2012-05-08 05:54:51 (EDT)
@davesib: @DyNama I know 2 also. You and Barb. Know many more FB friends.
2012-05-08 09:13:41 (EDT)
@DyNama: My week on twitter: 13 retweets received, 29 mentions. Via: http://t.co/FMpXMkzg
2012-05-08 11:25:41 (EDT)
@atheismtube: The Atheismtube Daily is out! http://t.co/QzNn0c3s ▸ Top stories today via @hubbit @dynama @abortion_rights @vjack
2012-05-08 11:50:00 (EDT)
@DyNama: @davesib Barb is on twitter?
2012-05-08 12:10:21 (EDT)
@DyNama: Jeannie just called to meet for lunch. i'm not dressed yet
2012-05-08 12:21:44 (EDT)
@DyNama: @davesib i know (or at least have met) nearly all of my facebook friends
2012-05-08 12:58:56 (EDT)
@DyNama: the "#tanorexic" tanning mom looks a different color in every video i see of her. i think some of them had the colors editted
2012-05-08 14:24:55 (EDT)
@DyNama: even tho Jeannie had said she'd be ready by 2p, i was counting on her being late, so i walked uptown for smokes
2012-05-08 14:26:13 (EDT)
@DyNama: @KarenAlloy what a coincidence!
2012-05-08 15:00:43 (EDT)
@DyNama: meeting Jeannie at No 1 China Buffet
2012-05-08 15:43:09 (EDT)
@HootSuite_Help: @dynama New scrollbars shouldn't have an arrow. ^CT
2012-05-08 17:45:39 (EDT)
@DyNama: Jeannie & I had a nice visit, now i'm on my way home
2012-05-08 17:54:50 (EDT)
@dausonlovi: @DyNama right? It cracks me up
2012-05-08 17:59:20 (EDT)
@DyNama: @hootsuite_help when i scroll to the top, the unread msgs get automatically loaded. w/o an up arrow, i cant get to the top
2012-05-08 18:04:38 (EDT)
@DyNama: @hootsuite_help the stream is not at the top, how do i get it there? http://t.co/W7oDhLEq
2012-05-08 18:08:19 (EDT)
@DyNama: @hootsuite_help i swear there was an up arrow until just the past couple days!
2012-05-08 18:11:35 (EDT)
@DyNama: @dausonlovi i'm a tree-hugger but also looove sticky notes, so concerning the contradiction, all i can say is "this tree is already dead" :(
2012-05-08 18:13:06 (EDT)
@DyNama: it's unclear whether #MittRomney's efforts helped "rescue" the missing daughter
2012-05-08 18:21:25 (EDT)
@DyNama: the #Native #American we call #Geronimo was actually named Goyathlay. Geronimo is the #Spanish form of the name Jerome
2012-05-08 18:22:31 (EDT)
@DyNama: @chicky_hip you love love?
2012-05-08 18:22:57 (EDT)
@Chicky_Hip: @DyNama YES!
2012-05-08 18:26:10 (EDT)
@DyNama: @chicky_hip i'm all for it!
2012-05-08 18:29:54 (EDT)
@DyNama: i knew it! RT @hilaryr: #Recovery "Private Jobs Increase More With Democrats in White House" via @BloombergNow http://t.co/LouIeMpY
2012-05-08 18:32:07 (EDT)
@DyNama: @chicky_hip i got straight As just once in my 4yrs of college, my last quarter (semester)
2012-05-08 18:32:42 (EDT)
@FairyDogm0ther: @Chicky_Hip @DyNama ME TOO!
2012-05-08 18:45:01 (EDT)
@DyNama: do you know a single person who's waistline has "exploded"? @bwilliams
2012-05-08 18:46:55 (EDT)
@DyNama: you can find headlines warning about the "#obesity crisis" in the 1950s. this is the longest epidemic ever! @bwilliams
2012-05-08 18:50:44 (EDT)
@what_janet_says: @dynama There seems to be an up arrow in your screenshot, right after the word "messages". http://t.co/wDIwGvcs
2012-05-08 18:52:47 (EDT)
@DyNama: if you are 5'10" and weigh 208 lbs, you only have to gain 2 lbs to go from "overweight" to "obese" @bwilliams. that's not "exploding".
2012-05-08 18:54:53 (EDT)
@DyNama: @what_janet_says you're right, in that clicking on the banner (anywhere) loads the unread msgs, but there used to be 1 in the scrollbar
2012-05-08 18:56:33 (EDT)
@DyNama: @what_janet_says i tend to scroll up with the up arrow reading tweets...
2012-05-08 18:57:38 (EDT)
@DyNama: @what_janet_says now the banner appears, and i accidently click on it where the up arrow used to be, even if i'm not at the top
2012-05-08 18:59:02 (EDT)
@what_janet_says: @dynama @hootsuite_help If clicking on the banner loads the messages, then what is the problem? Isn't that as good as a scrollbar arrow?
2012-05-08 18:59:53 (EDT)
@Chicky_Hip: @DyNama I have always gotten a C every semester!
2012-05-08 19:00:59 (EDT)
@DyNama: @what_janet_says it loads new msgs even if i'm not at the top, before i want it to!
2012-05-08 19:03:26 (EDT)
@DyNama: @what_janet_says if i click where the arrow used to be, i miss all the tweets in between :( http://t.co/rjpjUGAt
2012-05-08 19:04:14 (EDT)
@DyNama: @chicky_hip i ended my freshman year on acedemic probation after getting a D in my major!
2012-05-08 19:13:07 (EDT)
@what_janet_says: @dynama @hootsuite_help Oh, I see what you mean now. You're right.
2012-05-08 19:22:17 (EDT)
@DyNama: @what_janet_says and i think @hootsuite just changed that in the past couple days!
2012-05-08 19:25:29 (EDT)
@DyNama: honey nut #cheerios is good and good for you, but their latest ad is only a half-hearted self-defense
2012-05-08 19:31:42 (EDT)
@DyNama: "There is remarkably little evidence that (people) become #fat because they overeat. (Frank, 1993)"
2012-05-08 19:34:40 (EDT)
@DyNama: the definition of an anti-#obesity crusader is one who has this pervasive fear that someone, somewhere, is enjoying eating something.
2012-05-08 19:36:18 (EDT)
@DyNama: if i'm not mistaken, Bill #Clinton balanced the #budget by increasing revenue
2012-05-08 19:38:11 (EDT)
@DyNama: we could easily cut $1trillion a year out of the defense dept. budget
2012-05-08 19:40:01 (EDT)
@what_janet_says: @dynama @hootsuite_help Might be better if the new "unread messages" box was a bit narrower so it doesn't cover up the top of the scrollbar.
2012-05-08 19:42:26 (EDT)
@DyNama: Pres. #Bush43 added #Medicare Sched D prescription drug coverage without a single thought about how to pay for it
2012-05-08 19:43:14 (EDT)
@DyNama: @what_janet_says yep, that would be perfect!
2012-05-08 19:45:19 (EDT)
@DyNama: the worst thing about adding prescription drug coverage to # Medicare was that the law forbade (!) the govt to negotiate lower prices!
2012-05-08 19:46:42 (EDT)
@DyNama: this @PBS @NewsHour has had stories about both overeating and undereating!
2012-05-08 19:54:21 (EDT)
@DyNama: RT @dynama: @what_janet_says yep, that would be perfect! // @ HootSuite_Help
2012-05-08 19:55:15 (EDT)
@NewsHour: @DyNama balanced news, right? ^TG
2012-05-08 19:56:26 (EDT)
@DyNama: yep, lol RT @newshour: @@DyNama: balanced news, right? ^TG
2012-05-08 20:00:41 (EDT)
@DyNama: @andersoncooper actually i'm sure we all know "limp-wristed" men who claim not to be gay, & manly he-men who are!
2012-05-08 20:28:09 (EDT)
@DyNama: how is the spinning ballet dancers a good ad for #AirFrance again?
2012-05-08 21:44:58 (EDT)
@retiredfirstsgt: @DyNama That's what you get when republicans run the game. Everything for corporations nothing for seniors, disabled and children.
2012-05-08 22:48:36 (EDT)
@DyNama: @retiredfirstsgt yes, i heard the law was essentially written by Big Pharma lobbyists. ppl were starting to get getting cheaper from canada
2012-05-08 23:06:41 (EDT)
@retiredfirstsgt: @DyNama Seniors and unemployed people were going to Canada for meds. Caused a stir there because it caused some shortages
2012-05-08 23:08:37 (EDT)
@DyNama: it's sad that so many will vote to take away rights from others
2012-05-08 23:41:11 (EDT)
@DyNama: don't forget, of the $15trillion #debt, Pres Bush43 ran up $10trillion of it
2012-05-09 01:00:24 (EDT)
@DyNama: most of the commercials of the corporate sponsors of The Avengers are pretty stoopid
2012-05-09 01:34:15 (EDT)
@DyNama: in total medals won at the #Olympics, @MichaelPhelps (16) is 2nd only to #Russian gymnist Larysa Latynina (18)
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