
Saturday 25 Feb 06

My parents and i get home from the Ft. Pierce bus station around 345am, and i am weary and feeling grimy. i forgot to put a toothbrush in my carry-on. i get sleep in the bus, i even remembered to bring a pillow, but somehow it doesn't seem the restful kind of sleep, so i sleep the sleep of the dead once i get in bed.

my father always need some help on his computers so he always looks forward to my visits. one computer problem i solved instantly (the best kind of problem!), the same problem on another computer took a few minutes but was uncomplicated.

Mother and i go the community club house to return video tapes to the lending library and work on her jigsaw puzzle she leaves there spread out for anyone to help with. we walk back home and she decides it is not raining any more so we should go ahead and go the greek festival being held in a tent this weekend by a greek orthodox church.

i later get to tease her about her having no future as a weather forcaster as it rains buckets while we're driving there. we have authentic gyros for dinner, i have a Mythos greek beer, we watch some of the children of the church do greek dances while the rain outside is coming down in droves and the runoff is leaving big puddles inside the tent. at one point i'm watching 2 fantastic-looking greek young ladies walk by--one of them really named "Helen" according to her nametag--then i look around and there is an hispanic young man watching them too and he comes over to me and asks, "do you speak hispanic?" and i say no and he says, "in hispanic we would say, 'Mamacita!'"

so this vacation is already taking on an international flair!

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