
More on missing items

There's a box for a new inhaler right next to my recliner. It is empty. Now I may be a hoarder but i do throw away my garbage. There is no label on the box so there is no reason to keep it. I know I didn't open it right before leaving home and not have time to throw it out by the simple fact that the inhaler i took with me was almost empty. For that reason, i also took a refill. I finished it off in Florida, so I opened the refill plus I bought a new refill in Florida from my mother, who has a prescription for the albuterol inhaler but doesn't use it. So I expected to come home to a refill with a fairly new inhaler and another refill, but I don't find another refill at home, just an empty box. Would someone going through my house open it and leave the empty behind? That's almost as bizarre as stealing shampoo.

Another mysterious thing is a little box crammed full of ballpoint pens, pens with pharmaceuticals ads on them that isn't where I remember it. I found some pens on the floor, in a bigger box than I remember, but being on the floor isn't strange in and of itself as I knocked over that box all the time. I would just pick them up and then I would put it right back, because that's where it belonged.

Maybe it's just my memory that's missing.

The door to my magazine room was open when I got home. My catsitter said it was open the whole time. That room is full of girlie magazines, perhaps 10,000, so i keep that door closed because i don't want the cats in there. The door sticks and i usually have to push against it with my shoulder to enter the room. So it being open is mysterious, and even my catsitter thought it unusual, he'd never seen it open before. But I look around the room and I can't detect anything missing. Everything looks about the way it's supposed to be. Now stealing girlie magazines makes more sense to me than stealing shampoo but I don't think any (or very many) were stolen. The only inventory of my magazines is in my head.

I talked to most my neighbors but none of them say they saw anything unusual. Several mentioned noticing my screen door flapping in the wind.

Note: I also had to edit the 3.5.11 post to get the pictures to show up.



I added a pic of my grand-nephew Jake to the 20 April entry.


What's up with shampoo?

I hoard several things and one of them is shampoo, don't know why. I hoarded shampoo even when my hair was only "longish"; now it's very long. The funny thing is that I have no preferences in shampoo, and don't really notice much difference between shampoos. I just enjoy having lots--and lots--of choices, and rarely use the same one twice in a row. Consequently I rarely finish off a bottle.

Stupid pictures! I started a Google Picassa account just to post these pix on this Google blog! No idea why they aren't working. Click on the space to see the pix if they're not showing up.
Take note of the tall red bottle of shampoo in the middle of the middle row, next to the bar of soap, in this pic from 2007. I can no longer find that bottle.

See the 4 square red bottles on the shelf at the right? Here's an even better pic of them from 2006.

One of those bottles was immediately conspicuous by it's absence.

The bottles on the edge of the tub had been rearranged so i don't have a pic of the red bottle and green bottle that aren't there any more.

I don't think I'm imagining this. I'm pretty sure they were there in their usual places when I left.

I've obsessed about shampoo before on this blog, about leaving a bottle behind on one vacation, then looking for it, and replacing it, on a subsequent vacation. This time I left one, a store-brand knock-off of Pert + conditioner, behind on purpose, with no regrets. I hope. It looks lonely.


Home safe and sound

That's it for this vacation. I included a few extra days because I'm suspicious that someone was in my house while I was gone, went all the way through it to my bathroom, the farthest room from my back door, stood at my bathtub, and decided to steal 3 open red bottles of shampoo and 1 green one, out of mind-boggling shelves full of open bottles, over 150! No solution to this mystery yet, and I don't expect to ever get one. Who would do that? Is somebody just messing with my head?