
From Twitter 05.03.2012

2012-05-03 09:32:26 (EDT)
@DyNama: personally i dont think concealed carry is anywhere's near the deterrent that non-concealed is, i.e. a holstered gun on your hip

2012-05-03 09:36:49 (EDT)
@DyNama: we automatically assume doctors are smart until they tell a patient he'll never walk again

2012-05-03 11:22:39 (EDT)
@DyNama: let's get over online petitions. i doubt they are worth much. 1 mentioned on tv has 40,000 "signatures". that's actually not very many.

2012-05-03 11:29:45 (EDT)
@DyNama: my lawn-mower boy is "home-schooled" but he comes over to my house all times of day. i'm glad his schooling doesnt affect his schedule

2012-05-03 11:49:19 (EDT)
@DyNama: yeah, #ensure, nutrition in charge...of draining your wallet

2012-05-03 11:57:38 (EDT)
@DyNama: my friend Jeannie and i apparently dont do breakfast on thursday any more. we havent done it since 15march :( 7 thursdays skipped

2012-05-03 11:58:19 (EDT)
@DyNama: that means she's also skipping yoga, which was the reason she was in town that early

2012-05-03 11:59:50 (EDT)
@DyNama: concussions are bad, no doubt, but padding & helmets are so much better 2day than even a decade ago. why wasnt this an issue then?

2012-05-03 12:12:53 (EDT)
@DyNama: overweight and #obese #pregnant women are far less likely to have #preemies http://t.co/pYWXt0gm

2012-05-03 12:15:51 (EDT)
@DyNama: eat what tastes good, you'll live a long life full of pleasure

2012-05-03 12:20:50 (EDT)
@DyNama: @athumper i heard some ppl say my friend wasnt fit to eat with pigs, but i defended him. i said he was.

2012-05-03 12:31:29 (EDT)
@DyNama: to borrow a phrase from Foghorn Leghorn, i think # Romney is as sharp as a bag of wet mice.

2012-05-03 12:32:33 (EDT)
@aThumper: rofl RT @ DyNama I heard some ppl say my friend wasnt fit to eat with pigs, but i defended him. i said he was.

2012-05-03 12:38:19 (EDT)
@DyNama: has #Romney said 1 word about foreign policy? what will he do about Palestine? Iran? Afghanistan?

2012-05-03 12:40:35 (EDT)
@DyNama: shutup abbreviating acid reflux disease as ARD! we already have an abbreviation: GERD

2012-05-03 14:18:15 (EDT)
@DyNama: the largest porn site on the web gets 4.4billion page views/month, about triple the traffic of #CNN

2012-05-03 14:23:08 (EDT)
@DyNama: i'm having breakfast at Vickie's w/o Jeannie. i got pancakes & scrambled eggs but i got full. my eyes are bigger than my stomach

2012-05-03 14:24:41 (EDT)
@DyNama: i told her i wanted to dance with her in the worst way, and sure enuf, i did.

2012-05-03 15:07:22 (EDT)
@DyNama: there are 887 of those enormous head statues on easter island

2012-05-03 18:02:07 (EDT)
@DyNama: i have a crush on a local middle-aged newswoman but i cant find a good pic of her to add her to my wallpaper :(

2012-05-03 19:14:52 (EDT)
@DyNama: Michelle #Bachmann, who's long on drywall, short on studs herself, enthusiastically endorses #Romney now that he's the only one left

2012-05-03 19:43:52 (EDT)
@DyNama: the Affordable Health Care Act was essentially the bill written by #Repubs in opposition to the reforms pushed by #HillaryClinton in '93

2012-05-03 19:44:39 (EDT)
@DyNama: lol! RT @zuzucupcake: @Chicky_Hip peach or shoe

2012-05-03 19:58:52 (EDT)
@DyNama: i suspect a significant number of our soldiers will vote against their Commander In Chief. that seems wrong.

2012-05-03 20:00:03 (EDT)
@Chicky_Hip: @DyNama In a way, you could say they're voting for who they want to be their Commander in Chief.

2012-05-03 20:19:25 (EDT)
@LHopeD: @DyNama You keep repeating yourself. Alzheimer's?

2012-05-03 20:52:40 (EDT)
@DyNama: @lhoped oldtimers :)

2012-05-03 20:55:52 (EDT)
@DyNama: @lhoped twitter on my phone sometimes will leave a sent tweet in the msg box & hours later i dont know if it went or not so i send it again

2012-05-03 21:00:08 (EDT)
@DyNama: @chicky_hip they dont get a vote for/against their colonel or general, why should they get a vote on their CIC?

2012-05-03 21:02:38 (EDT)
@zuzucupcake: @DyNama @chicky_hip because he is an elected official.

2012-05-03 21:03:07 (EDT)
@DyNama: @lhoped twitter actually wont let you send the same tweet twice in a row. if i'd sent none in between, it would give me an error msg

2012-05-03 21:07:14 (EDT)
@DyNama: @zuzucupcake @Chicky_Hip just seems weird to me.

2012-05-03 21:09:12 (EDT)
@zuzucupcake: @DyNama @chicky_hip it's an interesting point you bring up.

2012-05-03 21:13:27 (EDT)
@DyNama: @zuzucupcake @Chicky_Hip btw i endorse civilian ctrl of the military as spec in the constitution, it's just odd that u get 2 vote 4 ur boss

2012-05-03 21:14:55 (EDT)
@DyNama: @zuzucupcake @Chicky_Hip so would soldiers be more likely to vote for a warmonger or a peacenik?

2012-05-03 21:25:23 (EDT)
@DyNama: every season i see cop shows in which the cop investigates a crime s/he is suspected of committing. in real life that would never happen

2012-05-03 21:26:47 (EDT)
@Chicky_Hip: @DyNama @zuzucupcake It is interesting. I just hate to think of soldiers giving up rights like voting. They already give up so much.

2012-05-03 21:30:16 (EDT)
@DyNama: @chicky_hip that's for sure @zuzucupcake

2012-05-03 21:45:54 (EDT)
@DyNama: @dausonlovi you losing your hearing?

2012-05-03 21:48:00 (EDT)
@dausonlovi: @DyNama yep. I don't hear in my right ear because of an infection and am losing my hearing in my left. It sucks.

2012-05-03 21:55:13 (EDT)
@DyNama: @dausonlovi i'm sure it does. so sorry.

2012-05-03 21:56:51 (EDT)
@dausonlovi: @DyNama meh. It'll be alright.

2012-05-03 21:59:52 (EDT)
@DyNama: @dausonlovi can you sign? i'm just losing a little of the treble like all "old" rockers

2012-05-03 22:02:29 (EDT)
@dausonlovi: @DyNama I started learning a little bit. Still need to get to more classes. Oddly I catch onto it pretty well

2012-05-03 22:06:17 (EDT)
@DyNama: @kathygriffin yeah, but The Mentalist is on!

2012-05-03 22:07:49 (EDT)
@DyNama: @kchenoweth i had a spacebar break once. i would copy a space to the clipboard then press ctrl-v for a space while typing

2012-05-03 22:48:36 (EDT)
@DyNama: i'm no longer going to whine that i dont know how to find a job. i'm going to say that i'm waiting for the right job

2012-05-03 22:48:59 (EDT)
@Tim_in_CT: @DyNama WHy bother looking anymore?

2012-05-04 01:11:41 (EDT)
@DyNama: @tim_in_ct cuz i need COLD BEER money!

2012-05-04 01:32:01 (EDT)
@DyNama: walking uptown for smokes, i found the closer gas station to be locked & they expecting me to go to the bulletproof walk-up window

2012-05-04 01:34:48 (EDT)
@DyNama: i refused. i know i can go in at the farther gas station

2012-05-04 01:36:20 (EDT)
@DyNama: there was a big crowd outside the only uptown bar. 1 guy was holding a pool cue for some reason.

2012-05-04 02:33:44 (EDT)
@DyNama: the gas station that sells beer locks customers out at night; the one that doesnt sell beer lets customers in.

2012-05-04 02:36:00 (EDT)
@DyNama: my neighbor Tammy was sitting on her porch with 3 friends. they were all giggling. i think they were medicated.

2012-05-04 02:37:56 (EDT)
@SagDec15: #FF @JohnHoldenGleek @DyNama @sscoop4 @kbucketusa @ hgn53k @Billy_Cox @SherrieGG @mojokajojo @HenryStradford @ USRealityCheck @RT_com

2012-05-04 02:54:08 (EDT)
@DyNama: ur even gorgeous w/o makeup! RT @ ariannyceleste: Chillin w no makeup on..headed to dreamland.Ὂ¤�http://t.co/3SO4lWoHoH

2012-05-04 03:00:51 (EDT)
@DyNama: if i didnt watch Live With Regis & Kelly, i sure aint going to watch Live Without Regis

2012-05-04 03:01:41 (EDT)
@DyNama: thx! RT @sagdec15: #FF @JohnHoldenGleek @@DyNama: @sscoop4 @kbucketusa @hgn53k @Billy_Cox @SherrieGG @mojokajojo @ HenryStradford...

2012-05-04 03:07:48 (EDT)
@DyNama: i dont know exactly where Engagement, #Ohio, is but it must be between #Dayton anf #Marion (read it out loud)

2012-05-04 03:12:29 (EDT)
@DyNama: how can they try Roger #Clemens for #perjury about taking # steroids when they cant prove he took steroids?

2012-05-04 03:15:47 (EDT)
@DyNama: in @hootsuite i keep 1 of my lists open in a stream but it isnt updating, hasnt updated for almost 5hrs

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