
Saturday 19 May 2007

Today I am "moving" because my brother Bud, his wife Joyce, and daughter Miranda are getting in this evening, and Mom & Dad don't really have room for all of us, so I'll be staying at Kris' house for the time Bud and family are here.

This is graduation day for Natalie! We get there around noon for the 100p ceremony, and friends, let me tell you, the crowd was beautiful! i've never seen so many gorgeous people--of course i'm paying most attention to the distaff side--in one place before! lots of skirts and dresses and long legs and high heels of the sort i usually only see on tv, and bare shoulders and cleavage and long hair, wow! one woman, perhaps 30-ish, walked by several times in a v-neck blouse with magnificent cleavage, and clamdigger slacks (do they still call them that?) and about 3-inch heels, those kind that look like they are made of wood! i don't know where she was going all those times.

We were all wearing genuine leis made of real orchids. A woman who had been friends with Natalie's paternal grandparents when they lived in Hawaii still lived there and had sent fresh leis as a congratulatory gesture, like she had for the other 2 grandchildren. It made it easy looking for the family as we were the only ones wearing flowers!

After the ceremony, who's valedictorian speaker had a weighted gpa of 6.7!, we went to the house of one of the parents of Natalie and her 3 girlfriends to have a party. there was tons of food, wine, beer, etc. and a large crowd of gorgeous people! Nat and her BFF's are gorgeous and all their sisters are too! I told the 4 girls about you all, some of the people who may be reading this, my high school buddies, and how we've been friends for some 37 years! My niece Laura drove me and my nephew Charley to the party, i mention Laura because she and i were the only smokers i saw there, tho there may have been more. Kris brought a huge cake with a picture of the 4 BFF's mugging for the camera in homemade "Seniors" tee-shirts.

After the party, Kris and I went to visit their old horse, Jessa. I am supposed to be allergic to horses but i really don't seem to have any reaction, even when i fed jessa some carrots. there was a big puppy at the stables who took a liking to me, and followed me around with a toy in his mouth hoping i'd throw it for him as i met all the other horses stabled there, some of whom i'd met before.

Then Kris took me to M&D's to gather up my stuff. They were alarmed that i packed up completely but there was no sense leaving anything behind and i wouldnt know what i would need at Kris'. We heard that Bud and family were about to land, would rent a car and drive down from Orlando and get in about 1030p.

I hung out with my brother-in-law Chuck and a long-time friend of his, Joe--originally from Ohio--while his son Victor, and Laura, Charley, and Kris watched a movie. Joe, who in his opinion has been badly treated by a wife and a girlfriend after the relationships broke up, told me i was better off not having a relationship. i could have my 1,000s of post-its and "rent" an attractive woman for as long as i want! Most of the time Chuck and Joe talked about hunting, which is a subject i have no empathy for. Even Charley says he is obsessed with hunting wild turkey. Joe and Victor had been out to Chuck's ranch, Bluefield Ranch Mitigation Bank, trying to kill all the wild hogs running around the place, and had got some that day. Hogs are mean, destructive, and not native to the area, so they have to go.


Unknown said...

Norm, I just checked to see if you might have added an update, lo and behold! you have. We've moved from smoke breaks to cleavage and BFFs, so it sounds like you are having a good time. Didn't Bud and Joyce miss the whole graduation?

DyNama said...

Yes they did miss it completely! they said their daughter had things she didn't want to miss and the dates they could be here were the only "window of opportunity" they could arrange.