
Monday 10 May 2010

Collected Date: Tue, May 11, 2010 at 12:05 AM

  • 07:45 durn these air mattresses, this one went flat during the night right under me #
  • 08:01 i went to bed around 1130p mostly cuz my dad had ordered lights out at 10p. at 630a i'm ready to get up but he's still slug-a-bed #
  • 08:05 so i have to go outside, but it is pouring rain and cold as hell #
  • 08:06 plus Mom&Dad have the sniffles, and now this morn i feel like i'm coming down w/something too :-( #
  • 08:08 1 more thing to bitch about: betw 1055p my last smoke and about 1125p going to bed, my watch stopped working #
  • 08:10 at Steak'n'Shake last night, my bro paid for everybody's dinner but mine, cuz it was Mothers Day #
  • 08:16 i should stand up to my parents. i should say i wont pay 1/3 of to bill to stumble around w/flashlites, sleep on practically bare floor, #
  • 08:18 do w/o tv, and go out in the cold & rain to smoke #
  • 08:25 this Motel6 charges $3 for internet access #
  • 08:36 @Jamberta i wish!! but on unemploymt i just decided either share a room or skip the trip (my niece getting married) #
  • 08:52 i normallly have a good time w/parents @Jamberta, but this has been prettty bad so far #
  • 09:21 @raghdabutros i didnt say, but i'm almost 58. i'm older than i look :) #
  • 11:15 @raghdabutros it says i've been an Atheist 38yrs. no i'm staying w/parent on a trip. usually we live in different states #
  • 11:16 .@raghdabutros i usually have a good time w/the parents. we actually vaguely like each other #
  • 11:18 the air mattress i used last nite deflated cuz the valve wasnt closed very tighly, so 1 complaint has been somewhat ameliorated #
  • 11:40 breakfast w/the parents at Bob Evans, which is not among my favorite restaurants but it was within walking distance #
  • 15:13 Mom&Dad and I are meeting my bro at Wal-Mart #
I had to buy a new watch! I found a cheap, fairly plain watch, plus I needed fingernail clippers: my mother, whose capacious purse usually has some fingernail clippers, didn't have any with her. Outrageously, my mother used them after we got back to the motel.
  • 18:12 it has been decided, largely w/my acquiescence, that we see a show in Branson called Broadway A Star-Spangled Celebration 10a 2mrro #
  • 23:33 the parents wouldnt watch House or Chuck but Dad was already snoozing so i got to watch Castle instead of his CSI Miami #
  • 23:35 i even got to watch a little news as the lights just now went out instead of 10p sharp #
  • 23:37 at 830p CDT i went for a walk rather than watch a sitcom, found there were even cheaper motels just up the street. Economy Inn is $20.88/nite #
  • 23:38 i havent any idea what that includes, whether they have smoking rms or wi-fi. i couldnt find a webpage for them so i may have to stop in #
  • 23:40 not getting a bed, having a smoking rm, choosing my tv shows or my own bedtime is pretty irritating #
Well, I decided to share the room with my parents to save money as I'm unemployed. The Motel6 was $40 per night, my share is 1/3 or $13.33 so I wasn't seriously considering moving out. They will make me pay my share because they feel like I still have income, my unemployment checks, but their income is fixed (though they do have income from Social Security).
  • 23:43 on the other hand, 2mrro is Dad's birthday. the show we're going to see was Mom's idea but he went along, so i am too, i guess #
  • 23:44 @LHopeD that's the parents. they somehow think i'm being stingy whenever i say i can't afford things #
  • 23:46 tornados touched down in Oklahoma not too far from here. i thot that this was the gustiest weather i ever walked in #
  • 23:49 i have some unlined spandex gloves w/me & i was wearing them during the day. the dreaded wind chill factor! #
  • 23:51 @QuackityQ me too. i don't like that burglary detective moving in on Beckett! i keep hoping something happens to him! [talking about Castle's romantic rival] #
  • 23:53 the lobby of this Motel6 is non-smoking...and closed at 10p, so there's nowhere to sit & smoke in the evening outside #
I guess they didn't need a smoking lobby because they had smoking rooms available.
  • 23:54 is there a difference between hispanic and latino? #
  • 23:55 my brother, who is as devout as i am unreligious, looked at what i was reading, the latest issue of Skeptic magazine #
  • 23:57 he commented about the evolution book advertised on the back cover, that obviously the mag's readers weren't skeptical after all! #
  • 00:00 it's uncanny (actually quite normal, i suppose) how much i am like my father. we both just like puttering around, doing nothing, watching tv #
  • 00:04 @godlessgirl fraid so. we've enjoyed arguing about evolution 4 yrs. but ive been unbeliever for 4 decades, he's been born again only 15yrs #
  • 00:05 @godlessgirl i'm only 11 months older than he #
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