
More on missing items

There's a box for a new inhaler right next to my recliner. It is empty. Now I may be a hoarder but i do throw away my garbage. There is no label on the box so there is no reason to keep it. I know I didn't open it right before leaving home and not have time to throw it out by the simple fact that the inhaler i took with me was almost empty. For that reason, i also took a refill. I finished it off in Florida, so I opened the refill plus I bought a new refill in Florida from my mother, who has a prescription for the albuterol inhaler but doesn't use it. So I expected to come home to a refill with a fairly new inhaler and another refill, but I don't find another refill at home, just an empty box. Would someone going through my house open it and leave the empty behind? That's almost as bizarre as stealing shampoo.

Another mysterious thing is a little box crammed full of ballpoint pens, pens with pharmaceuticals ads on them that isn't where I remember it. I found some pens on the floor, in a bigger box than I remember, but being on the floor isn't strange in and of itself as I knocked over that box all the time. I would just pick them up and then I would put it right back, because that's where it belonged.

Maybe it's just my memory that's missing.

The door to my magazine room was open when I got home. My catsitter said it was open the whole time. That room is full of girlie magazines, perhaps 10,000, so i keep that door closed because i don't want the cats in there. The door sticks and i usually have to push against it with my shoulder to enter the room. So it being open is mysterious, and even my catsitter thought it unusual, he'd never seen it open before. But I look around the room and I can't detect anything missing. Everything looks about the way it's supposed to be. Now stealing girlie magazines makes more sense to me than stealing shampoo but I don't think any (or very many) were stolen. The only inventory of my magazines is in my head.

I talked to most my neighbors but none of them say they saw anything unusual. Several mentioned noticing my screen door flapping in the wind.

Note: I also had to edit the 3.5.11 post to get the pictures to show up.



I added a pic of my grand-nephew Jake to the 20 April entry.


What's up with shampoo?

I hoard several things and one of them is shampoo, don't know why. I hoarded shampoo even when my hair was only "longish"; now it's very long. The funny thing is that I have no preferences in shampoo, and don't really notice much difference between shampoos. I just enjoy having lots--and lots--of choices, and rarely use the same one twice in a row. Consequently I rarely finish off a bottle.

Stupid pictures! I started a Google Picassa account just to post these pix on this Google blog! No idea why they aren't working. Click on the space to see the pix if they're not showing up.
Take note of the tall red bottle of shampoo in the middle of the middle row, next to the bar of soap, in this pic from 2007. I can no longer find that bottle.

See the 4 square red bottles on the shelf at the right? Here's an even better pic of them from 2006.

One of those bottles was immediately conspicuous by it's absence.

The bottles on the edge of the tub had been rearranged so i don't have a pic of the red bottle and green bottle that aren't there any more.

I don't think I'm imagining this. I'm pretty sure they were there in their usual places when I left.

I've obsessed about shampoo before on this blog, about leaving a bottle behind on one vacation, then looking for it, and replacing it, on a subsequent vacation. This time I left one, a store-brand knock-off of Pert + conditioner, behind on purpose, with no regrets. I hope. It looks lonely.


Home safe and sound

That's it for this vacation. I included a few extra days because I'm suspicious that someone was in my house while I was gone, went all the way through it to my bathroom, the farthest room from my back door, stood at my bathtub, and decided to steal 3 open red bottles of shampoo and 1 green one, out of mind-boggling shelves full of open bottles, over 150! No solution to this mystery yet, and I don't expect to ever get one. Who would do that? Is somebody just messing with my head?


From Twitter 04-29-2011

  • 00:35:18: @yourgirlnxtdoor the door swells in humidity & wont even close all the way. but i have no where to go
  • 01:49:22: @yourgirlnxtdoor i'm nervous, but the only reason for someone to do this is mess with my head
  • 01:53:43: durn i slept thru jimmy fallon again
  • 01:58:52: @yourgirlnxtdoor i dont really know what to do. it's not like i can call the police
  • 02:00:50: on this ep of The First 48, at a time of stress 2 diff young black men withdrew into their t-shirt like a turtle
  • 02:50:42: @yourgirlnxtdoor yeah options would be nice
  • 02:55:52: @yourgirlnxtdoor thanx for your concern! yes my phone is charging right here beside me. nitey nite
  • 02:59:01: #shutup #miller! you've been making mean and nasty commercials for decades
  • 08:27:23: now that #KateMiddleton has landed her man, i hope she'll gain a few pounds & get a tiny bit more voluptuous
  • 10:03:49: @davesib that door is never open. it sticks and has to be pushed to be opened
  • 10:05:16: @davesib she is fantastically beautiful!
  • 10:22:44: so the other day i heard news predicting that gas prices had peaked, & i told the regular McDonalds crowd that Wed to many hoots & hollers
  • 10:24:05: @yourgirlnxtdoor yes i'm fine. if someone was actually in here, i have no reason to think it was more than a gag. i mean, stealing shampoo!
  • 10:31:00: @yourgirlnxtdoor absolutely! a tweet from my housesitter just told me the door to a storage room was open the whole time. it is never open
  • 12:00:05: so my catsitter just called. he didnt/wouldnt/couldnt notice anything about shampoo bottles--i have about 150 bottles, its something i hoard
  • 12:01:40: but my catsitter had noticed the door to the storage room, full of girlie magazines, was open, it had always been closed on prev visits
  • 12:03:35: i have also noticed that 2 drawers around the house were left open. i couldve left them open myself, but...
  • 13:52:18: @yourgirlnxtdoor thanx for your concern, K., i'll ask my neighbors if they saw anything but i'm going to try not to worry
  • 14:22:47: The marginalization of a president: Will it end with Obama? - http://bit.ly/meom9A #cnn
  • 14:24:11: unfortunately #ChelseaHandler isnt very funny
  • 14:26:36: @MzStarrBurst and here i once used #ChelseaHandler as an example of a pretty comedian
  • 14:32:32: @MzStarrBurst at first i really thought she was funny, but now i only react to the dirty stuff she says
  • 18:57:20: i'm in Jackson OH at the visitation for a friend, fellow Lion, & Past District Governor
  • 18:58:01: rode up here with 6 others
  • 18:59:03: we had a good time on the ride, tho the evils of smoking did come up for discussion
  • 19:00:41: they mentioned how the kids & clothes & cars of smokers reek, even while conceding that I, a smoker, do not smell like smoke
  • 19:02:47: i had to get some cash before boarding. my friend Jeannie called while i was at walmart & convo lasted until i got home & changed clothes!
  • 20:36:52: @yourgirlnxtdoor no, nothing new. i havent caught all my neighbors yet

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From Twitter 04-28-2011

  • 12:08:34: been up since 915a, i've already walked uptown for my 1st post-vacation cup of instant cappuccino. there's no place like home!
  • 13:34:36: now this is mysterious. i get home from vacation & notice 3 bottles of shampoo are not where they're supposed to be
  • 13:36:43: i didnt take inventory, it's just they were conspicuous by their absence, a hole in the shelf where they used to be
  • 13:38:48: the funny thing is that 2 of the bottles are red colored. i have no doubt they just fell off. 1 location under shelf i cant get to easily
  • 13:40:03: the other is just the floor of the bathroom, but it's not there. oddly enuf, the bottle is square, so how can it roll somewhere?
  • 13:41:25: the square red bottle is 1 of 4 from lacoupe salon. another 1 of the 4 was off the shelf & a few feet away on the floor when i got home
  • 13:42:36: that was the conditioner. the shampoo tho was not on the shelf & not on the floor w/the conditioner. i have no idea where it is!
  • 13:53:00: so a few months ago i got suckered by a nice red bottle of shampoo, thinking the shampoo would be red too. it wasnt.
  • 13:54:44: it's nothing special, no name, just a beautiful red translucent bottle. i just casually noticed that i cant find that bottle either!
  • 13:56:06: nobody would steal open bottles of shampoo, it's just funny that 3 red bottles of shampoo are MIA
  • 14:31:42: @yourgirlnxtdoor i'll say! it's making me a little dizzy!
  • 14:34:38: @Taby74 it is creepy. my door was unlocked as it has swollen from the humidity & wont even close all the way. but who would steal shampoo?
  • 14:36:56: there is 1 non-red bottle also conspicuous by it's absence, it was garnier fructis, a bright green bottle
  • 14:38:16: it was next to a bottle of herbal essences shampoo, both for long hair, on the edge of my bathtub. i suspect they've fallen under the tub
  • 14:40:00: the 2 shampoo bottles on the edge of the tub were not near the matching conditioners & neither of the conditioner bottles is missing
  • 14:48:54: why would god not do anything to prevent a tornado but then save ppl in it's path?
  • 21:27:27: @yourgirlnxtdoor no, not yet, i'm going to mount a comprehensive search soon
  • 21:32:34: just chaired my #LionsClub mtg, only 4 more left of my term as president
  • 21:57:28: @yourgirlnxtdoor i bet there's a logical explanation, or it's just coincidence, but it's definitely eerie
  • 22:00:27: @davesib do you recall the door to the left at the top of the stairs to have been open every time you went upstairs in my house?
  • 23:35:46: @yourgirlnxtdoor i cant figure it out. 3 bottles of shampoo are just gone
  • 23:42:35: RT @mental_floss: Chester Arthur was dogged by rumors he was born in Canada. "How a British Subject Became President of the US" was publ ...
  • 23:46:15: @yourgirlnxtdoor i am freaking out. somebody besides the guy looking after my cats has been in here
  • 23:50:54: @yourgirlnxtdoor well, no, i cant even lock my doors

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From Twitter 04-27-2011

  • 02:21:27: so i've been home for about 7hrs. the old black wino bummed a smoke 10min after i got home. my lupus neighbor said come over 2mrro @ noon
  • 02:23:23: my lawn needs mowed bad, the neighbor boy who does it says his mower is broken
  • 02:24:42: and i am definitely having allergic conjunctivitis in 1 eye
  • 03:16:10: RT @claudiajordan: This birth certificate thing is a distraction & a waste of time. Can we tal... http://kvs.co/7u2B
  • 03:20:36: @claudiajordan http://twitpic.com/4pzyui - delightful!
  • 12:41:28: @davesib nope, i put away all the food & they were on me in a half hour!
  • 13:21:40: came over to visit my lupus neighbor at 1245p
  • 16:31:42: RT @Rickonia: BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump demands to know what country Latifah is the queen of...
  • 16:34:26: RT @moshekasher: When you are dumb, everything sounds condescending.
  • 16:44:41: RT @RosaRubicondior: Want to Convert an #Atheist? http://goo.gl/01NjI It should be simple. Here's how to do it.
  • 16:47:12: RT @GStephanopoulos: Since President Obama released his birth certificate, will Donald Trump release his tax returns? http://abcn.ws/hzJbMm
  • 16:55:15: @craftyred no plans to nurse?
  • 16:56:30: RT @Ndege: Earth laughs in flowers. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson #jussayin
  • 16:59:22: even if Obama werent born in the US, there is no procedure for removing a Pres who got office by fraud. just ask George W Bush.
  • 17:05:32: RT @goinglike60: @RobinMeade bunch coming to our house at 3:45 a.m. for wedding viewing. Hats and gloves required. PJs OK.
  • 17:08:28: RT @Skinny_Princess: Shout out to my new followers. Mention me if I haven't #FollowedBack. #TeamFollowBack #RMF
  • 17:20:29: @craftyred no maternal urges? biological clock ticking?
  • 17:52:59: codgers here pretending that "certificate of live birth" is somehow different from "birth certificate"
  • 17:55:32: I'm at McDonald's (1474 N High St, Harry Sauner Rd, Hillsboro) http://4sq.com/kqjrcF
  • 17:57:02: @dazzleeyes i actually did say that! they just scoffed.
  • 18:20:08: RT @66Betty: FFS! Now the birther distraction is OBAMA'S fault? RE: http://bit.ly/jjlwEq (link via @BoneKnightmare)
  • 18:23:20: @YeahImAshley that's like the old joke about the woman who found a tampon tucked behind her ear & wondered where her pencil was
  • 18:49:23: @Twisiren dont go!!!
  • 18:51:57: cuz they're magnificent! RT @Jenn4Laughs: Why does everyone keep tweeting abt my tits?
  • 18:54:46: @DCdebbie we'll just stalk you the regular way!
  • 19:02:13: @yourgirlnxtdoor i totally agree. i'd much rather ride than drive
  • 19:10:52: @AnnieDuke good luck to Lucy! get well soon!
  • 19:15:30: i think it amazing that #JonStewart and #StephenColbert make a new show every day
  • 19:18:10: @wagnerofficial not me, i actually havent heard much about it! certainly not as much coverage as, say, MJ's death
  • 19:26:56: @wagnerofficial i'm a news junkie! i swear i've only heard a 1-minute story every day, if that, Wags
  • 19:35:05: @yourgirlnxtdoor when i'm in heavy traffic, i get a literal pain in my neck
  • 19:44:52: @wagnerofficial i just dont think it's amounted to the same level as Anna Nicole or Natalee Holloway, i'm fed up w/those
  • 19:54:20: i swear i heard ppl saying they were tired of #RoyalWedding news just 2 days after the engagement announcement
  • 20:11:13: sila sahin 4: http://t.co/b0O00XR magnificent Turkish actress w/o her burqa...or anything else NSFW
  • 20:45:35: @yourgirlnxtdoor i would say i'm an adequate driver, never had an accident, but i worry *I* will do something stupid!
  • 20:46:29: @yourgirlnxtdoor i live in a town of 7,000 so i dont run into heavy traffic very often
  • 20:51:21: the West didnt learn about Nazi extermination camps until 15Jun1944 in UK, 5 days later in US
  • 20:53:21: @yourgirlnxtdoor 4million! i'll bet traffic is bad!
  • 20:55:12: show about Mt St Helens on #PBS #Nova. i find that US volcano fascinating
  • 20:56:26: i've only seen 1 of the #HarryPotter movies and only 1 of the #LordOfTheRings movies
  • 20:59:59: @yourgirlnxtdoor my sis-in-law was once stuck in Wash DC traffic so long she ran out of gas!
  • 21:36:46: @PixieChixie36 i didnt get much out of them! my niece had to keep telling me who the good guys & bad guys were!

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From Twitter 04-26-2011

  • 01:08:02: 20min break in Tifton GA. gas is $3.64 here
  • 01:14:36: a long break at 114a #timechk
  • 01:21:01: we're rolling
  • 01:23:57: havent really slept much on the bus yet, even tho i shorted myself on sleep the last 2 days
  • 04:28:37: back at the #Atlanta bus station. i'm doomed!
  • 05:13:58: nothing's ever smooth at the #Atlanta greyhound bus station: about 1/4 of the floor is closed off for waxing
  • 05:48:19: guy asked to bum a cigarette, i said i bummed the 1 i was smoking, he asked if i could save him some of it
  • 05:48:58: i smoked about 1/2 & gave him the rest
  • 05:51:54: despite my not treating my pink eye for 6 days & still going around touching ppl, no one else got it. highly contagious indeed.
  • 05:53:48: Edison missed making a fortune on the phonograph player cuz he didnt believe music was a commodity
  • 06:10:41: i dont really approve of bilingual signs cuz when my grandmother came here almost exactly 100yrs ago, there were no #Hungarian signs for her
  • 06:38:42: @MagyarMarketing yes Pasaic NJ & Cleveland OH where she lived had large #Hungarian communities. that helped a lot
  • 06:42:50: no seatmate so far in #Atlanta @greyhoundbus
  • 06:45:11: i was getting nervous but my @greyhoundbus boarded exactly on time
  • 06:55:28: @MagyarMarketing my grandma & mom used to make a crepe called polachinta (i dont know how to spell it). also chicken paprika.
  • 06:57:12: this bus is mostly empty
  • 07:13:03: @MagyarMarketing nope, i dont cook (i barely can make a sandwich)
  • 08:34:30: @davesib yes she did
  • 08:36:14: meal & smoke stop at a @mcdonalds in Dalton GA. gas is $3.65 here
  • 09:29:01: @davesib we seem to be about 15min behind at the mo
  • 09:30:00: a quick break at #Chattanooga
  • 09:39:25: MT @LadyAtheist: Fat Rant - I am fat. I know I’m fat. But I don't know why. I’m 5’ 3.25” over 200 lbs... http://tumblr.com/x0n29tcf3a
  • 09:41:42: @GreenGoddessVV she did model some, no? they say modeling is hard work!
  • 09:43:22: @indydina didnt Abe Lincoln say that?
  • 09:49:24: 8 more hours on the bus
  • 09:51:39: @indydina my bad, i misread ur tweet as attributing the line to Sheila
  • 10:16:12: @HereticChick didnt get to spend any time there, just look thru the window while driving by, but it looks nice
  • 10:17:14: just a loading/unloading stop in Cleveland TN
  • 10:24:27: @brittfromcle2 i saw an Ulta Beauty down in #florida
  • 10:39:01: a quick stop in Athens TN. didnt recall an Athens in TN, just the one in GA. oh, and in Greece.
  • 10:42:11: i care! it's like old times! RT @Taby74: So I managed to get my old name back. Does anyone care? Yeah me neither...
  • 11:30:34: phone battery will prob be dead before the end of my trip if i dont get some charging
  • 11:37:28: 20min break in #knoxville TN
  • 12:00:27: got a few minutes on charging on my phone
  • 12:01:54: @yourgirlnxtdoor take care, see ya later
  • 12:08:25: @octoberthehotti giant, eh?
  • 12:17:06: hitting the road. next stop, London KY, a meal stop
  • 12:57:41: @yourgirlnxtdoor not too bad. comfortable, not crowded, mostly on schedule. that's about all one can ask!
  • 12:59:41: up in the #smokeymountains (i presume), at one point there was nothing but trees as far as the eye could see
  • 13:01:59: too bad the #smokeymountains arent a #rainforest. we'd have some non-endangered ones
  • 13:11:33: Welcome to #Kentucky!
  • 13:13:28: my wallpaper on my phone is a pic of a woman who retired from porn & became a h.s. cheerleader coach. land of opportunity!
  • 13:27:06: sprinkling now, 1st rain i've seen on the ride
  • 13:28:11: At the bottom of this mine lies a big, big man, Big John.
  • 13:54:32: having a vanilla shake at #burgerking in #LondonKY
  • 14:16:53: smoked 1-1/2 in the rain. back on the road. i think this is our last stop before home. only 3 more hours!
  • 14:18:04: by home i mean getting off the bus. my home is actually another 1-1/2hrs east of #cincinnati
  • 14:19:11: i'm going to turn off my phone to conserve the battery
  • 14:57:38: quick bus stop at Berea KY
  • 14:58:21: clearly i dont have a comprehensive list of all our stops on me
  • 15:14:15: @105Ross severe weather warning right now? i'm in KY heading to SW ohio
  • 15:46:20: this is pathetic worrying about my phone battery. i'm going to get another charger-thingy
  • 15:49:27: i've misplaced my igo charger, charges my phone from AA batteries, or i'd have brot it with me
  • 15:54:34: getting a smoke in Lexington KY
  • 15:59:36: i think this driver has driven us since atlanta at 630a
  • 16:03:10: Lexington is wet but it's not raining here at the mo
  • 16:55:19: @yourgirlnxtdoor only 1 bar on the battery but it's still going. my ride home is already at the station in cincinnati!
  • 16:55:58: @yourgirlnxtdoor my tailbone is awful sore, but otherwise not a bad trip
  • 16:58:33: @cowlovely owls are definitely cute!
  • 17:15:26: i'm back #Ohio! just crossed the river
  • 17:16:12: @yourgirlnxtdoor about an hour+a half. cant wait to see my cats!
  • 17:43:36: in the car with @davesib heading home
  • 17:46:09: @yourgirlnxtdoor last time, 1 of my cats didnt come out to say hi for 8 hours!
  • 19:28:37: HOME!!!

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From Twitter 04-25-2011

  • 00:12:06: @yourgirlnxtdoor interesting
  • 08:10:17: i'm up, awaiting my sister who said she'd stop by on the way to work to say goodbye
  • 08:30:42: and she's been here & gone! she even put on nail polish while she was here
  • 09:26:19: a gadget i got at a charity thrift store, new in pkg, is worthless, batteries leaked & ruined it
  • 09:27:23: i think i should be able to get my money back. they cant sell stuff that doest work, can they?
  • 09:28:36: the fam's consensus is tho that they wont. they cant check everything, esp stuff in unopened pkgs
  • 09:30:13: it was prob donated in good faith, & sold to me in good faith, & they couldnt know it was ruined in the pkg
  • 09:30:51: @dazzleeyes that's a very good point!
  • 11:47:05: the thrift store did allow me to exchange the $5 gadget. i picked out $4 worth of shirts prepared to call it even
  • 11:48:17: they even gave my mom the extra $1 off her purchase. good for Mustard Seed Thrift Shop!
  • 11:49:32: @carissarho hey, they're good stale! slighty crunchy, yum
  • 12:30:35: it's raining like a sumbich right now! thanx port st lucie for not raining on my vacation until the last day!
  • 12:31:25: i hear back home they're expecting severe weather :(
  • 12:32:14: i meant to check online to see if i should pay on my elec bill while i was on vacay but forgot
  • 12:42:58: i hear the #cincinnati area is aiming to break the record for rainiest April, almost 12" so far this month w/more on the way
  • 12:45:52: @LukeRomyn that'll break my cobra's heart :(
  • 12:46:56: @CaressLepore me
  • 12:50:19: RT @TeachersJourney: America needs a culture that respects education, in which learning is admired, that honors the achievements of educated
  • 13:06:29: RT @Packard_Sonic: German Playboy Sparks Debate with Turkish Woman's Pix: Nude pix of Turkish-German actress Sila Sahin http://bit.ly/eeDtVQ
  • 13:27:02: mom & dad get a phenomenal amount of mail. the mail lady once told dad that they are in the top 10 of the 1500 households in this subdiv
  • 14:02:03: @Packard_Sonic thanx for the article, it was interesting about how nude modeling can be empowering to women.
  • 14:02:49: ok, twitter, here’s goes my puta into my luggage! i’ll still tweet from my phone
  • 16:57:08: on board the bus, ready to leave #Florida *sob*
  • 16:59:16: met a guy boarding here going to Wyoming, a 58hr trip
  • 17:00:13: bus is not full, i don't have a seatmate
  • 17:01:11: Goodbye, #PortStLucie! Happy 50th birthday!
  • 17:02:16: in 1970, the population of #PortStLucie was 330; now it's about 160,000
  • 17:18:07: @davesib cool, they're warming up to you! the orange & white one?
  • 17:20:04: #snaptu, the java twitter app i use on this phone, has changed the gui such that if i leave it up, the phone keybrd never locks
  • 17:25:09: @copperbird7 u tell 'em! i'm not fascinated by the #RoyalWedding but i dont hate it either. i'll watch highlites
  • 17:26:20: #RoyalWedding dress cant show cleavage and cant bare shoulders. i've lost interest somewhat
  • 17:27:54: #KateMiddleton is a fantastically beautiful woman! #RoyalWedding
  • 17:31:17: @Twisiren aw, poor baby. get well soon!
  • 17:33:34: not true! but let me tell u about MY favorite subjects! RT @GRADually: Deep down everyones favourite subject is themselves.
  • 17:38:52: @DCdebbie too bad about your sister
  • 17:45:18: pulled off the hiway at Palm Bay FL. gas here is $3.70
  • 17:59:34: we're at Melbourne Airport
  • 18:00:34: @yourgirlnxtdoor glad you're all right!
  • 18:03:39: RT @JonelB: How Are Mac & PC People Different? [INFOGRAPHIC] http://t.co/nTlKuW7 via @mashabletech @mashable
  • 18:41:09: @yourgirlnxtdoor so far so good. only 2hrs into it, 22hrs to go. this bus isnt crowded so i can spread out
  • 18:42:43: @royorbs3 u say ur tired of ufcking nonsense?
  • 18:44:30: i dont hate it RT @PixieChixie36: Anyone else give a damn about the royal wedding?

    No? Me neither.
  • 18:47:29: @Jillzarin what do you have to say?
  • 18:48:38: we're in Titusville FL near the Space Center
  • 18:49:51: @yourgirlnxtdoor right now i'm a little chilly! the ac is on
  • 19:21:05: just went by the home of Swampy, The World's Largest Alligator
  • 19:21:49: @royorbs3 oh, my bad, lol
  • 19:23:31: @octoberthehotti everyone around where i just left was in the $3.85 range so i was surprised to see it so much cheaper
  • 19:24:20: @yourgirlnxtdoor i wish i had someone to snuggle with but i do have a blankey!
  • 19:26:48: no breaks since boarding just before 5p. i may have to use the cavern they call the bus' bathroom
  • 19:27:30: welcome to Bithlo!
  • 19:31:28: trying to think of a new way to make a living. i wonder if a class to teach seniors how to use the internet would have much value?
  • 19:32:56: @yourgirlnxtdoor it's been so long, i almost forget! almost
  • 20:00:04: changing buses in Orlando FL
  • 20:22:31: @royorbs3 that's my humor, creative misunderstanding, lol
  • 20:23:21: @EmAgain thanx, i think i'd enjoy that
  • 20:25:32: well-built young woman on this bus is wearing a top that is a size or two too small. the seams look awful stressed
  • 20:27:05: boarded bus at #Orlando already, no 1hr layover, still no smoke break since 5p
  • 20:28:19: i did have a few min to use the restroom at the station
  • 20:29:19: just as well no smoke break. i'd've had to go thru security to get back in
  • 20:30:03: no seatmate so far in #Orlando!
  • 20:34:14: my latest passion for #OCD hoarding is square bottles. i got 2 more in #florida, i'm using them now refilled w/water
  • 20:36:24: @RobinMeade absolutely! i dont want them to make any comments!
  • 20:38:28: i dont watch #dwts but i'm glad she's doing well @dazzleeyes RT @QuackityQ: holy hotness #kirstie
  • 22:08:32: @CherylGallion 2 of my other followees are raving about #Kirstie on #dwts
  • 22:10:45: we get about a 12min break here in #Ocala
  • 22:24:37: there's another midnite hippie on this bus, an old guy w/very long silver hair, wearing a leather vest over a t-shirt
  • 22:28:03: black driver making a yound black man pull his pants up
  • 22:29:11: gas is $3.77 here. next stop is Tifton GA in 3 hours
  • 22:30:20: my mom packed me a sandwich. at our age.
  • 22:51:38: @davesib ouch. yesterday i thot florida prices matched ohio's but once i started heading north, i noticed the 20c diff everywhere
  • 22:52:50: @davesib Miki is really only 12lbs, ave for a house cat. Shiloh is a little smaller
  • 22:54:31: @CherylGallion tell me about it! sometimes while watching a show i wish i'd taken notes!

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com


From Twitter 04-24-2011

  • 06:24:24: m&d have left for sunrise service, i have the house to myself. i thot i'd walk out for coffee...but it's raining
  • 06:25:50: weather forecasters are no better here in #Florida! i heard no predictions for rain today, my last full day here
  • 07:04:59: @HereticChick like a true Ohioan, i do enjoy rain. i'm standing here watching sandhill cranes walking by!
  • 07:05:41: @HereticChick it's been above 85degF every day i've been here!
  • 07:21:24: @sassycass13 same to you!
  • 07:29:48: @HairySucker good morning!
  • 07:30:51: @MzStarrBurst awoken?
  • 07:32:33: @Mrs_Skwirl42 whatever happened to Mr @Skwirl42?
  • 07:38:01: @MzStarrBurst heck, i dont know!
  • 07:39:41: lol RT @StacySnook: I wish there were a non spilly way to drink coffee while laying on the couch.
  • 07:42:29: RT @Prince_Chaarab7: Happy Ishtar Day. LMAO. I hope you all have fun worshipping her and hunting for her egg. #wakeup Shalawam Yasharahla!
  • 07:44:23: @MzStarrBurst lol learn english now that you've mastered spanish?
  • 07:46:14: @MzStarrBurst my, you're industrious this morning! i didnt have the energy to look it up. that's a great sample sentence too!
  • 07:47:43: @Mrs_Skwirl42 ah, good. when he last tweeted he was sick! say hi for me!
  • 07:50:49: @MzStarrBurst is twitter putting my location on my tweets? today's the last day of my #Florida vacation :(
  • 07:51:43: @Jenn4Laughs that's me! morning to you too!
  • 07:58:10: oh, lol RT @MzStarrBurst: @DyNama JenniferAnistan
  • 07:59:10: RT @DrTwittenheimer: When people unfollow me, I just assume it's because they're stupid.
  • 08:02:16: RT @DrTwittenheimer: Saying "easier said than done" is equally easily said as done.
  • 08:04:36: RT @ShortyMcStompy: RT @mattwhatsit: I see Wayne Rooney has joined Twitter. This should be like watching a seal work a Rubik's Cube.
  • 08:05:42: ur the first person to react to it! RT @MzStarrBurst: @DyNama JenniferAnistan
  • 08:18:15: the parents return home more than 2hrs early!
  • 08:19:29: @QuackityQ aint nothing like the real thing, baby!
  • 08:32:21: @yourgirlnxtdoor pleasant dreams...
  • 08:36:03: omg! RT @santasdevil: My Easter always ends like this... # #happyeaster http://moby.to/87pxw7
  • 09:13:26: RT @p2fan: RT @Sparty1216: Teachers retiring at high rate, many because of collective bargaining changes http://bit.ly/h8trXk #1u #wiuni ...
  • 09:19:18: my parents dont recall us kids being any more “energetic” after easter or halloween candy, or any less on non-candy days
  • 09:56:44: yest i scrubbed the cat piss off my luggage to prepare to pack, let it outside to dry in the hot florida sun
  • 09:57:51: if i hadnt brot them in last night, they'd've got rained on this morn & have to dry all over again
  • 10:52:22: @CherylGallion i used Dawn detergent and lathered it up good. at least it doesnt feel oily any more
  • 10:54:44: had a talk with my soon-to-be 79yr old father about what to do if (when) "something happens to him"
  • 10:56:21: RT @OTOOLEFAN: The same people who think we're a Christian nation are the same ones who think Jesus was White.
  • 10:59:40: (don't tell my parents but i've been downloading porn the whole time i've been here visiting them!)
  • 11:00:45: oh me too! RT @HollyMarieMing: Man I'm a serious french toast lover!!!!
  • 11:02:27: @GreenGoddessVV i'm sure she's nice & all, but all she's doing now is healing
  • 12:21:41: @yourgirlnxtdoor nope. he seems to be in good shape, tho, no major complaints. sometimes i think he's in better health than i am :(
  • 12:22:47: @yourgirlnxtdoor i told myself at first that it was just to try out his wi-fi!
  • 14:04:56: @Mrs_Skwirl42 aw, too bad. get well soon!
  • 14:07:36: @LindaKennero dont go!
  • 19:07:06: we've just been sitting around most of the day, till about 4p when we went for a ride
  • 19:12:34: every monk & nun that has ever been has wasted their life
  • 19:51:19: she puts the "god" in "godzilla"
  • 20:57:05: @yourgirlnxtdoor you're a natural blonde that darkens your hair?
  • 22:30:54: @yourgirlnxtdoor just making sure. most of the women i know who color their hair lighten it. my mother's been a bottle blonde for years
  • 22:32:54: @yourgirlnxtdoor but i tend to like brunettes, i like being a brunette myself

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com


From Twitter 04-23-2011

  • 00:36:14: didnt get to watch Monk repeats tonight cuz there wasnt a free tv
  • 00:37:28: #comcast cable went out here 1 night & 1 of their 3 cable boxes never came back on
  • 01:39:41: #shutup #naturesvalley! "look, hun, i chewed my granola bar into the shape of the mountains!"
  • 09:30:46: lol! RT @BuckeyeBrian83: dude from work took my Mp3 player to charge it. Gave it back and that dick put Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber on it
  • 09:36:23: not me! RT @svartling: Is the iPad really the end of PC's? Are we in a Post-PC era? - I think so http://svrt.se/gmqxqz
  • 09:38:07: @jodotcom have a good time!
  • 09:46:16: RT @jodotcom: The Public Overwhelmingly Wants It: Why Is Taxing the Rich So Hard? | AlterNet http://bit.ly/ftWPyD //They can buy huge lobby
  • 09:48:36: @svartling there's a difference betw "apps" and "programs". i still download my email to my computer. i may write short email on my phone...
  • 09:49:47: @svartling but i want a computer for writing newsletters, & the great american novel
  • 09:50:54: @svartling (i dont have an iPad or iPhone, in fact i'm one of those Apple Haters)
  • 09:55:26: exactly! RT @dazzleeyes: Obesity is not simple. You definitely can't fix it by ostracizing and judging the obese.
  • 10:27:50: @svartling i like having my computing power at home, not be dependent upon being online. i like having my own files at home
  • 10:30:59: @svartling i'm an AutoCAD draftsman which may be an app/online software some day but i dont see that as being a good thing
  • 10:35:21: @svartling ultimately the iPad is not a computer just a browser. it is very handy & fun & can do lots but there's still room for PCs
  • 11:21:19: @svartling i could be wrong as i've never used one. there are umpteen thousand apps but there are millions of programs
  • 11:28:01: @svartling as far as i know, iPad doesnt do any computing. if u want a survey plat of ur property, u have to find a website that'll do it
  • 11:29:00: @moore312 u too, & a great weekend!
  • 12:41:18: RT @KateOH: "Authority should derive from the consent of the governed, not from the threat of force." Barbie, Toy Story 3. Barbie knows best
  • 15:04:58: mom & i are out shopping again, an antique mall called Pineapple Patty's
  • 17:21:12: RT @TheWalkingEye: "I'm not an atheist because I reject god, but because I accept reason, people, and the natural world"- @pzmyers
  • 17:26:36: @CuteEyeGirl1980 i wonder that! & why dont they put "doesnt protect against foot odor" too?
  • 18:20:01: on us 1 & kitterman (@ St Lucie Draft House) http://4sq.com/gJX9t3
  • 19:26:39: pretty quick send-off visit at a restaurant from my sister, bro-in-law, niece, & grand-nephew :(
  • 19:27:39: glad i had that afternoon visit, otherwise i wouldnt have had much time w/her & her family
  • 23:01:30: RT @bevelz: @48hours In tears! Shocking that he lost 18 years. The prosecutor should be on trial. The way he handled the case was criminal.
  • 23:04:09: RT @rizingstar: #48Hours fans who like tonights episode should read Actual Innocence. Wonderful read on the Innocence Project. Filled with o
  • 23:05:06: RT @Josh_Lacy: RT @MBAtoRN: Anthony Graves, story. Wow. Yes, the state of TX should compensate him. #48Hours @48hours
  • 23:08:59: RT @fowardmotion77: RT @getyoazzrode: #48hours hell yeah he should be compensated! Tf?! Shame on Texas #wityocheapass
  • 23:10:11: RT @ProfessorHooch: @48hours he most certainly does deserve to be compensated my uncle Anthony graves is a good man #48hours
  • 23:13:09: @szirinsky just cuz of a "wording technicality"? they should do what they have to do to get him some compensation #48hours
  • 23:16:48: @szirinsky good job on the Graves story, this was a good one! #48hours
  • 23:21:36: RT @ItsRachelZevita: Texas, give Anthony Graves his compensation! Wrongfully imprisoned for 18 years... where is justice for this man? smh.
  • 23:26:17: RT @tcdusek: @GovernorPerry #48hours. Hope you can do something to correct this injustice.
  • 23:32:13: @szirinsky i've been surprised at how un-bitter most exhonorated prisoners are #48hours
  • 23:33:00: RT @annierhino: Just watched the #48hours special on #anthonygraves -gotta love a happy ending! Here's to a #newstart !!
  • 23:42:07: RT @RichelleCarey: @48hours @szirinsky @dynama I speak Texan. Then get er done. Now! Justice delayed is justice denied.
  • 23:47:43: gawd you have great hair! RT @iluvsuelyn: "UFCK YOU" http://plixi.com/p/95382308
  • 23:51:37: never once watched MadTV, maybe i should have cuz #SNL isnt very funny RT @SimpleeKayla: @brittfromcle2 me too. Mad TV > SNL

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From Twitter 04-22-2011

  • 07:15:17: i've been awake for a half hour, but it's too early to get up, so i've just been daydreaming
  • 07:16:38: i went to bed last night at 1245a! i havent gone to bed that early in a long time!
  • 07:21:18: but i had shorted myself in sleep the night before, and all the late-night talk shows were repeats
  • 08:57:16: i said it was too early to get up but i didnt expect to fall back asleep for another hour
  • 09:00:39: old guy on a 3-wheel bike just went by. a voice said "get out of my ufcking way" but i dont think that was old guy, i think it was a horn
  • 09:02:53: there wasnt anybody in his ufcking way. i think he accidently pressed a button
  • 09:04:08: if so that's a pretty weird and rude horn
  • 09:05:21: only 4 more mornings in #florida *sob*
  • 09:11:59: RT @MadAngel07: If you're Christian - It's Good Friday; If you're not - Happy Earthday!; If you don't care - TGIF! #fb
  • 09:12:49: @WearingMascara good morning!
  • 09:15:35: @Taby1974 good luck with that, Tabs!
  • 09:34:22: only scientists are allowed to label something "junk science"
  • 09:36:49: don't become a retinolic
  • 09:41:09: why do they waste time on #americanidol having non-competitors (celebs) sing?
  • 09:42:21: "nearly died" is a useless concept cuz we cant possibly know how near
  • 10:04:15: at this mo i have no knowledge of any more plans to see my sister & her family while i'm here
  • 10:14:10: RT @AliVelshi: IN CASE ANY OF YOU STILL BELIEVE IT...birther claim debunked http://t.co/KzC8DO5 via @cnn #CNN #FB
  • 10:18:24: RT @mental_floss: According to a very important survey, 74% of American children think chocolate bunnies should be eaten ears first.
  • 10:21:15: i've seen several animals cross M&D's driveway but that was the 1st snake!
  • 10:33:09: i was wanting 1 of mom's inhalers. she didnt recall what she (co)paid for it. she asked if i'll pay $10 if that's the co-pay.
  • 10:34:51: i said probably not. then we get to the pharmacy...and the co-pay is $30! i paid it :(
  • 10:43:37: RT @wickedlibrarian: To me, "Fiber Plus" just means "You'll be bent over in gaseous pain by afternoon." No thank you, crunchy cereal...
  • 10:53:49: durn i was trying to remember the name of the serial killer from Washington, convicted in Florida. 2 days later it comes to me
  • 10:55:48: that was i'd say a 2-ft black snake. he was just mosying along until we both jumped at the sight of each other
  • 10:57:20: i bot 2 snuffers at the thrift store yest. the ladies there didnt know what they were. ceramic thimbles?
  • 11:40:06: m&d dropped me off at the bank on their way to church. i'm on my own, having a bit of a walkabout
  • 12:23:14: RT @Reilly4Sanity: To my religious friends, have a great Good Friday, and to my non-religious friends, have a good great friday
  • 12:25:58: "Steppin' Out" by Joe Jackson had been stuck in my head for days after i heard the song...
  • 12:26:53: now Joe Jackson's *other* hit song is stuck in my head, and i havent even heard that one recently!
  • 12:36:26: @Tim_in_CT COOOLD BEEER and #FF to you too!
  • 13:33:53: RT @brianbeutler: ZOMG, WE'RE HAVING A DEBT CRISIS!!! (actually we're not) http://bit.ly/hEyjeO complete with charts!
  • 14:58:42: Just sad. The rich get richer. "In Financial Crisis, No Prosecutions of Top Figures" - http://nyti.ms/e5Txn2
  • 18:20:34: hey @snaptu, where did the dictionary app go?
  • 19:54:07: at a thrift store found pkgs of velcro straps, (4) 8" straps for 25c. they were intended for color-coding pill bottles
  • 19:55:20: this store only had 4 colors, other colors were available once. i got a cpl dollars worth
  • 19:58:31: RT @ShanaSmiles4You: Ok birthers. Go 2 ur shoebox in ur closet & pull out ur birth cert. If it says certificate of live birth, deport urself
  • 20:01:16: lol RT @CaroleFrenche: I could never be an #atheist, they talk about #Jesus too much.
  • 21:00:17: @rage_bot i was that tired yesterday! not so tired today!

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com


From Twitter 04-21-2011

  • 05:31:30: i'm up already. going to prayer breakfast with my dad.
  • 07:41:16: breakfast over, bible study commences
  • 07:42:34: dad actually told me i could leave! mom has said he's embarrassed by my leaving
  • 07:47:10: discussion today: john 9:1
  • 07:55:32: why would anyone believe this felgercarb? it's gibberish to me.
  • 09:53:06: @skirrid felgercarb is a word from the original Battlestar Galactica tv show ppl used to mean "crap"
  • 09:55:38: @yourgirlnxtdoor parents have become more religious but they accept me. Mom will send an email asking for prayers but "positive thoughts"...
  • 09:56:51: @yourgirlnxtdoor from me. my brother was apathetic about religion till he had a child at 35 then suddenly he's a born again baptist
  • 09:58:33: @yourgirlnxtdoor sister is spiritual but not religious, definitely open to mystical stuff & uncomfortable w/the word "atheist"
  • 10:00:41: @yourgirlnxtdoor bro & i apparently like arguing, can do it in a not-mean-spirited way for hours (i'm 11months older than he)
  • 10:01:41: ha! RT @GRADually: 4/20 is National Weed Day, 4/21 is National Random Drug Test Day.
  • 10:06:00: RT @ebertchicago: Tap water is not "damaged" and claims for Real Water™ are bullshi... scientifically absurd. http://bit.ly/heO17j
  • 10:09:53: @susanorlean yes, let's talk plea bargain
  • 10:20:43: @yourgirlnxtdoor i do get some "worry about your eternal soul" stuff but it's ok. i attend prayer brkfst just to do something w/my dad
  • 10:26:26: @KellyOlexa does it have to stay secret? what if i actually wanted a gps log of where i go and when?
  • 10:27:58: @yourgirlnxtdoor me too (tho i wont be going to church this sunday). i call it "go along to get along"
  • 13:02:57: mom drove 4mi past the place we were looking for!
  • 14:42:22: after stopping for ice cream, we're now at our 2nd thrift shop of the day
  • 15:38:19: @davesib hi Dave! heading home on Mon. how's the kitties?
  • 15:48:10: RT @EricBoehlert: RW media say NOBODY should peddle (dopey) Trig birth conspiracy but EVERYONE should peddle (dopey) Obama birth conspiracy
  • 16:06:22: @davesib ok. still raining? tornadoes last night?
  • 16:07:24: @WhoIsDommie @SoopDeVille i'll be that boyfriend!
  • 16:09:07: @yourgirlnxtdoor oh yeah!
  • 16:09:35: @ceebee308 coming thru loud & clear
  • 16:58:55: @ceebee308 wow, that invention could make you millions!
  • 17:00:11: @davesib 11yr-old boy next door is supposed to cut it
  • 17:01:30: RT @TCorp: Calling religious leaders lying piles of steaming manure, is an insult I will not inflict on the fertilizer industry.
  • 17:03:32: @cowlovely sounds like a good day!
  • 17:07:15: @Jenn4Laughs howdy! how's your day been?
  • 17:11:57: @JennyJohnsonHi5 that's outrageous! any jury would be lucky to have you!
  • 17:12:57: @Jenn4Laughs yay! about time!
  • 17:34:18: "It's frustrating because the priority isn't there for education." --Principal after laying off teaching assistants
  • 18:38:42: dinner made by mom was good except for the steamed green beans. i didnt like em, i was even turned off by the color
  • 21:03:06: i'm at Indian River Community College enjoying a choral performance of Leonard Bernstein music
  • 23:03:35: @yourgirlnxtdoor get well soon, tweetie! nitey nite
  • 23:35:59: commercial for #lexis #CThybrid: good-looking car... but it's brown. i cant imagine brown to be a popular color of car

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com


From Twitter 04-20-2011

  • 01:23:08: hmmm, the cable box just rebooted all by itself
  • 01:25:08: the cable box seems to be counting down in hex numbers
  • 01:26:35: @yourgirlnxtdoor some of my friends say i ruin jokes by analyzing them too much!
  • 01:28:04: then it counted up in hex numbers, then it literally said "boot", then shut off
  • 01:33:21: durn it, cable would go out just as #TDS was about to come on!
  • 01:35:28: wow, i actually got 2 of those Nigerian money emails today, tho these are about Ghana money. that's totally different, right?
  • 01:38:28: oh-oh, i just noticed comedy channel moved #TDS and #TCR 130a repeats back a half hour
  • 01:47:06: "In Financial Circles, it's Pretty Well Known That Trump is a Deadbeat" (The Atlantic) http://feedzil.la/g3gaBs--@WillRogersUSA
  • 01:49:37: @FOX19Sara tornado warning?
  • 02:03:44: leno, letterman, fallon, all repeats this week. even #TDS and #TCR are repeats. why is this week so special?
  • 02:32:37: my entire stay here in mid-#Florida has been marked by almost no rain and above-average temps, upper 80s to 90°
  • 02:34:50: i actually put on pajamas in the middle of the night last night! i got cold, whether cuz of my disease or cuz the ac was set too low idk
  • 02:35:58: except for that i havent worn any of the pajamas or long pants i brought with me
  • 02:37:06: i put on pajamas in the middle of the night last night but then sweated for the rest of the night
  • 03:06:29: i just tripped over mom's stupid glass-top table in the dark while carrying my laptop
  • 03:07:39: didnt hurt the computer but i cut my hand somehow
  • 03:09:25: all i hurt was my dignity
  • 03:12:17: @copperbird7 the last time i did it a few days ago, i hurt my knee, but this time it didnt catch it in the same spot--see i'm klutzy too!
  • 08:44:42: @yourgirlnxtdoor thanx. like i say, all i hurt was my pride, & cut my finger. even as i was falling down, i was more worried about the puta!
  • 08:47:48: so my sis has a masters in botany but she works in a jewelry store. she got certified as a gemologist. she's more than a salesperson.
  • 08:49:13: i have never bot anything from a jewelry store...but i find it hard to care that the sales clerk might actually know anything
  • 08:51:20: i cant think of any knowledgeable question i might ask the salesclerk if i was shopping for, say, a ring
  • 08:52:28: in fact, the only criteria i have for buying a ring is whether i like it or not
  • 08:53:54: my last week here my sister works mon tue thu and fri. next week she just works tue and fri.
  • 08:56:33: @dazzleeyes that's what i'm wondering, why her store needed a gemologist to sell jewelry!
  • 08:59:48: @dazzleeyes she does own her own loupe, that little magnifying glass thingy
  • 09:30:04: @Taby1974 that's my motto!
  • 09:46:44: so i've actually been getting 1-day cases of pink eye for years. i'll get pus in my eye, put in anti-allergy drops, go to bed & wake up fine
  • 09:47:54: could it always have been a bacterial infection? can they come & go on their own? am i curing it now for all time?
  • 09:49:14: i always thot the gunk in my eyes was allergy + eye strain. i even got amber reading glasses, which helped sometimes
  • 09:50:50: i did just about everything for my eyes except ask anyone who might really know :/
  • 09:51:38: no eye crusties at all this morn, 1st time in a while
  • 09:54:39: going on about "knowledgable salespeople". i find even in electronics stores, the salespeople dont usually know what i want to know
  • 09:56:24: 1 elec chain in my home area brags about knowledgeable salesppl, but i have never bot anything from them
  • 09:57:51: @LilHappyHeathen got it while visiting the parents, they made me go to the doc, now i have antibiotic eye drops
  • 09:58:50: @LilHappyHeathen doc diagnosed it as bacterial conjunctivitis, laffed when i wondered if it was allergies
  • 10:00:30: @LilHappyHeathen those eyedrops, gentimycin, really did clear it up. but i've been getting it for years, now wondering if the bacteria...
  • 10:01:27: @LilHappyHeathen have been in my eyes for years, & whether i'm finally getting rid of them once & for all...i hope!
  • 10:04:21: @LilHappyHeathen once i used allery drops an hour later used some more of a diff brand, they reacted & i had a huge glob of stuff in my eye!
  • 11:01:48: this is the wrong walmart (@ Walmart) http://4sq.com/heGXXR
  • 11:05:17: @LilHappyHeathen ouch, that's too bad. do the wipes help him avoid episodes, or does he still get them?
  • 11:10:24: beautiful florida ladies are out today! wow!
  • 12:48:56: @DCdebbie congrats to ur sister too!
  • 12:50:26: @noudles04 cool, i didnt know there were gyro restaurants! i have to wait for the Highland Co Fair for a gyro!
  • 12:53:34: RT @CaressLepore: <=== has a paralyzing fear of butterflies and midgets. // ouch!
  • 12:55:26: aint that the truth! RT @CaressLepore: @Leci_83 Twitter has turned into The View with a million people talking at once
  • 13:01:04: @MeganVStefan i hope #Ohio gets all the crappy weather out of the way while i'm vacationing in #Florida!
  • 13:04:52: @dougiemac i just did #Arbys
  • 13:05:33: @PickledLlama Hooray!!!
  • 13:09:18: RT @GreenGoddessVV: Today marks the 12th Anniv of Columbine. Yet few know the real story and the basement tapes have never been released
  • 13:10:03: @GreenGoddessVV there's stuff most of us don't know?
  • 13:11:57: @jillhanner sounds yummy! even *with* gluten!
  • 13:21:48: good article RT @cowlovely: Columbine - why they did it! So interesting http://www.slate.com/id/2099203/
  • 13:23:59: @GreenGoddessVV i had no idea, i thot it was all out there. wasnt there a "definitive" book a few years ago? by Cullen. i havent read it
  • 13:25:50: @Reilly4Sanity you're good to go! #HitIt!
  • 13:26:30: @jillhanner still sounds yummy!
  • 13:31:43: @Rock_Oholic why u crying?
  • 13:33:03: @cowlovely that word psychopath gets bandied around a lot so it's refreshing to hear it used professionally
  • 13:34:36: not a fan of either RT @Favstar: I'm sure you'll all be very interested to hear that @LadyGaga now has more followers than @JustinBieber
  • 13:36:47: @RealMissKYusa H A P P Y _ B I R T H D A Y !
  • 13:38:18: @HairyJew4Life @antitheistangie guffaw! i get it!
  • 13:39:51: @cowlovely we will see! she's definitely cold & calculating
  • 13:41:39: @GreenGoddessVV no, MSM got stuck on Trenchcoat Maffia
  • 13:42:59: @cowlovely luckily he was incompetent
  • 13:44:38: @GreenGoddessVV if more guns made us safer, we should be the safest country on earth!
  • 13:45:38: had lunch at #Arbys, a couple there was signing
  • 13:46:03: @CaroWozniacki good win!
  • 13:48:01: "You can't fight here! This is the War Room!" --from Dr Strangelove
  • 13:49:30: @GreenGoddessVV oh-oh, i have Capitalism: A Love Story on my watch list
  • 13:51:01: @dougiemac never been there. what kind of food do they have? sounds like Cajan.
  • 13:52:27: lol RT @HindSight5050: I bet dinosaurs would be pretty psyched to know what they're worth nowadays.
  • 13:53:38: oh me too! RT @HindSight5050: I hope there is a special area of hell reserved for people who write really awful radio commercials.
  • 13:54:52: @GreenGoddessVV i've seen it twice! love it!
  • 13:56:29: @GreenGoddessVV when Chas Ferguson accepted the Oscar, he reminded us that even now no one's gone to jail for trashing the world economy
  • 13:57:40: @brittfromcle2 u mean like a remote desert island?
  • 14:00:02: no Oxford comma *sob*RT @OfficialSkynet: Skynet has taken over. I have thrown out grammar, proper spelling and punctuation. #EarthIsScrewed!
  • 14:01:22: really! RT @kimshannon: Pro secret: Nobody actually LIKES tequila... we just accept it as a part of life, like HPV and chlamydia.
  • 14:01:48: @GreenGoddessVV ouch :(
  • 14:17:17: just broke open a new #Vicks inhaler & used it, it is Strong! strong camphor! whoa!
  • 14:19:13: @Rock_Oholic so are you back on twitter? recovering from your illness? get well soon, tweetie!
  • 14:22:20: my wallpaper at the mo is a pic of #UK pinup #KatiePrice just out shopping, doing ordinary stuff, but showing magnificent #cleavage! *drool*
  • 15:11:04: @Rock_Oholic nobody, just a new follower
  • 19:08:30: sitting in the gazebo w/my sis, her husb, daughter, son, daught-in-law, and grandson
  • 20:38:19: @yourgirlnxtdoor had a great time! just hanging out is my idea of a good visit :)
  • 20:39:50: @yourgirlnxtdoor the son & daught-in-law werent married yet last time i saw them, & the grandson is from the single daughter
  • 20:43:51: @lwdgrfx i hate drugs and i hate the "war on drugs" too
  • 20:45:08: @Spankss cuties!
  • 20:47:36: ha! RT @fcukologist: @LeeLeePotatoes Roaches were put on this earth solely to keep me out of other people's houses. I'm certain.
  • 20:50:37: @LibertyBelle4 @p2fan i'll follow!
  • 20:52:53: @LeeLeePotatoes lmao! have a thing for wasps, eh?
  • 20:53:45: @Twisiren it's his birthday :(
  • 20:55:27: @sassycass13 he's a bum!
  • 20:56:38: @Twisiren agreed. it's time to stop mentioning him
  • 20:58:11: @p2fan btw what is #p2?
  • 20:59:09: omg! RT @_DUKES: But why does Stoudemire tweet in the 3rd person? That's probably his enormous penis tweeting for him.
  • 21:21:45: @sassycass13 go get him!
  • 22:15:09: @Katie_Ferdinand aw, you unfollowed me :(
  • 23:35:28: @yourgirlnxtdoor yes, and generally enjoy each other's company. our middle brother is slightly more difficult, he's very religious
  • 23:37:07: @yourgirlnxtdoor & his wife is hard to get along with too
  • 23:51:39: sis took me home around 8p cuz she wanted to watch #AmericanIdol!

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