00 #shutup centrum! "supports breast and bone health"? what does that even mean? could it be more vague? #
  • 00:03 @Taby74 hi, taby #

Thursday 5 November 2009

  • 02:13 ♫ Touch - U2 lala.com/zsrF #
  • 03:20 bedtime. finally got a passable blog of my Monday tweets from www.tweetake.com. a lot of work to get them in the same format as @loudtwitter #
  • 03:29 @KyeLani clotted cream, is that like cottage cheese? #
  • 08:34 i'm up. i got to sleep in rather than go to Dad's prayer breakfast this morning #
  • 09:56 i just got an invitation to go shopping w/my sister. marshall fields, here we come! #
  • 10:04 @freckle_faced was it fun? #
  • 10:08 aint it the truth! RT @BibleAlsoSays Ever notice that people that should know better, rarely do? #
  • 10:13 if we werent supposed to eat animals, how come theyre all made of meat? #
  • 10:19 @freckle_faced that night, 17yrs ago, in the backseat of his Dodge Shadow, Ace of Base on the radio... # [she said she got pregnant 17 years ago today]
  • 10:21 @LindaHNH i need a jelly donut #
  • 10:24 @freckle_faced if only you hadnt been drunk... #
  • 11:17 my sis decided to buy ME some clothes @ marshall fields, so i'm trying on jeans she picked out #
  • 11:31 boy am i going to look preppy! #
  • 11:42 wow cool gadget! marshall fields has a pkg of 12 elastic bands in diff colors to keep track of ur beer can or bottle #
  • 12:17 mom, sis, and i shopping separately at Target #
i ended up buying more reusable shopping bags at Target! these were small ones, which i liked because some are so big, and to top it off, these had Smurfs on them! i put one in my belt bag and carried it around with me the rest of my vacation. 
  • 13:40 back from shopping, getting to hang out with my sister this afternoon #
  • 13:43 @davesib the other day was intl vegan day, which always reminds me of that joke #
  • 13:44 ha! RT @Gingerkalevala "Some drink from the fountain of knowledge; Some only gargle" (via @prissy121) #
  • 16:12 delightful shopping experience w/my sister on her low-carb diet again #
We spent a good half hour choosing a loaf of bread! she had heard of a different loaf that had certain numbers for calories and fiber per slice, but she must have incorrectly remembered the brand name. How accurate are those numbers anyway?
  • 17:45 @davesib we had a good "discussion" about nutrition before shopping. she countered my books w/1 of her own #
She thinks i need to read "both sides" in order to have an informed opinion, so she thought i needed to read Dr Kessler, former head of the FDA's book, The End of Overeating. I promised i'd look at it but i didn't take her copy.
  • 18:59 quick trip to Publix for 1% milk #
  • 19:11 got a postcard from my neighbor! she's at home and she sent me a postcard! #
My lupus neighbor Angie sent me a card down here! So i got a postcard and sent it to her the next day.
  • 19:21 @QualityHillJoy yeah, she's nice. she'd asked for the address where i'd be staying but i didnt expect her to write me #
  • 19:22 @Monicks i'm all ears too! #
Monica was telling us a story about letting slip that she was an Atheist in conversation to a co-worker who then blurted out, "You're an Atheist? But you seem so nice!" That conversation ended in an argument, but the finish of the story was that he called and apologized, saying he had decided she was nice.
  • 19:25 @Genjerleigh i thot a maduro was a cigar # [it's a plantain fried in butter and sugar]
  • 19:26 that'd do it! RT @MzStarrBurst I need to get that new Victorias Secret Bombshell bra. In every color. That's how I get my men. I think. #
  • 19:31 @Monicks yep, "do unto others" is the truest line in that book #atheist #
  • 19:37 @Monicks cool! #
  • 19:44 @QualityHillJoy thanx. i am vacationing in s.florida, staying with the parents & sister. they think i should look for work here but i havent #
  • 19:45 @Monicks it's about time we win one #
  • 21:56 @cherokee_autumn yes welcome back, Shay! #


Wensday 4 November 2009

  • 02:05 ? Touch - Seal lala.com/z3pj #
  • 02:25 working now, thanx! RT @jonasl @dynama Do you get any error message? (i'm the creator of @tweetbackup) #
  • 02:32 @_7654_ i didnt know that, unfortunately @lala.com is where i uploaded my music. digital rights is a real pain # [he complained that non-USA tweeters cannot play the songs from www.lala.com]
  • 08:51 i'm up. the only thing i know of on the schedule is the weekly grocery shopping at wal-mart #
  • 09:05 "abortion remorse" is so widely believed that few ppl realize no one knows if it's really true #
  • 09:08 @ Hanescymru hi rich! i'm in st lucie county and, except for pouring rain last night, it's been hot & humid for almost 2 weeks #
  • 09:20 @Hanescymru that'd be cool! i'm vacationing w/the folks in Port St Lucie #
  • 09:23 @Hanescymru another week, then i head back north on the greyhound #
  • 09:27 @Hanescymru that'd be cool. i don't know a single fellow tweeter in RL! #
RL=Real Life. Rich sent me his cell phone number by direct message (DM) but i didn't see it until Friday, and have not yet called him as of Friday. Like all of us, i've heard stories about people on the internet not being what they appear to be, but i've never actually experienced that disillusionment. i must admit to being nervous about meeting in person a total stranger that i've chatted with over the 'net, especially one-on-one, compounded by not having a car, so i might be at the mercy of being picked up by said stranger, or dropped off by Mom and Dad. Would i go and meet someone if i got a letter in the mail? Why should i think meeting people online is any safer?
  • 11:25 @twitter lists are cool. i like being on ppl's short lists #
  • 11:31 time to go grocery shopping at Wal-Mart #
I used one of my reusable wine shopping bags at Wal-Mart, because I knew i was going to buy a bottle of wine. Mom is practically tee-total (except for 1 piña colata on Fridays) but Dad will have a glass of wine occasionally. He used to have wine lying around because Kris' mother-in-law used to give them a bottle every now and then, but since she passed away, he's only had wine when he remembers to buy it, and i had finished off the open bottle in the frig. So i bought one of my favorites, Livingston Cellars Red Rosé. There are a million bottles of wine even in a grocery but once i found a reasonably-priced one I liked, I pretty much stopped looking. I don't know why I'm able to do that with wine but not with Post-Its!
  • 12:07 fed my sister's cats, now we're at a nursing home so Mom can visit a friend # [she wasn't in]
  • 12:21 we're @Dennys to have breakfast for lunch #
  • 13:29 1 diff betw Ohio & Florida: in Ohio, it's apple cider season, here it's hard to find #
  • 13:57 on the way home from Wal-Mart, we went under the Goodyear blimp, perhaps on the way to Sunday's Miami game #
  • 15:36 recovering my missing tweets from monday, i was working on a tweetake.csv file in excel when excel crashed. luckily crash doctor saved my work #
  • 15:40 it was more common back then RT @BibleAlsoSays Many writings don't mention Virgin Birth, Resurrection, or even a Divine Jesus!... #
  • 15:49 i usually wake up w/a song in my head, usually not 1 i've heard or even thot of recently. today's is "Barely Breathing" - Duncan Sheik #
  • 17:44 Mom and I went for a short walk. It's pleasantly cool this eve, 80 deg and breezy #
  • 19:14 Dad installed Win7 on his new puta yest, today found his printer didnt work. took an hr-long service call to fix it #
  • 19:38 THANK YOU, women, for not abolishing 2 incredibly sexist standards of beauty: high heels and shaving #
  • 20:09 @JunePlumm i thoroughly recommend "This Is It" #
  • 20:16 @40yroldatheist women quit wearing heels cuz they're uncomfortable and dangerous, but luckily most women themselves feel sexier w/heels on #
  • 20:22 #shutup Brooke Shields! u heard wrong. acidic food cannot dissolve tooth enamel #
  • 20:25 i'm watching a Ghost Whisperer marathon, and i am so smitten w/Jennifer Love Hewitt! she is both beautiful and glamorous! hubba, hubba! #
  • 20:31 @MzStarrBurst a cappella #
  • 20:32 @mandiengram 'way past time! #
  • 20:49 #shutup p.a.d. u can lower ur heart attack "risk" but there's no evidence any medication actually lowers the numbers of heart attacks #
  • 20:53 #shutup USFidelis! ur commercials are deceptive cuz they imply u repair cars for free, instead of being paid out of ur premiums #

Tuesday 3 November 2009

  • 02:20 @Monicks nite-nite #
  • 02:30 u mean a bad movie? RT @mirandachale: I saw the "Avatar" trailer for the first time yesterday & oh, wow, it looks horrible. #
  • 08:57 @MzStarrBurst "Burnin Down the House" - Talking Heads is good heartburn music #
  • 08:58 @freckle_faced magnificent! #
  • 10:59 Once again, the biggest health story of the year has found that we are healthier & living longer than in history... is.gd/4M5t6 #
  • 11:05 Junkfood Science: The myth of unhealthy belly fat is.gd/4M5M5 #
  • 11:59 @freckle_faced i should have added that i was topless too, sitting here in my shorts in 90° weather! #
  • 12:07 i've been taking notes on my vacation by dumping my tweets to a blog using @loudtwitter www.loudtwitter.com #
  • 12:08 but for some reason @loudtwitter failed to get my tweets from yesterday. so i've been scrambling to get yest tweets from some other source #
  • 12:11 but @backupify hasnt run yet, and @tweetbackup wont let me log in. now i'm trying @tweetake www.tweetake.com but it exports to .csv #
  • 12:34 twitpic.com/o55fl - Topless Tuesday #
  • 12:41 @freckle_faced of course i could say the same to u! u were #ToplessTuesday first! twitpic.com/o55fl #
  • 12:47 @Taby74 i thot i told twitpic not to post it till later. to show more, i'd need longer arms #
  • 12:51 @Taby74 @freckle_faced posted hers (oYo) this morning in honor of #ToplessTuesday #
  • 12:57 @Taby74 tatas make the world go round, especially in a red bra! #
  • 13:31 @jonasl just Wrong login #
  • 13:37 @Taby74 ur red bra ava was an instant classic! #
  • 15:33 out on the town, hitting thrift stores and 2nd hand shops with my mother #
i only bought 1 thing at the first thrift shop we went to, and that was another reusable shopping bag! this also had the Publix name in it, but it was partitioned into 4 square sections for carrying wine bottles, and has some grape symbol on the front. it was pretty cool, and only 50¢ so i got 2. i do already have a 6-compartment Wal-Mart wine shopping bag, just bought a month or so ago for $1.
  • 15:34 now we're checking on my sister's cats #
  • 17:27 done shopping, back home, didnt find much in the thrift stores, but found a tobacco store w/a sign that says it IS a smoking facility #
  • 18:16 @robmay thanks for the response, but since i only have need of ur free twitter backup at the moment, i'll just have to be patient #
  • 19:18 i'm listening to a sales pitch for organized trips and cruises, and trying to resist my mom's own hard sell # [she wanted me to spend all day Saturday with her at a bingo parlor. i told Mom that i don't want to any more than Dad would, but he can say "No" better than i can.]
  • 19:24 i just won a door prize, a free trip to a xmas pagent in ft lauderdale! it says "valued at $95" #
  • 21:17 watched Becoming Human on PBS while doing a load of laundry. Rain is pouring outside! #

Monday 2 November 2009

[edit 11/15 554p] don't know why but loudtwitter failed to dump Monday's tweets to my blog. so i had to use a different twitter backup site, www.tweetake.com, to recover them. tweetake, tho, only exports to .csv files, and the time-date stamp it put on the tweets was UTC, Greenwich Mean Time, which meant i had to edit it in a spreadsheet, use tweets from 7p Sun to 7p Mon--a midnight to midnight Monday here by UTC time--and subtract 5 hours from the time of each tweet. took hours, and a real pain. i'm not sure how well i've recreated these. i have a suspicion that some of the times are wrong (and therefore in the wrong order), and some are missing completely, according to another source of tweet backups, www.tweetbackup.com, which i couldn't use originally because it wouldn't let me log in. and a third source (fourth if you count the tweet dump to this blog, and i do, i guess) is www.backupify.com, which only runs once a week for twitter.

  • 7:55    i'm up. mom goes bowling again this morning.
  • 8:33    it is so hot here in south florida, already 90! RT @FOX19Sara what a cold morning!
  • 8:47    i come by hoarding honestly: my mom is bowling w/a ball she bot 4 decades ago, & hasnt used for 3. she kept it all this time!
  • 9:17    happy birthday, youngster! RT @jennifurret It's my birthday, yay! 22 years old - man, I'm ancient ;P
  • 9:19    @christineromans candy is not Bad For You. sugar is not empty calories, it is full of joy!
i've chatted on twitter before with Christine Romans, a business reporter on CNN, about the "healthy lifestyle". when i disagreed with a story of hers, she asked for my references, and i buried her in them! she said she'd check them out, but i never heard any more about it.
  • 9:20    poor baby! RT @Taby74 Ok well, I am off to brush my teeth and try not to throw up, did I mention I still have a migraine...yeah...awesome...
  • 9:23     christineromans: @DyNama I know, I know...but the baby is only 18-months old so I am introducing him to Halloween slowly...
  • 9:41    @christineromans i knew ur boy was still a baby, i remember when u were on maternity leave. so how's he doing?
  • 9:43    @CoryFroomkin i'm IN south florida at the mo, and some rain would be most welcome!
  • 9:45    @KyeLani what on earth is vimto?
  • 9:57    I've got the beach bum look down cold! post.ly/BJTR
  • 9:59    @sciwo just like the "precious little" science behind the Healthy Lifestyle :(
  • 10:01    i'm one of those ppl who sneezes--twice--every time i go out in bright sunlight
  • 10:13    this bowling alley is goofing the score. Mom got 7 pins but it showed 8; she got 2 more & it gave her a spare, tho 1 pin was still standing!
  • 10:17    @jennifurret ur good grade on the exam will be a birthday present u gave urself!
  • 10:21    this lane is occasionally allowing 3 balls per frame, or setting the pins w/1 missing, &c
  • 10:25    @MzStarrBurst there's some ppl i'd lend money to if that'd make 'em go away
  • 10:29    Mom bowled a 144!
  • 11:03    Mom bowled 109, 144, 117, with an 87 handicap, not too bad
  • 11:04    while my mother was bowling, i read a book
  • 12:01    @Kunsthure nothing looks chewed on? [she was tweeting about a moth invasion]
  • 12:03    @Synthaetica Happy Birthday!
  • 12:08    saw a poster that said "i needed a friend and god sent me you". that's supposed to be sweet, but it feels wrong to me
  • 12:08    or any other meal! RT @SunDevil75 Once again, if you're gonna eat shit for breakfast, don't talk to me.
  • 12:12    @TheGodless kids eat cuz theyre growing. #endchildhoodobesity by recognizing our wonderful diversity in shapes and sizes
  • 12:14    @MzStarrBurst i hope ur teacher is on twitter and read that! [she was answering the question of whether she'd sleep with one of her teachers, and she said yes]
  • 12:21    "obesity crusaders" r saying we would rather sit than move & eat "unhealthy" food rather than "healthy". that strikes me as elitist
  • 13:30    "Even when...carefully monitored, the relationship between (food) intake and body weight is weak (Edholm et al, 1955)"
  • 13:35    @MzStarrBurst yay, i'm 1 of 1793! [she said she loves 1793 of her 1794 followers on twitter]
  • 13:35    @Jamberta it was very subtle? [she said she had been insulted a week ago and was just realizing that her feelings had been hurt]
  • 13:38    lol RT @mattincinci rt @expatina Christians start own version of Twitter http://tr.im/DVRI // Should name it Cwitter in honor of Sarah Palin
  • 13:37     MzStarrBurst: This is one of my faves. ---->@DyNama I don't know why. But his presence is comforting. Just thought I'd share that. And don't hate.
  • 13:43    thanx! RT @MzStarrBurst This is 1 of my faves. ->@DyNama I don't know why. his presence s comforting. Just tht I'd share that. And dont hate
  • 13:46    1st time i was on a jury, i asked for the "affirm" oath rather than the "swear" oath @Taby74 @VariantVal
  • 13:52    @VariantVal so many ppl told me ways to get out of jury duty, but i felt it was my duty [she said she enjoyed jury duty]
  • 13:57    omg! RT @stevewhitaker Only way I know 2 "outsmart flu" is sneak up behind it, stick a screwdriver into soft part of its skull, & wiggle it
  • 14:02    @katmandelstein i cant wait to have a twitter app implanted in my head!
  • 14:05    i should be so lucky! RT @Monicks @VeronikaG do you have any idea how honored any guy would be with a nice caring sweet stalker as you?
  • 14:10     VeronikaG: @DyNama HAHA, No your crazy.
  • 14:07    *wink* RT @MzStarrBurst Stop staring at me. I hate your stupid eyes. Jerk. [this was a general comment sent to the twitterverse; "RT" stands for retweet]
  • 14:13     Monicks: @DyNama Right Norm? Your see, Veronika? @VeronikaG I'm right! :)
  • 14:15    "...it is not clear that increased physical activity actually prevents or reverses age-related weight gain... (DiPietro, 1999)"
  • 14:36    @Monicks @VeronikaG i tend to like friend's exes better than their currents!
  • 14:41    whatever happened to @cherokee_autumn?
  • 15:07    going to M&D's church so they can count yesterday's receipts
in addition to the time change, and loudtwitter not dumping my tweets for today at midnight, my phone was acting up. i tried to tweet from M&D's church but it just wouldn't go. 4 hours later, at Ruby Tuesdays, it still wouldn't send. on the way home from the restaurant, my phone crashed and rebooted! i didn't really know cell phones could do that, tho i do admit my phone's operating system is by Microsoft.
  • 15:16     freckle_faced: RT @DyNama: whatever happened to @cherokee_autumn?//I have been wondering the same thing.  She is going thru a nasty divorce.
  • 15:18     Monicks: @DyNama  @VeronikaG I don't know why Norm, but that right there sounded reeeeeally good! Just sayin'.
  • 19:03    so anyway, we had dinner at Ruby Tuesdays after they counted yesterday's take @ their lutheran church
  • 19:04    my dad's first cousin's widower has called him, that's pretty rare
  • 19:18    @freckle_faced yet i read about 1 recall a few yrs ago that only 15% of the hamburger was ever returned. the rest was presumably eaten
  • 19:19    @OtherStarr is 60 tweets an hour, 1 per minute, enuf to send u to jail? [twitter "jail" is when your account is temporarily suspended because you send too many tweets; the solution is to have a second twitter account]
  • 19:27    was she really hot? RT @claudiajordan wow this MARRIED lady on TYRA show said she cheated on her hubby w/betw 100-150 men in a 6 mo period!
  • 19:30    good, u included me RT @Lilykily Yea, yeah, I dig my followers peeps. That means you, you, and the naked jerker in the corner. You too. [a general message to the twitterverse again. tweeters throw them out to see if anyone will respond. my best stuff usually doesn't get a response]
  • 19:37    "There is remarkably little evidence that (people) become fat because they overeat. (Frank, 1993)"


Saturday 31 October 2009

  • 01:46 ♫ Touch It - Drex lala.com/zrAF #
  • 01:59 beggers nite in my small town is always the 4th Thu, set by the juvenile judge RT @Jamberta RT @Misstcalia: @DyNama AAAahhh Creepy clown! #
  • 02:20 nah it aint so creepy, i'm smiling! RT @OK_Bettsy: @Misstcalia ..clown? ~Yeah, @DyNama has a creepy clown avatar @Jamberta #
  • 02:27 we do speak, you know RT @Misstcalia: The clown spoke *shudder* #
  • 02:34 @Misstcalia actually it was a parody of so many avatars that are a close-up of their eye. i'm not really a clown, not literally anyway #
  • 02:40 it does honk! has a light in it too RT @Misstcalia: @DyNama I kinda figured you were not literally a clown... Now I wanna honk your nose #
  • 02:40 @futuredirected nitey-nite #
  • 02:42 i am struggling to stay awake, @tinytwitter has froze up on my phone, so i guess it's my bedtime #
  • 09:43 good morning, tweeters #
  • 10:00 my mom thought my sister said she was going to a rock concert, but she's actually going rock-hunting! #
  • 10:14 @tinytwitter froze up last night like it had a "toxic" tweet caught in it. repeated updates and time seem to have cleared it #
  • 10:17 @Kunsthure i love Medium! it's prob my fave tv show, even tho i don't believe in ghosts! #
  • 10:17 @Roamis thanx for the #FF! #
  • 12:49 going for a ride #
  • 14:22 went to my sister's mother-in-law's grave, then went to Ft Pierce's Jetty Park so i could see the ocean #
  • 15:28 stopped for ice cream. i had a brownie sundae, pretty yummy. #
  • 16:18 just as i predicted, my parents yesterday accused me of being on this phone "constantly"! #
  • 16:20 i find it easier to read this phone's screen without my glasses. i'm nearsighted, wear my glasses all the time, but i dont have bifocals #
  • 16:27 yes, of course u do RT @Taby74 Ok I have to go to the store...do I want a tasty adult beverage??? Hmmm maybe... #
  • 16:29 u were all slug-a-bed this fine Sat RT @WongoWoman @Taby74 @Jamberta #
  • 16:32 @sum1else they're not luddites but they don't understand young ppl's fascination w/social media at all--and i'm not even young! #
  • 19:39 @TennisReporters agreed #
  • 19:40 going for a walk w/Mom #
  • 20:54 finished walk w/Mom, then jumped into the car to go visit my nephew #
  • 21:50 Mom (front), sister, and nephew post.ly/B9aD #
  • 21:54 i'll have what she's having RT @Taby74 I have completed nearly 3/4 of my drink and am not craving Pizza...damn you... #
  • 23:24 i love this song too, tho dont know about acoustic RT @Taby74 I love this one..."So Cold (acoustic)" Breaking Benjamin bit.ly/2d9tYw #


Tamed bouganvilla

It's not winter yet up north, but i thought maybe u could use some flowers about now

Posted via email from DyNama's posterous