
Wensday 28 October 2009

  • 00:21 @Jamberta @WongoWoman I have bfast @ McDonalds once a week. biscuits & gravy, yummy! #
  • 00:23 @Taby74 hi, Taby. what is Pandora? does it have a box? #
  • 00:26 @WongoWoman me 2. on my trip south last week, all we stopped at was gas stations, but i didnt get food @ any. i'm a fast food kind of guy #
  • 00:28 @Taby74 ah. sounds similar to slacker radio, www.slacker.com #
  • 00:30 @WongoWoman me neither. hot dogs on one of those r oller things #
  • 00:31 @Taby74 it is going good. the parents are rather laid back so we arent running all over doing stuff, which is actually the way i like it #
  • 00:33 @Taby74 got to see my niece today. she's unfortunately a recovering addict so i wasnt sure we'd got together #
  • 00:36 @WongoWoman exactly. or microwave samwiches. i can mwave samwiches @ home. i do like slurpees tho and flavored coffees they call cappaccinos #
  • 00:39 @Taby74 we all love her, of course, but dont know enuf about the drug culture to handle it very well #
  • 00:40 @WongoWoman nitey-nite #
  • 03:19 ♫ Touch Me - The Doors lala.com/zg8S #
  • 03:37 Thanx for the visit, Laura, but durn, we didnt get a picture! # [already had shut down the computer, so messaging posterous was the quickest way to post to facebook]
  • 08:36 jeepers, tweepers, is it morning already? #
  • 08:44 @LindaHNH twitpic.com/n93ui - yum! that's pretty slutty! #
  • 08:53 my parents are a typical example of the stranglehold the unscientific "healthy lifestyle" has on all of us #
They take multiple pills every morning, and their frig and pantry are full of no-fat no-sugar no-salt no-taste stuff. Imagine fat-free half-and-half creamer--what would be the point? Mom's doctor didn't make it an official prescription, but wrote out a recommendation that Mom start taking a nutritional supplement called Red Yeast Rice--when she mentioned it, i thought it was a side dish, not a pill!--that one gets in a health food store for lowering cholesterol. we stopped at a health food store, but at the mo they only had a named brand version that has other stuff in it, $47/month. Mom said she already takes fish oil so wouldn't need that in this pill. I try to point out that they reached their "advanced" age of 77 by not living this so-called "healthy lifestyle". I enjoy everyone's cooking for me, but the lousy-tasting fake butter and fake mayonnaise and artificial sweetener has got to go!
  • 09:02 my morning is ok. how ya doing? #
  • 09:05 @freckle_faced oops, forgot the @. just realized i forgot to get a pic of niece i got together with yesterday, durnit. so how ya doing, Amy? #
  • 09:16 @Jamberta yep, good car food is a neccesity. i once ate a burrito in the car, not noticing that chili & cheese was dripping all over me #
This happened a few years ago. I was actually marvelling at how perfect a burrito was as car food...but i was holding it upside-down, so with ever bite i squeezed more chili and cheese on my steering wheel and pants! to top it off, i was at the end of my laundry cycle, so i was wearing slacks that were dry-clean only! They went in the trash.
  • 09:47 @freckle_faced it's good, tho continuous hot sunny days bore me. i'm too used to Ohio weather i guess #
  • 10:26 heading out with the parents to do the weekly grocery shopping at wal-mart #
  • 12:53 @TJSlipperman i'm in the same boat but a generation older :( #
  • 12:54 @courtney903 i saw Ingrid Michaelson on PBS and enjoyed it #
  • 12:58 @Taby74 pretty in purple! ur such a girly-girl! i love girls w/purple eye shadow #
  • 13:03 calgon, take me away! RT @VariantVal *sigh* I really need to go away for a while #
  • 13:03 @Monicks that is good to know #
  • 13:21 thermometer in shade says 97° RT @freckle_faced: @DyNama I wouldnt mind the sun everyday, but the heat...oh no! #
  • 13:41 taking Mom to her rescheduled doctor's appointment #
  • 14:02 this time Mom got called in to the doc's right on time #
  • 14:43 i found out earlier today that we can see liftoffs at Kennedy Space Ctr from here, and there was one today, but we were busy and missed it #
  • 15:20 Mom and i took Dad home, then went back out to shop a bit. 1st stop, Staple's #
  • 16:00 forgot to check on network cable, so i'm back at Wal-Mart #
  • 17:28 back from shopping. got a cat5e network cable so i can plug my laptop into the parents' DSL #
I think a cat6e cable would be faster, but Wal-Mart was out, and i just needed to plug my laptop into their DSL box for these few weeks. in the past, i was able to uplug the cable going to Dad's puta in this bedroom, but this time, it is caught under furniture and i can't get it out. i was thinking of various connectors and adaptors till Dad pointed out that there was still an empty slot in his DSL box so i just needed a straight cable with "male" plugs at both ends. i presumed just running it down the hall and going into the bedroom through the door would be good enough, but it barely reached so we fished it through the wall.
  • 17:32 if that's Caro Wozniacki, i didnt either RT @TennisTiff @TennisLuvah I didn't know Caro haters even existed. #
Caroline Wozniacki is blonde, Danish, 19, and a terrific tennis player, the finalist in this year's US Open. What's to hate?
  • 17:35 I stood up for a friend today. i overheard someone say he wasnt fit to eat with pigs, and i said he was. #
  • 17:36 there goes all ur porn :( RT @Jamberta Whatever it was doing it is do ne! My computer is restarting! The volume is clean it said! #
  • 17:36 Jamberta RT @DyNama: there goes all ur porn :( \\ shhh I only do that on my husband's computer. ;)
  • 20:30 yes RT @CoryFroomkin: 99 more "yes" responses 2 go! If you want to see me in my Halloween costume, send a "yes" my way. We need 100 of them! #
  • 20:31 @mandiengram "Fun flies when you're doing time" #
  • 20:36 @NICOLENICHOLS i'm in st lucie county so we'd've just seen the contrail, i think. but i presumed Cape Canaveral was way down south of here #
  • 23:34 Mom and I went for a walk at 11p cuz we hadnt got around to it at a more civilized hour #
  • 23:42 i'm supposed to be flying this plane but i'm checking twitter first heh heh #

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