
Sunday 3 June 2007

I'm sure i reeked when i got in on Friday night: i hadn't bathed since Thursday morning, and i had slept in my clothes. indeed, in the last couple of hours of bus travel, i realised my mouth tasted like road kill for some reason, so i started downing altoids, eclipse gum, and listerine strips to little effect. once i got home, i immediately brushed my teeth, but i didn't feel like bathing--too much work. didn't get to it saturday either, so it wasn't until this morning that i finally washed florida out of my hair! yesterday and today it has been in the upper 80's here in ohio, hotter than it ever seemed in my 2 weeks in florida.

both dave and a neighbor told me the lid to the fill cap of my car was flipped open a few days ago, so they wondered if someone hadn't stolen some of my gasoline! i haven't started my car yet, but i did turn on the ignition to look at the fuel gauge and the tank still seems full.

i took 17 packs of cigarettes with me and brought 8 back so i only smoked 9 packs in 15 days: that's smoking in a non-smoking world.

i should have gone back to Huntington WV today to see Emily's dance recital but i just didn't feel like making the 2-hour drive. if someone would only invent transporters for real i'd have been there--but i'd also go to Florida more often!

i've already been shopping online! i'm a news junkie disgusted with cnn and headline news lately because there are long stretches when neither is showing breaking news, which is just wrong, so i ended up watching forensic files all evening. when they started repeating, i watched--twice--a tape of Celtic Woman A New Journey, a music performance that i had recorded from PBS, which features 4- and 5-part harmony on several songs, including "Somewhere Over The Rainbow", and decided i needed the dvd, so i found one on eBay. i had hoped to find the 1st season of Banacek on dvds while in Florida but didn't, and the second season of Mission:Impossible is released on Tuesday (O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!) so i've shopped but haven't ordered them yet. life is getting back to normal...that's depressing! i think i'll go for a walk.

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